How to stop PayPal automatic paying in every billing circles?

Discussion in 'General Business' started by U-Tag, Sep 26, 2011.

  1. #1
    I sow that my PayPal account automatically pay money to persons that i already pay. Sometimes PayPal automatically pay at the end of some payments billing circles. So how do i prevent/stop that kind of automatic payments? For example today if i pay $10 for DP then after 30 days my PayPal account again pay DP to $10.
    U-Tag, Sep 26, 2011 IP
  2. plrnexus

    plrnexus Peon

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    This is a recurring payment. Hewre is how to stop it.

    Log into your paypal account. Under the transaction there is a field called payment status (if it is ACTIVE then it is a recurring payment). Next to that field is the DETAILS field. Click on it and then click the CANCEL SUBSCRIPTION button at the bottom of that page that opens.

    There you go.
    plrnexus, Oct 10, 2011 IP
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