How to Monetize My Blogs?

Discussion in 'General Marketing' started by Noitartst, Sep 30, 2023.

  1. #1
    I've already gotten a lot of generalized counsel, and now I'm looking for more specific advice. In any case, here is my general situation:

    I have been working to start several different blogs, but I don't know what specific goods and services to focus on monetizing with. One, for instance, is on social commentary from a rightish perspective, with about twenty posts off the bat, and another is a bunch of pop song adaptations I've used to form a skeleton outline with over a dozen individual posts so far, but I seek your aid in figuring out both what to advertise, specifically.

    WIth my political commentary one, I’ve been recommended selling merchandise (t-shirts, hoodies, yard signs, assundry banners and decorations, etc.) with patriotic designs.via some place, called Redbubble. Beyond that, what about selling news sources and books? Not all my products need to be blatantly political/patriotic, for one thing, and there also should be other ways simply to cater to my demographic constellation, alone.

    And what of my other, song-adaptation-themed blog? More of an artistic/musical audience, and likely with a younger demographic, I'm guessing. I could sell downloadable music, what else, besides of course the ubiquitous merch pitch, coupled with ads to concerts, instruments, etc., as well as themed books and DVDs. How’s that for a start, my friends?

    I also have other potential blog topics, like health, science, the Civil War, international events, etc., but I figured I'd start with these. If anyone has any advice or insight to lend me, please lemme know.


    For my political commentary blog I wanted products advertised like martial-military calendars-planners, mugs with cool logos/images, and one unique version of the American flag with gold stars. And of course that’s not yet even mentioning the near-ubiquitous product staples such as the logo-branded t-shirts, mugs, hoodies, etc. Beyond that, how about branded coffee and hot chocolate? I dunno…

    As for my song-adaptation-themed blog, the products I seek to sell there ain’t quite as defined. Official, downloadable music seems like a good start, of course, followed by the prerequisite t-shirts, mugs, hoodies attuned to music themes, of course. After that, coffee and hot chocolate could probably be well-sold on either blog, but beyond that, I’m currently low on ideas, and am open to others.

    Blogs are:

    There. That's where I'm at. I'm already working with an advisor for blog set-up, but I'm now just basically seeking more specialized counsel for researching and deciding on specific product/services to sell on my blogs set to my specific situation; forgive my testiness, but I've had the wheel reinvented for me more than once, already.
    Noitartst, Sep 30, 2023 IP
  2. AffKing

    AffKing Peon

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    i think u can also use A-ads no need to verify or wait like google adsense
    AffKing, Nov 6, 2023 IP
  3. Mondiad

    Mondiad Greenhorn

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    @Noitartst, if your websites have decent daily traffic, I'd suggest starting by monetizing them with ads. We offer several ad formats including push, native and banners and a big traffic fill rate since we have worldwide coverage. You can cash out starting with 10$, daily and you get 100% revenue share in the first 20 days after sign up. The process of monetization is also super quick and easy. This extra income can also help you later to further expand your opportunities.
    Mondiad, Dec 5, 2023 IP
  4. Luca79

    Luca79 Peon

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    Monetizing a blog requires time, dedication, and a well-planned strategy. Some of the most useful solutions are these, but in general, I would recommend starting with advertising:
    1. Display Advertising: use advertising networks like Google AdSense to display ads on your blog. However, be careful not to overload your site with too many ads, as this could disrupt the user experience.
    2. Affiliate Marketing: join affiliate programs and promote products or services from other companies. You'll earn a commission for every sale generated through your affiliate link.
    3. Webinars and Online Events: host paid webinars or online events. You can charge a fee for participating in live events or accessing recordings.
    4. Donations: add a donation button to your blog, allowing your readers to voluntarily support your work.
    5. Email Marketing: build an email list and use it to promote your products, services, or affiliations. Email marketing can be a powerful tool for engaging your audience.
    6. SEO Optimization: ensure your blog is optimized for search engines (SEO) to increase visibility and attract more organic traffic
    Remember, the key to successful blog monetization is consistency.
    Luca79, Dec 22, 2023 IP
  5. Randall Magwood

    Randall Magwood Active Member

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    Since you have multiple blogs, it shouldn't be hard to find offers to promote. i suggest starting with affiliate marketing - as it's hands off and you can earn great commissions, without having to do anything on the backend of the sale.
    Randall Magwood, Dec 24, 2023 IP
  6. william68cool

    william68cool Peon

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    You could try out they have a blogging platform, but also the entire community focuses on monetization. Do you have a newsletter too?
    william68cool, Feb 19, 2024 IP
  7. ross9

    ross9 Peon

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    For your political commentary blog, consider expanding beyond merchandise to include affiliate marketing with books and publications that resonate with your audience. Exclusive content through subscriptions, custom-designed stationary, and branded consumables like coffee could also be appealing.

    For the song-adaptation blog, think about selling downloadable music, sheet music, and partnering with music education platforms. Themed tech accessories and affiliate ticket sales for concerts could also attract your audience.

    Both blogs could benefit from digital products such as e-books or online courses related to your content, as well as sponsorships with brands that align with your audience's interests. Testing different products will help you understand what resonates best with your audience.
    ross9, Feb 25, 2024 IP
  8. GreenHost.Cloud

    GreenHost.Cloud Member

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    Don't forget to add a personal touch to your political commentary blog by offering martial-military calendars, mugs with unique logos, and a special version of the American flag with gold stars. You can also add logo-branded t-shirts, hoodies, and hot drinks like coffee and hot chocolate to make your blog more engaging and relatable.
    Dive into the world of music adaptation on your blog and offer official downloadable songs, as well as music-themed t-shirts, mugs, and hoodies. To attract a younger audience, consider expanding your product range to include coffee and hot chocolate as well.
    Don't limit yourself to just one topic on your blog. Branch out into different areas such as health, science, the Civil War, and international events. Consult with experts to determine which goods and services will appeal to your target audience and help you maximize your profits.
    GreenHost.Cloud, Feb 28, 2024 IP
  9. ultra_sweet

    ultra_sweet Member

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    Submit your website for ad monetization via an ad network. It's the hassle-less option. After that you can try other suggestions that were mentioned here.
    ultra_sweet, Mar 15, 2024 IP
  10. phoenixtropicals

    phoenixtropicals Member

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    I use Google Adsense (Pay per click ad hosting), Amazon Associates (affiliate marketing, you get a commission every time someone purchasing an item you referred to), and my own (Peer to peer ad hosting). Neither Google or Amazon pay a whole lot but its better than nothing. Adsense is about $20 a month and Amazon about $5 a month. AdsP2p is getting me about $30 a month right now. Once upon a time Adsense was paying me between $150 and $300 per month on my gardening site, but those days are gone. I have no idea why, but somehow Adsense just doesn't pay like it used to.
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2024
    phoenixtropicals, Mar 17, 2024 IP
  11. Bald blond

    Bald blond Peon

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    1 Sponsored articles and cooperation with brands
    Recent indications of the earnings of bloggers and portal publishers identified sponsored articles (30.6 per cent) and brand collaborations (21.3 per cent) as the most effective forms of monetising a blog. A blogger's job is to create and deliver content, so this is the most natural way for them. This has caused controversy in the media, speculating from time to time on the amounts that the most read and popular bloggers earn, for example for publishing one sponsored post. However, before judging a particular blogger for his or her earnings, it is important to consider that the same media expect unbelievably high amounts for advertising. Brands are increasingly choosing bloggers because it is with them that they find a specific target group, a strong community, a large reach and the support provided by the blogger's image.

    There are two ways for bloggers to make money:

    Direct collaboration with a brand or agency
    The chance for such cooperation is with bloggers who have developed their image, have a built community and loyal readers. They are the ones most likely to be approached by advertisers. In this case, brands do not pay for the preparation of one sponsored post, but for reaching the community that the blogger has built up over the years. The blogger's image and reach (number of blog views, number of unique users - UUs) are important. This is an avenue for people who primarily want to make money from being a blogger and want to become recognised online.

    The most common forms of cooperation are: sponsored article, review, product placement, image campaign, competition, sponsored trip, banner ad.

    Starting out as a publisher
    The second option for making money from blogging is to become a publisher. This is a direction for people who do not want to create their image online, but want to make money from the blogs they run, e.g. they have several of them with different topics. As a blog publisher, they can, among other things, earn from sponsored articles published by companies

    2. Advertisements

    It is worth remembering that several factors determine the earnings that can be obtained through this programme. The main ones are the subject matter, the audience of the blog and the way the ads are placed. The billing model in Google AdSense is CPC, or cost per click. This means that you need to have a sufficient number of unique users on the blog to click our ad. A blog with a large audience is likely to earn more. The higher the rate per keyword (paid by the advertiser), the more we will earn.

    The poor evaluation of advertising on blogs may be due to a lack of willingness to expand the knowledge of advertising systems and making mistakes. The failure also has to do with the so-called banner blindness phenomenon, because of which many people are proclaiming the departure of this format


    Selling their own products
    Bloggers rarely choose to sell products or services. In the survey, only 28 people out of 183 indicated this answer, which is 15.3% of all respondents. Selling requires a lot of activity, creativity and entrepreneurship on the part of creators, but it is an area with huge potential and room for improvement.

    Often, an online shop is plugged into a blog or set up on one of the platforms specifically dedicated to e-commerce or ready-made scripts. As popularity and expected conversions increase, bloggers move it to their own sites - in the long run, commissioning a professional online shop pays off much more.

    The basis is a clear, transparent layout, functionality and a clear indication of its presence on the blog. There must be a link back to the shop on the website - either as a tab in the main menu or as a button. Creative selling via an online boutique means an interesting and functionally designed website: anyone who goes to the blog and from there to the online shop is a potential customer. He or she must therefore be able to quickly find what interests him or her, transfer the goods to the shopping cart and then make payment. An eye-catching design is one thing, but functionality counts just as much.

    On top of this, there are also affiliate programmes and affiliate networks, earning through subscriptions - premium content and , there are many possibilities.
    Bald blond, Mar 18, 2024 IP
  12. gerchulino

    gerchulino Greenhorn

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    I use the banners from a-ads<.>com and it works very well for me, to start it can help you.

    But the recommendation is taboola<.>com is the best to make a blog profitable.
    gerchulino, Apr 5, 2024 IP
  13. emanuele pignata

    emanuele pignata Peon

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    There are a lot of sites where they give you their banner to put into. Also you can make some banner where you can take something like 0,01% for every click.
    emanuele pignata, Apr 9, 2024 IP
  14. gerchulino

    gerchulino Greenhorn

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    a-ads<.>com (no requirements) payments in btc.
    adsterra<.>com (with requirements) payments in btc, paypal and payoner.
    Taboola<.>com (with requirements) payments in paypal and payoner. similar adsense
    adbit<.>co (with requirements) payments in btc, paypal and payoner. similar adsense
    coinurl<.>com payments in btc.
    They are the ones I tried and they worked for me.
    gerchulino, Apr 9, 2024 IP
  15. Softirina

    Softirina Greenhorn

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    Well, it's easy :)
    The best way is to accept guest posts to your blog. Of course, it's hard to do it manually through email. That's why I can recommend a reliable (for me) platform Collaborator. I won't spam just search in Google If you want to monetize your blogs, you're a publisher, but you can be an advertiser, too. Amazing, yes? And the cherry on the cake is the affiliate program :)
    I like this platform because it is easy and fast. And you can add a few websites.
    Softirina, Apr 10, 2024 IP
  16. Wale Jesukoya

    Wale Jesukoya Peon

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    Monetizing blogs involves employing various strategies to generate revenue from the content published on your website. Here's a professional guide on how to effectively monetize your blogs:

    1. Advertising: Incorporate display advertisements such as Google AdSense or affiliate marketing banners strategically within your blog posts. Ensure that the ads are relevant to your audience and blend seamlessly with your content to enhance user experience.

    2. Sponsored Content: Collaborate with brands or businesses in your niche to create sponsored posts or reviews. Ensure transparency by clearly labeling sponsored content to maintain trust with your audience.

    3. Affiliate Marketing: Join affiliate programs relevant to your blog's niche and promote products or services through affiliate links within your content. Earn commissions for each sale or referral generated through your affiliate links.

    4. Sell Digital Products: Create and sell digital products such as e-books, online courses, or exclusive content subscriptions related to your blog's topic. Offer valuable insights or resources that resonate with your audience's interests and needs.

    5. Offer Services: Leverage your expertise by offering consulting services, coaching sessions, or freelance writing services related to your blog's niche. Showcase your knowledge and skills to attract clients seeking personalized assistance.

    6. Membership or Subscription Model: Implement a membership or subscription model where users pay a recurring fee to access premium content, exclusive community forums, or member-only resources on your blog.

    7. Sponsored Reviews and Collaborations: Partner with brands for sponsored product reviews, sponsored social media posts, or brand collaborations. Negotiate fair compensation based on your audience reach and engagement metrics.

    8. Email Marketing: Build an email list of engaged subscribers and monetize it by promoting affiliate products, exclusive offers, or premium content through email newsletters. Cultivate relationships with your subscribers to drive conversions and repeat sales.

    9. Sell Physical Products: Develop and sell merchandise, branded products, or print-on-demand items related to your blog's theme. Utilize e-commerce platforms or integrate a shopping cart directly into your website for seamless transactions.

    10. Events and Workshops: Organize events, workshops, or webinars catered to your blog's audience. Offer tickets or registrations for a fee and provide valuable insights, networking opportunities, or hands-on learning experiences.

    11. Utilize Sponsored Ads on Social Media: Promote your blog posts, products, or services through sponsored ads on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn. Target specific demographics or interests to maximize ad effectiveness and ROI.

    12. Evaluate and Optimize: Continuously analyze your monetization strategies, track performance metrics, and experiment with new approaches to optimize revenue generation. Stay adaptable and responsive to evolving trends and audience preferences in your niche.
    By diversifying your monetization strategies and providing valuable content and offerings to your audience, you can effectively generate revenue from your blogs while maintaining integrity and relevance within your niche.
    Wale Jesukoya, Apr 10, 2024 IP
  17. Mark Elijah

    Mark Elijah Banned

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    Got it, you want specific monetization for your blogs:
    Political Blog:
    • Merch (Redbubble): expand to phone cases, bags, stickers. Partner with veteran businesses.
    • Content & Services: subscriptions, consulting, ebooks, online courses.
    • Ads: target conservative companies (gun manufacturers, media outlets).
    Song Adaptation Blog:
    • Sell adaptations as sheet music or downloads.
    • Partner with musicians for original songs based on adaptations.
    • Digital Products: ebooks with comparisons, printables, online workshops.
    • Ads: target music stores, instrument makers, music education platforms.
    Mark Elijah, Apr 14, 2024 IP
  18. Fomin Alex

    Fomin Alex Peon

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    From my experience, blog monetization is only possible by combining two factors: great content and effective distribution. MGID is an excellent platform for this. It can be used both for earning money and promoting content simultaneously. The administrative panel is very user-friendly, and the technical support quickly responds.
    Fomin Alex, Aug 18, 2024 IP
  19. Phile Cody

    Phile Cody Peon

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    Please refer to my personal blog, I don’t make a penny
    Phile Cody, Aug 19, 2024 IP
  20. EugeneDonald25

    EugeneDonald25 Peon

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    It looks attractive.
    EugeneDonald25, Aug 20, 2024 IP