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How to convert a Muslim to an Atheist

Discussion in 'Politics & Religion' started by alexispetrov, Jun 21, 2010.

  1. #1
    This thread is basically a direct response to this.

    My theory on how to convert a Muslim to an Atheist:

    Step 1: Place the subject in a positive and nurturing Atheist environment, in which they know they will not be beaten for failing to pray correctly, flogged for drinking a glass of wine with dinner, butchered for seeking divorce, jailed for a kiss or stoned to death for sex.

    Step 2: Allow the subject to observe the community as a whole, as to have them witness that despite what they are brainwashed into believing, Atheists are in fact (overall) good, charitable people. Let them see an Atheist volunteering at a homeless shelter, helping an older person with their groceries and if in the right place at the right time, perhaps some mob justice for a paedophile or a wife beater.

    Step 3: Let women walk around, or even drive, without a father/brother/husband and no veil. Let them witness how only in Muslim societies does this make them pieces of meat, deserving of being raped or assaulted.

    Step 4: Allow them some time in this environment to appreciate the simple joys of life with equality. Women will find that by being seen as equal to males that they will be able to live up to their true potential, while males will know that when their spouse is loving with them it is because she does in fact love him, and not because he can bash and get away with it.

    I guess that's how I think people would best be converted; when you put someone in a place with no fear, no brainwashing and most importantly no insane punishments for things that are not even crimes, they have the chance to question things they can't (safely) question in other environments.

    *I think this would work especially well for those who are bisexual or homosexual, as they would be able to express themselves without fear of execution, and in some places even have the right to wed their love :)
    alexispetrov, Jun 21, 2010 IP
  2. fastreplies

    fastreplies Banned

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    You mean even if they fuck their goats?


    fastreplies, Jun 21, 2010 IP
  3. Ibn Juferi

    Ibn Juferi Prominent Member

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    Atheists do not have a moral guide to determine what is "good" or "evil", so how do you justify the good, or for that matter, define what is "good"? Added to that is the lack of purpose in the existence of life. Atheism does not explain or justify the reason for existence. So far the answers given to those questions are certainly lacking.

    And I take offense at the silly remarks in the second para above. I certainly walk around and drive freely without anyone bothering me. In fact, I drive to work from Pontian to Johor Bahru every day. So this is just another lie from you who do not know what Muslim women do in their daily lives. Sorry to burst your bubble, but being able to "walk around and drive freely" is not going to make me an Atheist.
    Ibn Juferi, Jun 21, 2010 IP
  4. Will.Spencer

    Will.Spencer NetBuilder

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    We just don't take our answers from a little book written by a homicidal lunatic and that makes you uncomfortable. :p
    Will.Spencer, Jun 21, 2010 IP
    eXe likes this.
  5. alexispetrov

    alexispetrov Peon

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    @fastreplies - I don't know, if they raped a goat they might just have to marry it or something.

    @awinsjclarke - Will's answer more or less covered it. We don't need a "moral guide" such as a god, or a fear in hell, or being stoned to death, to do good things.

    The reason Atheists do good is because of a human desire to do the right thing, a conscience, etc. The reason we do not explain the meaning of life is because ultimately there is no reason for life - there is no meaning - the big bang happened. We happened. We exist. We die. The end.

    The driving comment was referring to places in which Muslim women can't drive, and the comment about being covered is because SO many retards are of the mind that men can't control themselves, which is why women must be covered - "for their own protection". I'm saying that is a farce. If someone is a rapist, they are a rapist whatever their victim is wearing.
    alexispetrov, Jun 21, 2010 IP
  6. dcristo

    dcristo Illustrious Member

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    Not all Muslims are extreme you know. I happen to be dating a Muslim girl and she see's me for who I am. I find this post really weird, one of the big things Atheist's carry on about is not trying to preach to them or convert them. We can all get on in society if we respect each others beliefs. So it sounds a little hypocritical that you are trying to convert a Muslim. I'm not Muslim btw.

    This is not being Atheist this is being human and any good person has these qualities.
    dcristo, Jun 21, 2010 IP
  7. luke12

    luke12 Member

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    I will have to agree with this point. It is almost impossible for an Atheist to convert a Muslim. Why? As mentioned above, there is nothing to offer. That is not a good deal. Do you really expect someone to buy "Live nothing, Die Nothing" ? No.
    Stay tuned for my next thread though, it will make my point much more clearer.
    luke12, Jun 21, 2010 IP
  8. Ibn Juferi

    Ibn Juferi Prominent Member

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    He did not answer the question. In fact simply brushing away the need for a "guide" or "constitution" is just trying to avoid a fundamental issue in human existence. Even you atheists obey traffic laws. Laws don't pop out of "nowhere" without a purpose.

    The irony of this statement is that this corresponds closely to the Islamic definition of human conscience. You just gave another reason why humans are inclined to acknowledge the existence of a Creator.

    That is a very sad thing if this is what you believe. Think. Look around. The world is bigger than that. Humans have a "purpose" of existence...our existence is not simply to fill a void in "evolution" or without any goal for life.

    Well, I can drive and I own a yellow Bumblebee to boot. So you think wrong.

    Nonsense. Covering the awrah is the best thing for a woman to do. I wear the headcover and it is liberating. Try it sometime before you speak.
    Ibn Juferi, Jun 21, 2010 IP
  9. Rebecca

    Rebecca Prominent Member

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    Islam to Atheism - Ex Muslims

    Rebecca, Jun 21, 2010 IP
  10. Ibn Juferi

    Ibn Juferi Prominent Member

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    A whole ton of links for the keyword "from atheism to Islam". One YouTube video is not going to change the fact that other people have rejected Atheism for Islam.
    Ibn Juferi, Jun 21, 2010 IP
  11. Will.Spencer

    Will.Spencer NetBuilder

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    A few well known Muslim converts to Atheism:
    • Shirin Ebadi is an Iranian lawyer, human rights activist
    • Tariq Ali - is a British-Pakistani historian, novelist, filmmaker, political campaigner, and commentator.
    • Muhammad ibn Zakariya al-Razi 10th century Muslim scientist
    • Ayaan Hirsi Ali – Somali-born Dutch feminist, writer, and politician.
    • Ismael Adham – Egyptian writer and philosopher.
    • Loubna Berrada – Dutch liberal politician and former member of the Central Committee for Ex-Muslims.
    • Ali Soilih – Comorian socialist revolutionary and president of the Comoros.
    • Aziz Nesin – Popular Turkish humorist and author of more than 100 books.
    • Zackie Achmat – South African anti-HIV/AIDS activist; founder of the Treatment Action Campaign.
    • Humayun Azad – Bangladeshi writer and scholar.
    • Turan Dursun – Turkish writer and Islamic scholar. He was once a Turkish mufti and later authored many books critical of Islam.
    • Ehsan Jami – Dutch politician and founder of the Dutch Central Committee for Ex-Muslims.
    • Enver Hoxha – Communist dictator who declared Albania the first atheist state, and who has been identified as an "arch-atheist."
    • As'ad Abu Khalil – Lebanese professor of political science at California State University, Stanislaus. He describes himself as an "atheist secularist".
    • Al-Ma'arri – Blind Arab philosopher, poet and writer.
    • Sarmad – 17th century mystical poet and sufi saint, arrived from Persia to India, beheaded for assumed heresy by the Mughal emperor, Aurungzebe. Sarmad renounced Judaism, briefly converting to Islam and then Hinduism. He later denounced all religions and rejected belief in god.
    • Lounès Matoub – Algerian Berber Kabyle singer.
    • Afshin Ellian Iranian professor
    • Ramiz Alia – Albanian communist leader and former president of Albania.
    • Salman Rushdie – British-Indian novelist and essayist.
    • Hassan Bahara – Moroccan-Dutch writer.
    • Hafid Bouazza – Moroccan-Dutch writer.
    • Hossein Derakhshan – Iranian-Canadian journalist and weblogger.
    • Ismail Kadare – World-renowned Albanian writer.
    • Maryam Namazie – Iranian communist, political activist and leader of the British apostate-organization "Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain"
    • Anwar Shaikh – British author of Pakistani descent.
    • Zohra Sehgal – Indian actress who has appeared in several Hindi and English language films.
    • Mirza Fatali Akhundov – 19th century Azerbaijani playwright and philosopher.
    • Taslima Nasrin – Bangladeshi author, feminist, human rights activist and secular humanist.
    • Parvin Darabi- Iranian born American activist, writer and woman's rights activist.
    • Ramil Guliyev sprinter, born to shia parents, he is now "non-religious".
    • Barack Obama, Sr. was a Kenyan senior governmental economist, and the father of Barack Obama
    • Nyamko Sabuni politician in Sweden
    • Ali Sina owner of the faith freedom website
    Will.Spencer, Jun 21, 2010 IP
  12. Ibn Juferi

    Ibn Juferi Prominent Member

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    Most of these people are Islamophobes, I recognise some names. No surprise there. Some people have too much hatred in their hearts that they reject the Light, it happens. Here is a list of reverts to Islam.
    Ibn Juferi, Jun 21, 2010 IP
  13. ChaosTrivia

    ChaosTrivia Active Member

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    Actually, atheists have a benchmark that tells "good" from "evil". This goes something like: If religion is involved, evil won't be too far away.
    Take for example persecutions and discrimination of gay people. A tenet of your (and all other religions') "morals": all atheists find it highly immoral.
    I also think that prevention of birth control is a crime against humanity: if every woman on earth had 6 children like the average Gaza woman, humanity will not survive this century. Prevention of birth control, an elements of all religion, is therefore highly immoral.
    Atheists' classify things not as "good" and "evil", but rather between "acceptable" and "not acceptable". There is nothing "good" in banging your head in the floor 5 times a day. But, its "acceptable", since it doesn't really harm someone.
    We don't think that people should do "good" things. We surely prefer "good" things. But we have no problem with doing just "things", as long as they're acceptable.
    The definition of "acceptable" is necessarily something like: "not doing any harm to any other person".

    Atheist life philosophy is light years more advanced than all religious dogmas. Its greatest advantage: it is based on science - "acceptable" and "non-acceptable" is receiving feedback from human knowledge, and are subject to change, while religions are stuck in the level of knowledge humans had 2000 years ago.

    The difference between atheism and religion on the point of the purpose of life is the following:
    All religious people share a common destiny. They are being TOLD what are they "true destiny", and they follow it blindly. They are homogeneous and do not think independently.
    The atheist is free to chose the purpose of his own life for himself (as long as it is "acceptable").
    Some dedicate their life to science, some go to climb every mountain, some engage in political activism, humanitarian aid, and some try to have the biggest collection of stuffed cockroaches.
    Here is, for example, something only atheists will be willing do to.

    An atheist world means a sane world. A religious world means a world will ignorance, hatred, wars, bigotry, etc'.

    As simple as that.
    ChaosTrivia, Jun 21, 2010 IP
  14. robjones

    robjones Notable Member

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    Islamophobes? And they used to be members? Wonder why?

    Maybe they dislike getting killed for their beliefs (or lack thereof). I've seen supposedly "good" muslims" favor both killing apostates (those that have turned from Islam) and people that insult Islam or Mohammed. Sounds silly to me.

    Nobody gets killed for leaving or insulting atheism.
    robjones, Jun 21, 2010 IP
  15. alexispetrov

    alexispetrov Peon

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    I'm not trying to convert anyone - did you even read the first line of my post? This thread is simply in response to another thread relating to .... screw it, just read the first line.

    Again, not hypocritical as I'm not trying to convert anyone. Just a response. Please read the first line before replying >.<'
    alexispetrov, Jun 21, 2010 IP
  16. alexispetrov

    alexispetrov Peon

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    1) Christ >.<' PLEASE try to read what I said before responding. I said "In places where women can't drive" I was NOT referring specifically to you, nor was I referring specifically to your area. I was referring SPECIFICALLY to "places where women are not allowed to drive". We disagree on a lot of things, but come ON - don't make it sound like I'm saying shit that I'm not. It's like bashing my head against a brick wall trying to respond to you when you don't read/understand the concept of "places women can't drive" as oppose to "where you live".

    2) I don't need to wear something that disgusts me to know I do not like it. Will you try something you already know you do not like or goes against your beliefs before you speak about it? If not, you can STFU.
    alexispetrov, Jun 21, 2010 IP
  17. Ibn Juferi

    Ibn Juferi Prominent Member

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    That's what you say now, after I exposed the fact that I do drive to Johor Bahru for work and I do own a car. You were generalising previously. Now that you realised that this does not make track, you decided to change the story to "suit" the arguments. Sorry, girl, but I ain't fooled by this childish tactic of yours.

    Well I am certainly not going to Shut The Fuck Up, despite that being your innermost desire. I like wearing the tudung (headcover) and it doesn't oppress me at all. Does it bother you so much that women like me wear it by choice, and not otherwise as you allege?
    Ibn Juferi, Jun 21, 2010 IP
  18. Will.Spencer

    Will.Spencer NetBuilder

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    You really should read before posting.
    Will.Spencer, Jun 21, 2010 IP
  19. Ibn Juferi

    Ibn Juferi Prominent Member

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    I don't think its any of your business to tell me what to do. GTFO.
    Ibn Juferi, Jun 21, 2010 IP
  20. hashif

    hashif Well-Known Member

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    Why are people refusing the truth that god almighty is one.........and i can"t understand why people are refusing to submit their will to almighty god..if you submit your will to almighty you are a muslim tht's it.all the messengers told the same thing..worship only one god.."please point out a single versus in quran that is harmful to the world............."
    hashif, Jun 21, 2010 IP