I've seen a couple of not particularly reliable references recently saying that site speed is important for googles ranking. I'd assume that a very slow site could be downgraded but they were talking about pictures size and clean code. Is this something to be concerned about or can I assume this is just a way of penalising really bad sites. On the other hand if it is a scale feature should we be moving away from database driven sites to faster basic html.
Hello... Site speed is the difference between someone staying or leaving quickly... keep me waiting more then 2-3 seconds and im gone! laterz malcolm
Site speed is more attractive as someone mentioned, but it's also good for SEO. Search engines love to rank high speed loading sites higher than slower sites.
I agree but otherwise rankings has nothing to do with your site loading time but it would be of no use if rank #1 for your keywords but a visitor is unable to open your site and gets annoyed by the time taken in loading the site so the visitor (maybe your possible buyer) would definitely go to the #2 site.
Hey guys, I forgot to mention that you can also use this site to check your website's speed www.websiteoptimization.com/services/analyze/ Cheers
Site loading speed is much important factor for traffic. IF you site takes much time to load it contents, simply viewers skip from the site. That will make you to lose your traffic and also raise your bounce rate. So beware of site speed.
Hey so, it's really important to have a quick speed on your site. The slower the site the more people will leave as they can't be bothered waiting!
Speed is very important if you want visitors to stick around or come back in the future. Just make sure its faster than this website...
Nice tips. thanks Emm..same here. Also the possibility I will be returning to that particular site is very low.
Today every one believe in speed. If your website is not being open in fraction of seconds then you can loose your potential customers. For increase your website speed at server you should know about following things. 1. Your web server should have good response time. When ever we request for any website that should be open as quick as possible. 2. Your web page should not have too much weight. that should be less than 25kb. Use advance designing techniques. 3. Browser compatibility play an important role in loading website in proper format and attractive and browser compatible website can stick visitors. for more information...........i m always here.
Well, speed is much important nowadays ! Thats why its said to use a better host and make a site which is fast and not delays while opening. Otherwise people won't visit your site if it doesn't opens quickly. - Digital -
My friend has attended a conference in LA and was told that speed becomes more and more important factor of site's position because it characterizes its quality.
Loading speed is very important, because there is nearly always an alternative site to go to instead, you risk losing a visitor forever with slow loading pages. Some sites i just never go back to because they are appallingly slow.
IMO website / page loading speed also depends on the hosting server. Most important to overcome this issue is avoiding high quality image formats on main page will help loading page faster.
i have fast local server in my country but what happen when you are in another country? is there any local bot?