how does twitter works for website promotion

Discussion in 'Twitter' started by SELINA47, Feb 28, 2010.

  1. #1
    i think twitter is good source for website promotion,
    please tell me how you promote your website using twitter.
    thanks in advance :)
    SELINA47, Feb 28, 2010 IP
  2. mdvonline

    mdvonline Peon

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    This is something I am working on perfercting. When I talk to the experts, they tell me its a good relationship tool, it is not for direct sales or money.
    mdvonline, Feb 28, 2010 IP
  3. suganindia

    suganindia Peon

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    #3 a twitter profile for your site
    2. work on quality content and the retweets will come your way and also the traffic and also your followers
    3.your growth multiplies and you'll never look back

    but don't spam with links , do the genuine way
    suganindia, Feb 28, 2010 IP
  4. tdolan

    tdolan Peon

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    Go to the side bar Then in the search box type in the keyword(s) that interest you or that are directly related to the niche you want to promote. For example: make money at home or affiliate marketing etc. Then in your search results youll get a whole bunch of people that are already in the topic/niche you searched for. These people are your Prospects. They are the people who have the same interest as You. Next... go through each and every one of those persons and pre screen them by clicking on their picture to the left of their posts. Once you click someones picture, a new page will show where you have the option to follow that person. Just read their BIO or Profile, and if you see that they really are interested in that niche and are not just a bunch of random SPAMMERS.... then Follow that person. In their BIO you'll see for example: 26 years old, Internet Marketing, I like writing my own paycheck! <= Here it is obvious that this person is an internet marketer. If you also are an internet marketer then by all means you should Follow. Later this person might buy something from you or vise versa. Next you can follow the people that are following that particular person, of course only if they qualify as I mentioned above. This will help you build your Following list fast.
    The next part is the Best part... It's quite simple, if you follow someone chances are they will follow you back. this is very powerful! Also tweet often => build up your Tweets. This is the basics Do this over and over and soon you'll be amazed at how many followers you have. The more the Better! Remember the screening process because you want only targeted traffic pertinent to your niche. Once you have hundreds of people Following You, chances are you'll make some Money. Use this traffic to your advantage. Send them to your Blog or Website where you can Squeeze them put them on your list and possibly make sales when they visit.
    tdolan, Feb 28, 2010 IP
  5. Sensei.Design

    Sensei.Design Prominent Member

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    well for my german websites it works perfectly as I was able to build gain a number of high quality followers on my account there but it's harder for my english sites, as there are way much spammy accounts on twitter and of course it's harder to find the better ones
    Sensei.Design, Feb 28, 2010 IP
  6. GoDonorJulian

    GoDonorJulian Peon

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    find a twitter account with a similar niche, then add all of their friends.

    Once you have a decent following, send people to your site via your tweets.
    GoDonorJulian, Feb 28, 2010 IP
  7. Ascendancy

    Ascendancy Active Member

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    ReTweets is really where the traffic comes from. Building up great content and an interesting article is only half the battle. Bringing in interested readers who enjoy your content and who may ReTweet it is where you'll gain your traffic and marketing! If you can get enough ReTweets, you may be lucky enough to hit the popular section of TweetMeme... which can send boatloads of traffic to your site.
    Ascendancy, Feb 28, 2010 IP
  8. SELINA47

    SELINA47 Peon

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    @all thanks for the help

    can you please explain what is retweets, i know what is tweets but what's retweet. i am new to twitter marketing , so can you please explain.
    SELINA47, Feb 28, 2010 IP