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How do you communicate social impact in marketing?

Discussion in 'General Marketing' started by Nicola Telford, May 10, 2022.

  1. #1
    Hi everyone?
    I'm working on something to try and inject some social impact into marketing but I need some help validating the idea.
    Would you be able to do this short survey to help me please? https://viewsforchange.typeform.com/to/qbz4y6HL
    Thanks so much in advance!
    Nicola Telford, May 10, 2022 IP
  2. robertcoble

    robertcoble Greenhorn

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    There's no one formula for how to communicate social impact in marketing, as the most effective approach will vary depending on the specific product or service being marketed and the target audience. However, some tips on how to do this effectively include:

    -Making it clear what the social impact is and what issues it addresses
    -Explaining how the product or service can help address these issues
    -Making it easy for people to support the social impact initiatives of the brand
    -Using creative and engaging marketing materials that capture people's attention
    robertcoble, May 17, 2022 IP
  3. SEOWorkStation

    SEOWorkStation Greenhorn

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    As the way you communicate social impact in marketing will vary depending on the product or service you're selling. However, a few general tips include:

    - Making it clear how your product or service can benefit society as a whole, not just individual consumers
    - Telling stories about how your product or service has helped people and communities in need
    - Using social media to share positive news and stories about your company's work in the community
    - Creating campaigns that challenge people to think about the world in a different way and inspire them to take action
    SEOWorkStation, May 17, 2022 IP
  4. Peter Reinhard

    Peter Reinhard Member

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    to prove and to improve and boost evaluation ROI
    Peter Reinhard, May 18, 2022 IP