How do I become a successful blogger?

Discussion in 'Blogging' started by aseriesoffailedattempts, Nov 11, 2013.

  1. Crystal Duna

    Crystal Duna Peon

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    The thing with doing a blog, it takes a lot of time and work. You really have to add content all the time. I work a full time job, so I don't get to post everyday or I would. I am still new to doing a blog as well. I have only been doing it for about 3 months. The big thing is to not give up if you want to be successful. It can get a bit frustrating, but if this is something you feel passionate about doing than you have to put the time in. I have changed the layout of my blog 3 times. It can be a bit of trial and error to figure out what works best. You also need to have good content of what you talk about and put in the blog. In the future I will be adding a forum to my blog as well. I am hoping to do this in the next 2-3 months maybe sooner if I can. I do think you need to change the color of your blog. The orange color is hard on the eyes. I hope this helps. Best of luck in your journey :) You can check out my blog at
    Crystal Duna, Jan 1, 2014 IP
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  2. Pioneer Preparedness

    Pioneer Preparedness Peon

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    Love this thread, thank you. Great info as I am getting started and this is just what I need! :)
    Pioneer Preparedness, Feb 1, 2014 IP
  3. Sarah Davis

    Sarah Davis Active Member

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    Keep writing articles all the time. Try to post a new article every day. Make sure your articles are unique and informative. Readers will come naturally if you keep doing this. Maybe even hold a contest, as this can get you a lot of traffic. Try guest blogging too, and allow guest posts on your blog.
    Sarah Davis, Feb 2, 2014 IP
  4. jschuman

    jschuman Active Member

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    If you like to write do it daily. Mix up long articles off 400-500 words with shorter snippets of 100-200 words. When you are tired of writing or too busy outsource it to a freelance writer.

    Also post some videos from You Tube that are relevant to your niche. It adds some nice variety and life to your blog. Finally bookmark your blog posts using Only Wire or a similar service to get your posts out in the marketplace where readers and search engines can find them.
    jschuman, Feb 2, 2014 IP
  5. Vishakha Bajaj

    Vishakha Bajaj Active Member

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    Your blog is well designed but try to make it more interactive by modifying its html codes and post more quality post.
    Vishakha Bajaj, Feb 5, 2014 IP
  6. Romy Lakip

    Romy Lakip Peon

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    The first thing to do is go to and type in a keyword that is relevant to my niche. For me, this could be "spirituality", "Buddhism", "New Age", etc. For you, it might be "marketing", "SEO", "Fly Fishing", or whatever.

    In the results, there will be blog posts that have ranked well and been shared a lot. I'll use this information to generate blog post ideas that seem popular and I'll create a list of topics. I usually have around 30 - 60 topics in my list.

    Next, I'll begin writing an article for each topic. Each article gets scheduled for posting on my blog, one per day. Once I have about a month of posts scheduled, I can sit back and begin working on my next round of posts without feeling rushed or overwhelmed.

    Generating high quality content on a niche blog to engage your readers is not as difficult as it may seem. It just takes a little work!

    This will at least give you an idea of what to write about. If you end up hiring someone else to write for you you can give them examples of the content you want written. Hope this helps!
    Romy Lakip, Sep 23, 2014 IP