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Discussion in 'HTML & Website Design' started by mohsin qureshi, Dec 16, 2015.

  1. #1
    Hello everone,
    How can you describe "backend" and "frontend" in very simple and easy way ?

    Your reply in "points" about both will be highly appreciated.
    Thanks in advance
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    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 16, 2015
    mohsin qureshi, Dec 16, 2015 IP
  2. Doctor Tech

    Doctor Tech Member

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    I will assume you mean in the context of web-development.
    Front end of a website is the presented part that users interact with, and backend is where the server, database, or application is managed for the website to function.
    Doctor Tech, Dec 16, 2015 IP
  3. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    Front End
    • no login to access - or few restrictions to being able to login
    • searchable on google
    Back End
    • administrator level access
    • ability to add, edit or delete content
    If you are familiar with WordPress then the "site" is the front end and wp-admin is the backend
    sarahk, Dec 16, 2015 IP
  4. Mystique

    Mystique Well-Known Member

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    I would see front end and back end much in the way on-stage and backstage activities can be seen;

    Whatever the public can watch happens on-stage when people attend a concert; the show itself.

    However what the attendants cannot see is what happens backstage; mounting the lights, test the sound, design the scenography, and so on.

    Similarly, the front-end of a site is what surfers can see regardless what page land on, while the back-end is the administrative section, which "door" a regular surfer may or may not find, but a door he or she cannot trespass because is protected by a password, same backstage doors are guarded by a security team ;)
    Mystique, Dec 16, 2015 IP
    sarahk likes this.
  5. #5
    I disagree somewhat with @Mystique's explanation as things like the admin panel STILL have a front-end, that's how the administrator accesses it! If it didn't have front end code, it wouldn't be very useful.

    A "front" end is any interface that a user -- be it a website visitor, moderator, administrator, editor, what have you -- interacts with. That may be a HTML+CSS+JS front end, a command line interface, a windowing system, those are all "front end".

    In that way @Doctor Tech has it right, anything that lets us mere mortals interact with the system -- what shows us text or graphics and let's us enter data is a "front end". The "back end" is all the stuff going on behind the scenes to make that happen.

    In web technology there's a second pair of terms that clarify the meaning a great deal and they directly correspond to front-end and back-end. "Client Side" and "server-side"

    Client side is anything that is fed to or runs in the browser... which is a pretty short list; HTML, CSS, JavaScript being client side code, though static files like images, flash, movies etc can also be considered client-side data. That's all "front-end".

    Server side means anything used to serve or create those files. HTTP servers like iiS, Apache, ngnix, lightspeed, cheyenne, etc are all server-side software and therein "back end". Programming languages like PHP and Perl are "back end" since they manipulate and generate the HTTP front end that is sent client-side. The databases they accesses like

    There ARE cases where that line gets blurred. Java and .NET are stunning examples of this as they can be used for back-end on the server, for client-side software, or for "native" applications. (Though as interpreted bytecode with JIT compilation I'm making air quotes around "native" like a second rate Doctor Evil!) In that case what it's being used for is the determining factor. You can also run javascript on servers now or for native applications using things like nw.js or electron.

    Even more confusing is that you can now build applications using nw.js, electron, or the artist formerly known as metro that are built with HTML, CSS and JavaScript, but handle both front-end and back-end through extensions to JavaScript despite being a strictly client-side implementation.

    One thing a back end decidedly is NOT is something like an admin panel you log in through -- since if there's a login and it does stuff it must have SOME form of user interface, and that UI is by definition front-end code! cPanel, ISPConfig, or phpMyAdmin for example may be all server administration stuff, but it has a front-end and a back-end just like any other website. It's sending you HTML so you can use the page, that HTML+CSS+JS is a "front end".

    Just because it's password locked-out doesn't mean it doesn't have a front-end, as then how the **** are you entering the password?!?

    Even native applications have a front-end. It's the interface presented to the user. From games to business applications there's a front-end and a back-end. The front-end is the user-interface, the back-end being everything else.
    deathshadow, Dec 17, 2015 IP
  6. hichnaj

    hichnaj Greenhorn

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    Frontend is simply the users and visitors side.

    The backend is the administrators side.

    Just as simple as that
    hichnaj, Dec 18, 2015 IP
  7. PoPSiCLe

    PoPSiCLe Illustrious Member

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    No, that is just wrong. While front-end usually is the user-facing side of things, as @deathshadow already pointed out, the administrator interface is ALSO a front-end, to ease the work for the administrators. The back-end is what goes on under the hood - the code that actually makes the site work, pulling, inputting and interprete data from the database, make sure everything is in place, pulling content from other services or APIs, and so on.
    PoPSiCLe, Dec 18, 2015 IP