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How can one set goal in his life?

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by shailenderkumar, Sep 16, 2019.

  1. #1
    Hi Friends,

    Recently I've started reading a few motivational books and all of them suggest you set a goal in your life.

    My problem here is how one can choose any goal?

    I'm a salaried professional, with wife and kids. Everything seems to be going fine. Job is good, family life is good. So how can I choose the goal?

    Your suggestions would be appreciated.
    shailenderkumar, Sep 16, 2019 IP
  2. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    Is there nothing you aspire to?
    Maybe your goals are as simple as to be a great father, husband, and employee.
    How do you define success as a father? husband? employee?

    Having goals stops you from stagnating but doesn't mean you have to be dissatisfied with your life now. It will make you mindful and appreciative of what you have.

    Key question: if you don't have dissatisfaction, why were you reading the books?
    sarahk, Sep 16, 2019 IP
    jrbiz likes this.
  3. Spoiltdiva

    Spoiltdiva Acclaimed Member

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    Life ought to be about the pursuit of happiness. Perhaps you have already reached your goal. Therefore relax, take some time and enjoy the fruits of your labor.
    Spoiltdiva, Sep 17, 2019 IP
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  4. JoeSpirit

    JoeSpirit Well-Known Member

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    Figure out exactly where you want to be 10 years from now. Write that down. That's a goal.

    If you're already there - well, what Spoiltdiva said.
    JoeSpirit, Sep 17, 2019 IP
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  5. Mike2718

    Mike2718 Greenhorn

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    I choose very simple goals and keep them on my phone, using Google Keep Notes app. You cannot have more than a few goals. It is known as called "index card" approach, when you keep rules on an index card.

    Also, make sure you don't do this too hard. Otherwise it will put pressure on you and it will kill the creativity. Do you think artists set goals? LOL

    But some more or less lightweight goals that you can use as daily reminders can be good. E.g. "be in good physical shape by 2022" - this kind of goal is bad, as it adds pressure and you cannot predict anything like this. While, "Go to gym once a week" - is a good goal.
    Mike2718, Nov 18, 2019 IP
  6. SycamorePond

    SycamorePond Greenhorn

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    Imagine a man you would consider to be better than you. He has achieved something that give you the feeling he is your superior and deserves your respect.

    Now describe traits of this man. What has he done to achieve that status? Does he make more than you? Have an impressive talent? Whatever it may be, set that as your goal. Become that man.
    SycamorePond, Nov 18, 2019 IP
  7. WebDeveloperSahil

    WebDeveloperSahil Active Member

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    have a look at it

    WebDeveloperSahil, Nov 18, 2019 IP
  8. nshep

    nshep Greenhorn

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    Is there anything that gets you fired up going after it? Something that helps you get out of bed in the morning because you look forward to doing it? Makes your pulse quicked in a good way? If you find something like that, you might find a goal for yourself.

    One thing that I will say is also that it can make sense to become less goal oriented and more process oriented. For example, I used to set goals like "I want to gain X amount of muscle" or "I want to earn Y amount of money". While this might have motivated me to take action, it can also be incredibly demotivating when you feel like you are not reaching your results.

    These days, I set a lot of goals that are more process oriented, for example, "I want to go to the gym four times a week", "I want to eat 30g of protein every meal", "I want to publish two blog posts per week". These are much more achievable than the big end result, they keep me motivated, and, in the end, also lead to the results I want to achieve.

    I hope this makes sense.
    nshep, Nov 19, 2019 IP
  9. dcristo

    dcristo Illustrious Member

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    Your goals should align with your values and help to achieve long term goals. Ask yourself what's important to you?
    dcristo, Nov 19, 2019 IP