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How can i earn £10,000 a day doing nothing?

Discussion in 'General Business' started by tony84, Mar 11, 2008.

  1. dhana_space1

    dhana_space1 Peon

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    Well Said, But people want "Quick Money". thats is the big problem.
    As soon as they start their business, the very first day they want to earn $1000 . how is it possible ?
    and they will wait for few days...and close their business.
    I think, there are certain % people in the world are like that...
    It is difficult to change them...
    why should change them ? ha ha ha :D:D:D
    dhana_space1, Mar 21, 2008 IP
  2. SEOLinker

    SEOLinker Banned

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    "there are certain % people in the world are like that..." not certain, but actually VERY big:)
    SEOLinker, Mar 21, 2008 IP
  3. Sam 735

    Sam 735 Well-Known Member

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    You have a point...But you summary says that this forum is useless cause noone wants to share the secrets. But advice can be useful, communication and support. We have one thing in common: all of us want to get MONEY...
    As to 'doing nothing' I feel that this position can't bring profits...
    Sam 735, Mar 21, 2008 IP
  4. -RooneY-

    -RooneY- Peon

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    We need to spend 23 hours 59 minutes working on our skills. 1 min to think about the money. Money comes automatically if you apply skills with business skills.
    -RooneY-, Mar 21, 2008 IP
  5. RedXer

    RedXer Peon

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    Agreed with the OP.

    Get rich quick schemes are for stupid and lazy people. The people who market them are good at what they do though. I always wonder how real those early morning infomercials about real estate pyramid schemes are.
    RedXer, Mar 21, 2008 IP
  6. onemilliondollarday.com

    onemilliondollarday.com Peon

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    These are the people you can get a good business that has been mismanaged for a bargain. I have bought many sites and turned them into profitable ventures after the former owner gave up. People will spend thousands on web design and content and then expect people to know their site exists with no advertising. They get no sales and then give up, leaving a business ready for sales with a little advertising.
    onemilliondollarday.com, Mar 21, 2008 IP
  7. deccanbazaar.biz

    deccanbazaar.biz Banned

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    the game is in your brain but you are searching for the right time :) try to gain as much knowledge as you can until you come to a conclusion that its not dificult to make that money online :D
    deccanbazaar.biz, Mar 21, 2008 IP
  8. tommygswfc

    tommygswfc Peon

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    Of course you can't, can you name a single person who makes money doing nothing, even to win the lottery you have to buy a ticket in the first place lol.

    NO Pain NO Gain
    tommygswfc, Mar 22, 2008 IP
  9. sajidmm

    sajidmm Peon

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    cut the crap.. you can earn good money, if you work smart. its not about hard work. it's all about smart work.
    sajidmm, Mar 22, 2008 IP
  10. silveraden

    silveraden Banned

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    Be like Bil gates and you earn more than that doing nothing..LOL
    silveraden, Mar 22, 2008 IP
  11. onlinedating

    onlinedating Member

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    What's funny to me is those that sell an eBook titled, "How I Made 49,372 in a Month" and they're trying to get people on the DP Forums to buy it for $5.

    "First five people get it for $5 then I'm raising the price to $7"

    Perhaps they should just stick with the so-called methods in the ebook they wrote. It sounds a lot more profitable then selling 20 copies of an ebook for $5-$10. And here I used to think they were just giving back to the community! :)
    onlinedating, Mar 22, 2008 IP
  12. denniss

    denniss Well-Known Member

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    I would say that if you've been a webmaster for two years and you're still earning $30/50 per month you'd better quit it altogether, even if you started off with 0 computer skills. $360-600/year revenues are clearly not worth the time invested, most people get as much in one or two weeks of work at their real job.

    Unless of course you're doing it as a hobby and not for the money, which is a completely different topic.

    Just my 2 cents.
    denniss, Mar 22, 2008 IP
    SEOLinker likes this.
  13. DigitalPointer

    DigitalPointer Banned

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    Enjoyable read.

    It is good to get a nice dose of reality to help balance out the hype.

    One thing that I like to do in order to get a good idea of what is possible to earn some good money online

    is to do research.

    For instance,

    What do most people search for?

    There are quite a few softwares that are available even some for free

    that will show you what profitable keywords people are looking for.

    Imagine finding out that one of those "longtailed keywords" or search phrases

    was "buy ________"

    Then you would have an idea of how much *demand* there is for whatever was in that blank and

    know that people are actively searching for it...(especially if your keyword research tool reports *real time* results ;)

    Then you get the age old wisdom of

    finding out where people who are buying _________ like to network and hang out.

    You can join a forum that they are part of and find out what sort of problems they are having

    and what kind of solutions they are looking for.

    You can then take that information and pay a staff to do research to get those solutions.

    Next, what sort of medium does that person or people in that group, let's just call them

    "niche market" for discussion purposes prefer to receive their solution in?

    Is it to watch it on DVD?

    Is it a cd that's part of the package and shipped to their house or office?

    Is it a magazine?

    A hardbound or paperback book?

    Is it MP3 that they can listen to?

    Is pdf or ebook more convenient?

    After finding out, it then becomes easier to know how to best serve them.

    The content can be arranged in a way where it gets their attention, moves
    at a fast and engaging pace that is enjoyable for them

    and really provides them the solution they are looking for to the problems
    that they have now overcome... thanks to you!

    Of course you'll need to let them know that what they are looking to buy is now available

    and do your research on where it is that they like to buy things and go through the proper channels
    for conducting business as well.

    That brings us to copywriting.

    Bringing out the *main benefit* and using it in your headline that gets attention and promises the big
    benefit that they will enjoy after owning your product will do well to get them ready to find out more.

    You can use video, audio, television, radio, print and online media to let's just say "market" your
    products and services.

    Of course you have already targeted or focused on learning as much as you can about your market
    first, so you know what they are looking for and have it ready to provide to them.

    Setting up systems to deliver their products with support and customer service

    will go along way into ensuring your new clients are happy with your products, services and your business!

    Next, you can follow up with them offering them free resources to help them get the most out of their
    products and services

    and even offer other valuable, relevant products that provide more of the same solutions that they
    already told you they wanted to buy.

    Now that you've got a decent income stream of satisfied clients who give testimonials
    and word of mouth referrals,

    You are ready to hire more staff to do all of the above tasks for you and expand your business.

    By paying your staff well and keeping them happy, they will be comfortable enough to provide

    their talents in a way that really moves your business ahead.

    By paying them a set salary weekly, you can realize profits off each sale that more than pay for the

    laborers on your team.

    This may not be "doing nothing" or make you $10,000 lbs. in your first day...

    but I hope it may provide someone with some useful information on ways they could

    explore the possibilities of moving forward with their entrepreneurial dreams and goals.

    Thanks for bringing up a wonderful discussion and happy holiday!

    DigitalPointer, Mar 22, 2008 IP
  14. PRC

    PRC Well-Known Member

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    Yeah you see this all the time..
    PRC, Mar 23, 2008 IP
  15. ziya

    ziya Well-Known Member

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    tony84 can you tell me please , how many websites do you have ?
    ziya, Mar 23, 2008 IP
  16. vijayan

    vijayan Peon

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    Well, in my view, You are 100% correct tony 84 and I am also like you who didn't know anything when i started doing this at the age of 18 and now I am turned 21 and I am earning a lot than the wages of the government workern in my country and i love to do so.I started from 40 budget and $0 skill and now io can do php coding , SEO and have many marketing ideas in my vampire brain.

    Till now people mostly from the developing country still think that making money from online is easy and they shouldn't work to make money online which makes them very depressed when they go it a hard struggling field.
    vijayan, Mar 23, 2008 IP
  17. SEOLinker

    SEOLinker Banned

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    vijayan, I hope you mean not "40 budget and $0 skill " but $40 budget, and 0 skill, lmao

    Also it's already have been said, if 2 years passed and you earning $40 a month, it's not worth it! ABSOLUTELY!
    SEOLinker, Mar 23, 2008 IP
  18. Reviewz

    Reviewz Peon

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    It depends how much work he is putting into this. If he put in a lot of sweat and toil, then....yeah, it is not worth it. Better get another job...even Mc Donalds will pay much more than that.

    Actually, now you all know why rich people never bother trying to make money online. It's peanuts to them...to us webmasters, $300,000 a month is A LOT, but not to them....

    Like EPL footballers...for example.
    Reviewz, Mar 23, 2008 IP
  19. SEOLinker

    SEOLinker Banned

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    Mmm....well, yeah....but hey, $300k a month is somewhat really big in offline as well. Cost of company (or persons worth) will be $10-20m in that case. I wouldn't call that peanuts, hehe:) But of course not billions, make another google, facebook, digg and so on. That all internet projects (as well as offline partly) and owners are billionares:)

    As for this guy, I just assume he is a bit lazy or not putting anything into it. It's probably some adsense autopilot site which bring $1-$2/day with 50-100 uniques a day:)
    SEOLinker, Mar 23, 2008 IP
  20. denniss

    denniss Well-Known Member

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    I second that. One can make that much in just a few of hours at the most miserable type of jobs = factory, phone solicitor, sales clerk, etc...

    If $40/month is all you make after spending two years learning how to make that, abandon it and concentrate on your day job instead. Maybe take an extra shift or so ;)
    denniss, Mar 23, 2008 IP