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Highest Paying Affiliates?

Discussion in 'Affiliate Programs' started by sensational, Dec 3, 2008.

  1. #1
    Can you all tell me what affiliate programs pay the highest commissions?

    Other than ClickBank.

    I use to do ebay. I use to think they were the best and easiest but now they really suck! Pure greed!

    Google also sucks! I really can't imagine why so many put in so much effort for fractions of a penny. Also the risk that they will just close your account without telling you specifically why. Thats what they did to me. It took a year for me to get to pennies under $100 and get my first payment and they shut me down.

    sensational, Dec 3, 2008 IP
  2. potentmix

    potentmix Peon

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    For me, it remains eBay. I agree, they suck, but if you can put up with their wierdness, nothing converts like eBay. Re: Google - they dumped you for a reason. They never terminate without a reason. Probably you violated their TOS.

    Don't you use the tool in your sig? That assures that you can earn hundreds of thousands per month. Ah! There's the answer.
    potentmix, Dec 3, 2008 IP
    DPParadise likes this.
  3. getjimmy

    getjimmy Prominent Member

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    What kind of offers u r looking at,CPA or CPS?
    getjimmy, Dec 3, 2008 IP
  4. johnkhoo

    johnkhoo Peon

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    I would suggest you consider MarketLeverage. They are really good and you can find some high payout advertisers.
    johnkhoo, Dec 3, 2008 IP
  5. sensational

    sensational Peon

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    eBay use to give you $25 per signup. Now they really dont even tell you what you will get if anything. It depends on the quality of traffic you send??? How do you figure that out???

    google, they are just plain greedy theifs. I did not violate anything! The site was the same for over a year and just before it hit $100 they cut me off. Nothing changed on the site it was exactly the same as it always was. Search google for google ripoff. You will find a blog where people register just to keep a count of the number of people who have been ripped off by google. All (Thousands of them) make the same claim. Google cut them off without violating the terms just before they reached $100.

    Yes I am going to use the tool in my sig, it's my site. It hasn't actually launched yet. It is exactly what I will use to drive traffic to high paying affiliate products because it works!

    Where do you see hundreds of thousands a month???
    sensational, Dec 3, 2008 IP
  6. potentmix

    potentmix Peon

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    I agree with you that eBay is now run by idiots who think that affiliates referring traffic to the eBay site are in control of visitor behavior. That said, it's not the signups that I'm interested in. I regard those as simply a bonus. Currently, however, if my quality score holds, I'll be receiving $40 per signup for November ACRUs. I'm not holding my breath. Commissions on sales is where the action is, for now.

    Whether this will continue is open to question given the insane policies eBay management is implementing against sellers. It's all good and well to fight fraud, but they're throwing out the baby with the bath water.

    Bottom line. Nothing else is currently performing for me like eBay.

    IMO, you're wrong about Google. Nuff said. And, your product tells me that I can earn $109,000 in 30 days. Golly gee.
    potentmix, Dec 3, 2008 IP
  7. sensational

    sensational Peon

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    Have you seen the new setup at ebay? Hundreds of people including myself wont sell with featured ads because of the way they changed the setup. All of the featured ads use to be before the normal ads. Now they put like 5 featured ads and the regular ads. I posted two identical ads, one featured, one normal. The normal ad (Abot $3 to list) got about 75 more views that the featured ad Over $20 to list)

    It's not going to take long before people stop featuring items. They will realize that it's better to not feature. There goes the affiliates commissions on listing fees!

    As far as google goes... Search google for google ripoff you will find the site where thousands of people found the site and went thru the registration process just to record that they were ripped off. Thousands is only the ones that found that site and registered so there must be tens of thousands.

    $109,000 in 30 days is not my product. My product is the first listing on the page. The others are all clickbank products that I will remove when I launch the site. They are there now being indexed to send additional search engine traffic. You see I have 18 domain names all going to that site and all being indexed by the search engines. ;)
    sensational, Dec 3, 2008 IP
  8. redz

    redz Well-Known Member

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    Clickbooth has a lot of high paying offers
    redz, Dec 3, 2008 IP
  9. DPParadise

    DPParadise Well-Known Member

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    redz, if I remember right it was $200k/month on your sig with clickbooth, no ?
    DPParadise, Dec 3, 2008 IP
  10. youkula

    youkula Guest

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    Yes CJ is my best
    youkula, Dec 3, 2008 IP