Hi folks. This is Jim Walker with TVCNet and Hackrepair

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by hackrepair, Mar 18, 2010.

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  1. #1
    Hello all,
    Just like to say Hi! to everyone and introduce myself.

    I've been in the Internet biz for over 13 years-- literally sitting on the same herman miller chair purchased back in the 90's.

    What gets me up early in the morning, as I work through my usual 15 hour day, is my need to help people. The companies I manage are all about building Karma and good relations with others. I'm proud to say you can't find a single negative thing about the companies I've managed in the past 13 years. For a web hosting company I think that's saying a lot about me, my companies and my business partners. We offer the best possibly service and in return we have the best customers-- simply great people (that's what makes me smile).

    The Internet has really helped me grow personally and professionally-- all from simply giving of my talents freely.

    It's a wonderful World we live in today!

    Thank you and I hope you have a wonderful day, grow and prosper,
    Jim Walker
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2010
    hackrepair, Mar 18, 2010 IP
  2. DTHBAH2006

    DTHBAH2006 Active Member

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    Hi Jim!

    Welcome to DP. :D

    What a great introduction that is! I am very impressed.

    I am positive you will be a valuable member of the community.

    Learn, share and have fun!

    DTHBAH2006, Mar 18, 2010 IP
  3. barcelonaapartments

    barcelonaapartments Peon

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    Welcome to the forum. I hope you enjoy your stay here.As far as i know its the best forum for learning
    barcelonaapartments, Mar 19, 2010 IP
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