Have you used Varnish-Cache?

Discussion in 'Site & Server Administration' started by chrisj, Jan 23, 2015.

  1. #1
    If you've used Varnish-Cache....
    I'm looking for a solution that will cache several short (90second)videos (which load into several players) on a php web page, so that the videos don't need to be downloaded each time from the source - each time the web page appears.

    Do you know if Varnish-Cache would be a good solution for this scenario?
    Or would it not be good because the videos take up too much memory?
    and slow things down
    chrisj, Jan 23, 2015 IP
  2. actionspec

    actionspec Greenhorn

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    I don't think I would use varnish for this. I would use something like S3 or DigitalOcean Spaces, then use the CDN functionality to distribute those. That's the best practice for something with video.

    Using a CDN takes the load off your server for transferring actual data. If you, say, had 100 or more people viewing your videos at a time, it would hose the server because even though the videos are cached in RAM with Varnish, you still have to handle the connections themselves. CloudFront or DO Spaces (whatever DO's CDN solution is called) is the best way to do it.
    actionspec, May 11, 2020 IP