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Have you ever wonder about the existent of GOD?

Discussion in 'Politics & Religion' started by comboy, Sep 18, 2007.


Have you ever wonder about existent of GOD?

  1. Yes

    28 vote(s)
  2. No

    18 vote(s)
  1. comboy

    comboy Well-Known Member

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    There are many mysteries in universe and we can not know all of it. Maybe there are a person who create our life but come from another star.
    comboy, Sep 30, 2007 IP
  2. jumpboy11jaop

    jumpboy11jaop Peon

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    Think of this: look at the egyptian religeon. It predates monotheism by a bit, I suppose. In egypt, it had a higher percent of followers than monotheism in america. It was divine and never doubted in its veracity. Now, we look back on them and wonder at their silliness ( it is the job of many people who are globally aknowledged to break that religeon's laws every day (archeologists) ) Why is your religeon any different. Remember the egyptian 'prophets' were the pharows. Maybe in a thousand tears everyone will rightly laughing at the silliness of those american theists.
    jumpboy11jaop, Sep 30, 2007 IP
  3. proteindude

    proteindude Well-Known Member

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    Or maybe not. The Bible's been around for over 2,000 years and it still gains followers.

    I think it was Voltaire who said in 100 years the science would prove the Bible wrong and it will get thrown away. About 100 years after his death guess who resides in his own house??? The Bible society of France.
    proteindude, Sep 30, 2007 IP
  4. Jackuul

    Jackuul Well-Known Member

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    If only his predictions were true. However I doubt he took the usage of illogical connections between events and things attributed to gawd into account. In any case I only worship the Green Bay Packers and Cheese. 4-0. w00t.
    Jackuul, Sep 30, 2007 IP
  5. stOx

    stOx Notable Member

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    These days there are fewer religious people (percentage) than there ever was, And even those who do believe hardly ever practice and only pay lip service. It makes sense that this trend will continue as people become smarter so it's inevitable that one day religion will be entirely abolished due to it have nobody left who believes it.
    stOx, Oct 1, 2007 IP
  6. jumpboy11jaop

    jumpboy11jaop Peon

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    and it loses more than it gains- and egypt practiced its religeon for 3000 years. Look at christianity in 1000 years from now. all gone.
    jumpboy11jaop, Oct 1, 2007 IP
  7. jumpboy11jaop

    jumpboy11jaop Peon

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    He was 100% correct. He didn't (according to you) predict religeon would be gone. He said science would prove it wrong. And it has. And what does it matter who owns his house?
    jumpboy11jaop, Oct 1, 2007 IP
  8. debunked

    debunked Prominent Member

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    Interesting, maybe you can share with the rest of the class where this is true. BTW, the Bible had the earth round even when scientists started with the whole flat earth theory. Bummer that some Christians followed that and even kept it going for a while.
    debunked, Oct 1, 2007 IP
  9. proteindude

    proteindude Well-Known Member

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    I don't know where you get your facts from. Seriously now, have you turned on the TV lately? Or the radio? How many Christian TV stations do you have? What is still the hottest topic around? Who is Dawkins trying desperately to disprove?

    I see a revival of religion not a dissapearance of it. YES, there are catholics and others leaving it but look at the evangelicals. These guys are growing, and growing and growing in numbers.

    As people become smarter they realise that evolution is flawed. Even Dawkins has many, many scientists who oppose evolution. Unlike the Bible, the Theory Of Evolution keeps changing daily. Dawkins: "Initially we believed this." "But now we know that's wrong." "Later we will discover something else that we now believe it's true about evolution but we will be wrong again."

    Just like the scientists that believed there is a certain numbers of start while the Bible was saying there are countless stars.

    The earth is a sphere
    (Isaiah 40:22)
    The earth is a sphere
    The earth was a flat disk

    Incalculable number of stars (Jeremiah 33:22).
    Incalculable number of stars
    Only 1,100 stars.

    Free float of earth in space
    (Job 26:7).
    Free float of earth in space.
    Earth sat on a large animal.

    God is
    SCIENCE NOW (Ok read a few years from now):
    Dawkins who? I thought the guy is dead. Nope, don't remember much about him
    Dawkins is troubled and tries to convince others of his views

    I wonder why the Serbian government scraped evolution being taught in schools?
    proteindude, Oct 1, 2007 IP
  10. stOx

    stOx Notable Member

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    You have to ask yourself. If religion is so popular why are they advertising it so much? Nobody goes to church anymore, It's an outdated idea that is only alive because of the few primitives that haven't realised how bogus it all is yet.
    Even if it was announced that evolution is entirely incorrect, Why do you assume creation should take it's place? You have no evidence for creation, Let alone flawed evidence. I would say evidence that has a few gaps is better than evidence that consists of someone once writing it down and proclaiming it to be true.
    That's because it's science. I'm amazed that you see an inability to change and adapt based on new findings a positive thing. And honestly, When the answer is "god done it" there's not really a lot that can be changed. Your answer is set in stone and not only doesn't change, it can't change. Even with all the evidence in the world you would be incapable of changing your mind. it's very sad.

    Wow, The Serbian government! You must be right then, Serbia is known for being one of the most scientific countries on the planet and their government is not at all nutty. You clown.
    stOx, Oct 2, 2007 IP
  11. proteindude

    proteindude Well-Known Member

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    It's simple: we don't want anyone to go to that hot place where there is no love, there is no water and there is a constant fire burning. A place originally reserved for the devil and his angels.

    Evidence has a FEW gaps???:D Do you have even a SINGLE form of transition that you can show? A single fossil? NOPE. Time after time science has proved the Bible. Time after time, the theory of evolution keeps changing. You ever wonder why they STILL call it a theory?

    I have before me a book that's been attacked for more than 2,000 years. Guess what stOx, the year we live in is 2007. Why not 11003 or 567? The answer was found even on the communist newspapers. We note the time since Jesus Christ was born.

    No. Serbia is known for not giving a dime about what others think. That is why when they see proof the "Theory of Evolution" is crap they gave it up. People in Serbia can think for themselves and don't have to subscribe to a mandated crap by the so called "scientists". BTW, you know what happens to scientists who are creationists? There will be a movie coming out in February I believe, featuring even Dawkins himself. Of course he claims he didn't know what the movie was about when he was interviewed. But let's just say the treatment of the creationists by the evolutionists is not something to be envied.
    proteindude, Oct 2, 2007 IP
  12. stOx

    stOx Notable Member

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    Yes there's a few gaps. I'm not saying science can fully explain exactly what happens, But that's no reason to get your god-of-gaps, Cram him in the spaces and claim he is responsible. Transitions happen slowly over thousands of years. Leg's, wings, beaks and fur doesn't instantly appear fully formed. it starts off as a small beneficial mutation and natural selection takes over. You have just proven that you don't understand evolution in even it's most simplest form.

    Look, I'm going to explain to you what a scientific theory is one more time, And if you still fail to use the word theory incorrectly you will do nothing but prove that not only do you not listen, But you simply deny anything that contradicts what you already believe.
    In science, a theory is a mathematical or logical explanation, or a testable model of the manner of interaction of a set of natural phenomena, capable of predicting future occurrences or observations of the same kind, and capable of being tested through experiment or otherwise falsified through empirical observation.
    That is why they call it a theory.

    I have addressed this before. Please, Read what i say and stop making the same ridiculous points. We love in 2007 because we use the christian calendar. that proves nothing other than that we use the christian calendar. It does in no way support any claim that jesus existed or that he was the son of god.

    Including scientists. Maybe if they were smarter they wouldn't live in a such a shitty country.
    stOx, Oct 2, 2007 IP
  13. proteindude

    proteindude Well-Known Member

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    Dude, you make some silly claims sometimes: "We live in 2007 because we use the christian calendar. that proves nothing other than that we use the christian calendar. It does in no way support any claim that jesus existed or that he was the son of god."

    Say what??? The world's longest lasting empire, an empire whose followers far outnumbers the followers of any other empire and this Christian empire is based on a non existing person??? Tell me you don't really believe that. Because if you do, I don't really see a point in arguing with someone like yourself.

    Fair enough: you're an atheist or an agnostic who does not believe in God, but believing Jesus never existed??? Sorry dude, but that is way above my level of belief.

    You say Serbia is a shitty country and in a way I agree. For you to be able to call Serbia a shitty country you must know better. And again I find myself agreeing with you: UK is a better country. Just wondering then, what makes UK a better country than Serbia??? Could it be the Christian influence that's made UK better than Serbia??? Or you gonna give me some out of this world reasons (such as Jesus never existed)?
    proteindude, Oct 2, 2007 IP
  14. Jackuul

    Jackuul Well-Known Member

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    What about the Chinese?
    Jackuul, Oct 2, 2007 IP
  15. jumpboy11jaop

    jumpboy11jaop Peon

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    Do you know how irrational that sounds? For example: I say that there is gravity. We all know this. From there I go on to conclude that the air makes the gravity. As we all know, it doesn't. To support this, I say that there is gravity, so of course it is caused by air. That is what you are saying.

    It's like a sailor's tale. This dude named bob gives a poor man his shirt or a coin or something.

    "I saw a man give someone a coin.
    "Someone saw a man give a poor person a coin, and then give someone else his house"


    The fish was

    this big ><;>
    this big >-<-;->
    this big >--<--;-->
    this big <----<----;---->
    this big >--------<--------;-------->

    I hope you all get the idea. I couldn't use spaces.

    I'm going to pretend for a second that you have a valid scientific/historic theorum. God/Jesus's existence. Is there a single #$@$@$:confused::mad:PRIMARY:mad::confused:
    source as to the existence of either one ex- letters form them, picture, accounte from people WHO WERE THERE

    sorry for blowing my top, but all of this ignoring of logic gets me a bit angry.
    jumpboy11jaop, Oct 2, 2007 IP
  16. frankcow

    frankcow Well-Known Member

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    I don't think that there are any well-studied historians that doubt the existence of Jesus. Yeah, many doubt that he's the son of God, and some people even believe he is God, but very few doubt that he was here.
    frankcow, Oct 2, 2007 IP
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  17. Jackuul

    Jackuul Well-Known Member

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    Apollonius of Tyana... Athronges... Theudas... and many others claimed to be the Messiah. Most of them ended up being put to death for their uprising against the Romans. Many of them had cult followings. The only reason the Christians survived is that they had a more efficient propaganda machine.
    Jackuul, Oct 2, 2007 IP
  18. proteindude

    proteindude Well-Known Member

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    All the dudes you mentioned above are dead. If Jesus didn't rise from the dead I would agree with you 100%: Christianity would also be a dead religion. And yet, because Jesus rose from the dead, Christianity is alive and well.
    proteindude, Oct 3, 2007 IP
  19. stOx

    stOx Notable Member

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    There may have been a person called jesus. I personally don't think there was because there is no evidence of it. But even i he did exist that doesn't mean he is the son of god.

    Do you know how many prophets there has supposedly been? Thousands and thousands. It's stange how just from reading a book you have managed to come to the conclusion that out of all the thousands of people claiming to be from god that this guy was the real one.

    Another strange occurance is the amount of prophets who share the exact same story as jesus. Born of a virgin, met by three kings who followed a star, done nothing untill mid 20's, killed, Dead for 3 days and then taken up in to the sky. It's a tradidional myth which is spread by word of mouth and addapted for different cultures.

    The story is based on astrological events. Given this i don't think jesus existed, He is a characted in a book, Like Harry Potter, Just less cool.
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NeEX-M7rHAc - start watching at 5 minutes.
    stOx, Oct 3, 2007 IP
  20. Jackuul

    Jackuul Well-Known Member

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    I do believe two of these had claimants saying they did indeed rise from the dead.
    Jackuul, Oct 3, 2007 IP