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Great (Free) Interview With "King Of Copy" Craig Garber...

Discussion in 'Copywriting' started by scottspfd82, Dec 30, 2009.

  1. #1
    Hey guys,

    I did an interview with Craig Garber about making money as a freelance writer...

    As a guy who sells $500k+ of his own products, and commands $60k to write a sales letter, he's someone you can definitely learn from.

    There is a brief pitch about his new book at the end, but it's all solid content...

    I posted this on Warrior and it's getting rave reviews from the copywriters there, it's free, no opt-in required, so check it out and let me know what you think...


    Hope you enjoy it and learn something.


    scottspfd82, Dec 30, 2009 IP
  2. Perry Rose

    Perry Rose Peon

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    He said that, huh?


    No offense, but if you do any more, "interviews," you really should check them out first.

    This guy's site even sucks.

    And who are these people who are saying he is the greatest? Even they aren't much better.

    What really irks me about these idiots is that not only do they hype one another up, they lie, and, they go over the top with the lying, like this Garber. Like:
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2009
    Perry Rose, Dec 30, 2009 IP
  3. pixie dust

    pixie dust Peon

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    The number of self-proclaimed kings is amazing. :) Thanks for sharing. I might check out the link in a bit.
    pixie dust, Dec 31, 2009 IP
  4. b2bmaster

    b2bmaster Member

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    Wow I am sorry I have to agree I am a rookie copy writing enthusiast. there are so many so called experts. Example I saw a guy promoting great copy writing on another top Forum and he had a big pitch of why write when I can. The most ridiculous part was the first 30 seconds of his Video has typos in it.
    b2bmaster, Dec 31, 2009 IP
  5. intellg

    intellg Well-Known Member

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    Is it really true? Can I have some strong proof?
    intellg, Dec 31, 2009 IP
  6. scottspfd82

    scottspfd82 Active Member

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    You're entitled to your opinion...

    Uh, ever heard of Gary Halbert? He mentored Craig...

    The guy who has a testimonial on his site... Christian Godfrey... That guy owns a $300 Million info-publishing business, all in the French market.

    I've known who Craig is for years. Is making $500,000 a year that tough to believe?

    He's legit. It's a free interview. I don't see what the big deal is. Every professional copywriter I know knows who Craig is.

    There are copywriters you've never even heard of who make more than $60k a letter...

    Believe or not, there's a whole world outside of Digital Point... A world where "copywriting" means "Selling in print" and where people understand the value of copy that sells and pay for it.

    And here's a little secret, most names on that list are high net worth business owners... Pretty easy to provide $500k worth of products to people who are willing to invest in their businesses.

    To each their own I guess. He's not even making outlandish claims... I know guys in my little home town who do over $500k a year.

    Last edited: Dec 31, 2009
    scottspfd82, Dec 31, 2009 IP
  7. Perry Rose

    Perry Rose Peon

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    Yes, I have heard of Halbert. And???

    Name a couple of them.

    Worth repeating.
    Perry Rose, Dec 31, 2009 IP
  8. scottspfd82

    scottspfd82 Active Member

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    There ya go. You might recognize some of those names. You're asking me to prove that he makes $500k a year??

    That's not THAT much money... Guys we've never heard of do a lot more...

    Want me to have him fax his bank statements over?

    scottspfd82, Dec 31, 2009 IP
  9. Perry Rose

    Perry Rose Peon

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    "Wow," a bunch of testimonials.

    Well, I'm sold.

    Look, I am not trying to be mean here, but you just need to use your brain, and do research on someone before saying how great they are.

    I read one of his, um, "testimonials." I clicked on his link to his site. http://www.pcomillionaire.com/

    His page is so freakin long, that over half will stop reading.

    The number one thing that GOOD copywriters say, including myself, is to not have such a long-ass page.

    That, by itself tells me that he, and this Garber does not know that much.

    Oh, and, um, Halbert has said in the past that he created a letter that his partner e-mailed to over 600 million people.

    Uh, not that many had the Internet back then.

    It is so easy to spot these blow-hards, who also hype one another up to make one another seem like they really are somebody.
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2009
    Perry Rose, Dec 31, 2009 IP
  10. scottspfd82

    scottspfd82 Active Member

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    So you're telling me Gary Halbert never made any money? (I'm not saying he was an honest guy, didn't know him.) Where did you see Halbert make that claim?

    And I'm a customer of Craig, I've got his book, I own his stuff. I've done my homework on him. I have no doubt that he makes what he claims... If he didn't I'm sure the FTC would be all over him...

    His stuff is good btw...

    I'm not going to "out" any copywriters... But earning $60k for a promotion is commonplace at places like Boardroom... And literally thousands of other places.

    The reason Craig charges $60k is because he doesn't really want clients, he wants to focus on his publishing biz, so if he's writing the copy for someone else, they're going to pay enough to make it worth his time away from his own stuff.

    Pretty simple logic there.

    I'm not going to get into an argument over this... It's funny how different this forum is from other copywriting forums...

    I really don't see how making $500k a year is that tough to believe.

    scottspfd82, Dec 31, 2009 IP
  11. Perry Rose

    Perry Rose Peon

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    We are not arguing here. We are exchanging posts, that is all.

    No, I am not.


    Click on the "gun to the head" video.

    Within the first 90 seconds he says this.

    *shrugs shoulders* Then you should be making enough money to do online full time now. Are you? He's good, right? Well, then....

    Let me guess, it takes time, right? Okay, then you should be making good money in the near future.

    You are not going to "out" them? That doesn't even make sense.

    I never said it was.

    Again, name a couple. Show the source(s).
    Perry Rose, Dec 31, 2009 IP
  12. scottspfd82

    scottspfd82 Active Member

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    Oh really?

    That's funny. Sugarman, Makepeace, Bencevengia... Hell, every top copywriter has tested long and short copy, and long copy almost always out-pulls...

    Wonder why the top CB sales letters use long copy? They wouldn't dream of testing short copy, would they?

    This isn't even open for debate. My testing and the testing of thousands of other copywriters has PROVEN long copy will almost always out-pull short copy.

    If someone is interested in a subject, they'll read every single word on a long form sales letter.

    This has been scientifically tested and proven time and time again. What's your favorite copywriting book?


    scottspfd82, Dec 31, 2009 IP
  13. scottspfd82

    scottspfd82 Active Member

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    It's not my place to tell other people what certain copywriters make...

    And I've been making a VERY comfortable living online for several years now, but thanks for your concern.


    P.S. I forgot why I stopped wasting my time here...

    P.P.S. He's talking about physical mail in that video... He owned a direct response publishing company. 600 Million just means the campaign was a winner.
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2009
    scottspfd82, Dec 31, 2009 IP
  14. Perry Rose

    Perry Rose Peon

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    Ugh, please, use your brain. The people themsleves who are buyers online will tell you this. I would listen to them than some "guru" who is trying to sell something.

    It is very hard to get a person's attention, and then HOLD it. This is especially true online. When you have so many backing out of a site, who would otherwise may be a customer, THAT is bad copy.

    The ONLY exception is if the page has pictures along with free GOOD tips.

    Am I calling many people out there a little dumb when I say to use "pictures"? I am afraid that I am. Many have to be entertained, to keep them going down the page.

    "Super affiliates" know this.

    I agree, that person will. But it means squat if over half will not. And...over half will not.

    But let's just say I am wrong. Let's say, oh, 40% will back out. That is a lot of lost customers, due to lousy copy.

    I am not trying to convince you, because you are brainwashed by these idiots' sites, claims and hype. I am just pointing all of this out for anyone who is reading this thread. They can decide for themselves.

    "Scientifically"??? Did they have lab coats? :p

    I don't have a favorite copywriting book.
    Perry Rose, Dec 31, 2009 IP
  15. Perry Rose

    Perry Rose Peon

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    Just say you don't know anybody, okay? :rolleyes:

    I have seen your site.

    You have learned from the "masters," yet you haven't gotten very far.

    *shrugs shoulders* But, okay, if you say so.

    Yes, he is talking about physical mail. I stand corrected. I still take that with a grain of salt. It is so easy to say stuff like "friend," and other terms, yet they do not show physical items.

    If you are going to sell something, or claim you can do something, prove it. He hasn't. Not from what I have seen anyway. Most of his videos is just fluff, with hear says.

    There's a red flag, right there.

    He may know some constructive things that people can ACTUALLY use, but just doing research, and using one's brain, one can still know that he is not to be put on the golden pedestal.

    Yeah, you might be better off on another copywriting board where it is filled with more noobs who believe anything without question.

    Again, sorry, but I still do wish you luck with this anyway.
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2009
    Perry Rose, Dec 31, 2009 IP
  16. scottspfd82

    scottspfd82 Active Member

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    You've seen maybe 2 of my sites...

    And I could care less what you think.

    Keep whining in forums about how no one on this planet really makes any money, because that'll take you far in life.

    scottspfd82, Dec 31, 2009 IP
  17. Perry Rose

    Perry Rose Peon

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    Oh, now you have multitude of sites? Okay.

    Don't get mad because you have shown that you do not really know anything. It just makes you look stupid.

    It's ok if you have dead sites and the copy is not all that good. You will learn overtime. If you use your brain, that is.

    Show me where I said that.

    Please, quite while you are ahead or you'll just make yourself look even more dumb, while at the same time ruining your own thread.

    Wait...too late.
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2009
    Perry Rose, Dec 31, 2009 IP
  18. scottspfd82

    scottspfd82 Active Member

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    I don't care what you think... The only justification I need is my bank account.

    Although, 10% conversions on a $67 product, being one of the world's top real estate investors personal copywriter, having my copy featured at the top of Warrior Forum...

    Writing for clients who own websites that make a lot more than this forum does... That helps too.

    And my sites that earn passive income are nice as well.

    You may want to look up my history before you start talking down to me... You obviously haven't done your homework on me.

    scottspfd82, Dec 31, 2009 IP
  19. Perry Rose

    Perry Rose Peon

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    "10% conversion" lol sorry, I didn't mean to laugh at you. That was rude. I apologize.

    Okay, son, if you say so.

    Keep a happy thought.

    Keep those dreams of someday making a success of yourself alive. That will help you out a lot.

    Pretending that you are will not help you.
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2009
    Perry Rose, Dec 31, 2009 IP
  20. Laceygirl

    Laceygirl Notable Member

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    Hey Scott,

    If Craig did an interview with you he would've mentioned it himself someplace and you would've made sure that there would be proof with such an amazing interviewee.

    On a side note, I hate those damn copyrighters and their loads of lies that they talk. Exspecially the stupid billions of "guides" they come out with when they should just say "sell guides like me".
    Laceygirl, Dec 31, 2009 IP