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GPT Review

Discussion in 'Websites' started by DrewAMP, Jul 30, 2007.

  1. #1
    Hey guys,

    I created a new site recently aimed towards GPT reviews. What is GPT? In simple terms, GPT is a site where you "get paid to" (GPT) to complete simple offers such as completing a survey or signing up for a site.

    My new site I made, GPT Review, is aimed towards reviewing these GPT sites, along with showing proof of payment for the ones that cry out scam.

    Now that you know what GPT is and what my site is about, please tell me what you like about/what you don't :) .
    My links is http://gptreview.blogspot.com/ .

    Thanks a lot,
    DrewAMP, Jul 30, 2007 IP
    zan23 likes this.
  2. zan23

    zan23 Well-Known Member

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    Very cool site dealing with GPT programs :)
    Site loads fast and is navigation is easy. A suggestion: some explanations of your ratings, like why a program is 4 stars vs. 5.

    I actively participate in GPT and I'm been looking for a site like this for quite some time.

    Your posts on the MrGPT blog are informative, especially the post "How far should I go?" which is extremely helpful when doing these offers. I didn't know you could quit at 2nd page for some of them and have been wasting a lot of my time :(

    I've been only sticking to the free offers, but maybe I should try some paid ones using the prepaid cards.
    zan23, Jul 31, 2007 IP
    matik likes this.
  3. DrewAMP

    DrewAMP Peon

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    Thanks for your comments.
    I am glad you have enjoyed MrGPT! If you are using freebies, you may want to check out my post on Using Roboform to auto-fill offers.

    Although I really do recommend you get a prepaid card to do paid offers. That's where the money is :).

    More comments and suggestions are opened. I just added a bunch of new posts to the GPT Review site today!
    DrewAMP, Aug 1, 2007 IP
  4. 8everything

    8everything Peon

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    Design wise, it needs some work. I'm not a huge fan of the background :) it reminds me too much of a blogger template..
    8everything, Aug 1, 2007 IP
  5. DrewAMP

    DrewAMP Peon

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    Yeah, it is :cool: . I would go with a custom, but I really like the "widgets" blogger gives you.
    DrewAMP, Aug 1, 2007 IP