Google sucks

Discussion in 'Google' started by Revelations-Decoder, Jul 12, 2013.

  1. #1
    Mostly money out of AdWords advertisers lumpy pockets, like a cheap whore on heat that doesn't care who it sucks the rocket in their pocket dry of! :) LOL

    But how else do you think Google sucks?
    Revelations-Decoder, Jul 12, 2013 IP
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  2. Willief

    Willief Greenhorn

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    I don't mind about Adwords or other stuff, people earn a lot of money using adsense and stuff. What bothers me more is the way they are integrated with the NSA, monitoring and tracking everyone with analytics.
    Willief, Jul 12, 2013 IP
  3. wisdomtool

    wisdomtool Moderator Staff

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    Not much choice, they operate in an industry where they are totally dominant.
    wisdomtool, Jul 12, 2013 IP
  4. robbydeletter

    robbydeletter Well-Known Member

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    Google is quite honest in rankings, people find it not good because they don't understand the algorithm.
    If you have good content and you update reguraly in a niche google will love you.;)
    robbydeletter, Jul 12, 2013 IP
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  5. Revelations-Decoder

    Revelations-Decoder Well-Known Member

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    You are assuming I can't rank high LOL :confused:

    Funnily enough I don't have that problem as can rank real high for highly competitive serach terms, but I still think Google sucks for many reasons! I have page 1 and #1 SERPS for very short string SEO search terms (for example) which you would think should be amongst the hardest of all what with the SEO's being the hardest competition, but it is not the case they are easy to beat in the main.

    So it is not like you can say oh you have a problem with Google as you can't rank as it would not be true, becuase I can, but I still have major problems with how Google operates and how like wisdomtool mentioned they operate as the dominant force closing out the competition, whilst accusing everyone else of exactly what they do themselves.
    Revelations-Decoder, Jul 12, 2013 IP
    indyonline likes this.
  6. ryan_uk

    ryan_uk Illustrious Member

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    I can't really say I hate Google or think they suck (I know it's popular among "webmasters" and "SEOs", but I don't mind being in the minority). I have had a great email account with them for many years at no financial cost to me. I have been able to use their search engine to find what I need. Sure, I could use others (and have), but always find their results to be better for me. Maybe they don't always rank my content the way I want, but big deal, that doesn't give me a reason to hate them. I must try harder instead. Companies do and have used advertising for years (Adwords or whatever else - there are thousands out there). Anyone who is is just burning money with PPC needs to rethink their strategy for it, make sure they use the right system for them and target in the right way.

    It is unfortunate that they closed Latitude, but I can't say that they suck just because they did that one thing.
    ryan_uk, Jul 12, 2013 IP
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  7. robbydeletter

    robbydeletter Well-Known Member

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    I don't assume anything mate. I dont find google to be a bad player. i'm very happy they are the greatest because they give the best user friendly content with everything they do. Why should we need another one? Bing is a laugh...
    robbydeletter, Jul 12, 2013 IP
  8. ryan_uk

    ryan_uk Illustrious Member

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    Yeah, it's all about what you give the end user.

    Why is Google the most dominant? Because they try very hard to deliver the best end-user experience. People forget what the default browser is on the world's most dominant operating system (for desktops/laptops) and therefore what the default search engine is, but despite this over the years Google has managed to become the most popular search engine. People chose to use it. It really demonstrates the power of being audience-focused.
    ryan_uk, Jul 12, 2013 IP
  9. Revelations-Decoder

    Revelations-Decoder Well-Known Member

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    Well your experience is your expereince, mine differs. That is not to say many searches don't provide quite good answer quite often but then I am not that impressed by search results on any search engines as even the design of the results pages sucks to me.

    Ryan mentoined the word hate above, which is strange as thinking Google sucks for various reasons and hate are quite different things to my mind and now these emotioins are related I am not sure, but emotions I suppose could come in to it somewhere if one allows such things to be a factor.

    I for one would love to see a UK SE for UK users for example as Google is pants and full of US bias if you want to really get to asking why would we want another for a paerticluar reason (either real or thrown in to see views), but that is just one perspective is it not?

    As is yours to say "why would we want another". One reason I could/would say perhaps is because Google is I say, as Bart says, "pants" if we are to ask the question.

    Now where did I drop that key...
    Revelations-Decoder, Jul 12, 2013 IP
  10. ryan_uk

    ryan_uk Illustrious Member

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    If you hadn't noticed, hate is a common thing in the so-called "SEO community". ("Waaa, Googly-Goo I hate you, you no rank my site, waaa, you ignore my link spam waaaaaa, I hate you!") You bring up the topic of them sucking, it's kind of relevant.

    I'm curious about what you think the US bias is? These days, they seem to have done well to create localised versions of Google. I didn't notice anything, but maybe there's something I've missed, so I would appreciate it if you can share an example.
    ryan_uk, Jul 12, 2013 IP
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  11. Revelations-Decoder

    Revelations-Decoder Well-Known Member

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    Take a read on hobo-web for an example of that (that's one example among many) and read what Shaun Anderson wrote about the US bias on search results for an example. I imagine you will have missed it though what with your "hatred" of all things SEO.
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2013
    Revelations-Decoder, Jul 12, 2013 IP
  12. JiniOnline

    JiniOnline Member

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    Yeah, Google really sucks. Since last 2 years, Google is trying to make more and more money through Adwords. I also rank high but the Adwords cost is increasing for my 7 years old campaign. Never had this much cost....
    JiniOnline, Jul 12, 2013 IP
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  13. webguy2013

    webguy2013 Peon

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    Google sucks because:
    I'm dependant on their algorythm to achieve success w/ my sites.
    Videos show up where only contextual results should, why is there a video tab ?,
    They track my phone and yours most likely with GPS, I can turn it off but will repeatedly be asked to activate it.
    Their attempt to stop spammers and serp manipulation has mostly just pushed it further n it still is very possible for junk sites to outweigh those that should have authority. Etc
    webguy2013, Jul 12, 2013 IP
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  14. Revelations-Decoder

    Revelations-Decoder Well-Known Member

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    Funny how nobody actually picked up on the humour in my title - probably got lost in translation. LOL

    But seriously Google sucks in many ways and they like all things could do with improvement in many ways.

    I think the worse way is how they are damaging companies economically across the board which I am hearing a lot here and there. And when I say here and there I don't mean here only, it is an expression, even though it has been mentioned "here" to of course.

    Those earning from Adsense are of course the first to defend, but that's a given and I remember that being the case from beginning of AdWords and Adsense in 1998.

    So whtat do people think of "Cheap Car Insurance" on & Google there then? Does Google suck there with their cheating by virtue of position and unfair advantage they give themselves there do you think?
    Revelations-Decoder, Jul 12, 2013 IP
  15. lucasbytegenius

    lucasbytegenius Greenhorn

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    So it seems you're referring to ranking on Google and Adwords/Adsense sucks, not Google as a whole. You've got to remember that Google is a massive company with many products, and you can't just apply a general blanket statement of "Google sucks".

    I will agree, I do think it sucks when Google appears to rip people off with Adsense, but I'm fortunate to not have that happen to me. I also don't pay for Adwords. And ranking? Well, I guess it does seem to "punish" people time and time again for no apparent reason, but I personally just go with it - there's not much I can do about it.
    lucasbytegenius, Jul 12, 2013 IP
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  16. Revelations-Decoder

    Revelations-Decoder Well-Known Member

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    I am not particularly referring to anything tbh, I am just gathering info and thought a nice jokey title and leading sentence with some humour (thta's humor for all those US biased readers - & yes that's me being funny and it likely going over peeps heads again LOL) might get some other view points to see what others might think in this regard.

    Makes for an interesiting topic though eh....

    I never mentioned ranking in that regard though? That was others presuming!

    Can't say I have the Adwords prob either as it happens but see & know others do here and elsewhere.
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2013
    Revelations-Decoder, Jul 12, 2013 IP
  17. liamwli

    liamwli Well-Known Member

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    I don't hate Google. Without Google, we wouldn't have Android for one thing. Also, they provide very good services for free (Gmail, AdSense), and they are the biggest search giant in the world I believe.

    Many people probably don't like them because they believe they are to dominant on the internet, but I don't really care. They do what I want them to, and they do it well. I don't care about the other aspects ;)
    liamwli, Jul 12, 2013 IP
  18. Revelations-Decoder

    Revelations-Decoder Well-Known Member

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    Where does the word "hate" come from?
    Why is it such an emotional word comes in to this?

    It's nice you think they do what you need though, for you. I suppose some people do dislike them for strange reasons, but it's legit reasons like their abuse of their position whilst pointing the finger and such like it is interesting to find out about and see others perspectives on.

    The "cheap car insurance" example and such like thing on is an interesting example of this abuse of position I think!
    Revelations-Decoder, Jul 12, 2013 IP
  19. GregWR

    GregWR Member

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    As much as I disagree with a lot of how Google operates it would be hard to say I dislike them given they send me a power of free traffic and drop a decent amount of cash into my bank each month. They constantly frustrate me but weighing the pros again the cons they have had a positive impact on my on-line life.
    GregWR, Jul 12, 2013 IP
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  20. Revelations-Decoder

    Revelations-Decoder Well-Known Member

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    Excellent for you GregWR :) but that doesn't really add to the question >

    But how else do you think Google sucks?

    I am just yanking your chain btw bud! :p LOL
    Revelations-Decoder, Jul 12, 2013 IP