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Google - Don't be evil?

Discussion in 'Google' started by Blitz, Jan 26, 2006.

  1. libertines

    libertines Peon

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    When Ghandi first visited England he was asked what he thought of western civilisation, he replied... "i think it would be a good idea".

    im guessing this smartarse comment shows he was not an angel who never said or did anything bad!
    libertines, Jan 27, 2006 IP
  2. donttrustthisposter

    donttrustthisposter Peon

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    Communism is inherently good ( well it is ) and has killed 100 million people in the last 50 years.

    The path to hell is paved with good intentions for sure.
    donttrustthisposter, Jan 27, 2006 IP
  3. Blitz

    Blitz Well-Known Member

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    Hehe, Ricky Gervais Politics DVD eh?

    I love that DVD!
    Blitz, Jan 27, 2006 IP
  4. skattabrain

    skattabrain Peon

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    in my opinion ....

    crazy oppresive us govt ... then get the hell out and move to china!
    communism is inherently good .... ha ha ha ... what crack are you smoking?

    if google has to strip out searches then that's the fault of the chinese govt ... we all know google has dollar signs in it's eyes like any other for profit company. i don't think that's a big deal.

    do you think the us governement is interested in tracking those surfing porn ... no ... they are interested in finding out whos violating the rights of children ... smuggling drugs ... and scum who plot to blow up buildings ... ok ... maybe even find out who's looking to cheat on their taxes too. :)

    personally ... i think it's those who have things to hide that are most scared by the us govnerments intentions.

    the us govt wouldn't have lasted through the cold war if they weren't tracking phone calls by triggers in the 70's and 80's ... you love the fact that you can yell "F*** Bush!" in public but you hate the us govt.

    it's niave to think we live in a world where there aren't serious repercussions for being out of the loop.

    and it's also easier to give nothing ... but expect the world in return. (ie - it's govt's fault for everythign that goes wrong)

    google should help the govt in certain cases, not all.

    look ... there is no privacy on the internet ... get over it. everything can be traced back ... if the packets make it back to your house ... then there is a way to find you. the only secure server is the server sitting in a closet with no net connection ... other than that there is way.

    (uneeded quip removed by self ... sorry)
    skattabrain, Jan 27, 2006 IP
    Caveman likes this.
  5. donttrustthisposter

    donttrustthisposter Peon

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    My point was it is true evil based on an idea to build a utopia. Thus 100 million dead in the last 50 years because of it. You can mean good and still be evil, just look at the DNC.

    Sure the US government is going to go way to far with this search deal but it's also based on good intentions.

    Google fighting for our right to privacy great, google not doing so for China not so great.

    And yes personal accountability is overlooked. Google had no say in this....ridiculous.
    donttrustthisposter, Jan 27, 2006 IP
  6. ly2

    ly2 Notable Member

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    google IS evil.
    BUT, they are also less evil than most other internet companies.
    i actually see yahoo as being the lesser evil of the three SE's
    ly2, Jan 27, 2006 IP
  7. Arnie

    Arnie Well-Known Member

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    1. Why should they hand over info to the govt? They are not a hosting company like yahoo and msn provides.

    2. Its better to have one leg in China then nothing at all. China will not stay the same and people will change the system gradually, whats wrong about that? To change the system of a nation of over 1 billion people takes time and no argument can change that.

    By the way, how much has the govt and all american businesses invested in that country so far?

    Somehow it looks like scape-goating google for their own short-comings.
    Arnie, Jan 27, 2006 IP
  8. skattabrain

    skattabrain Peon

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    not even close ... the US is in a tough spot with china.

    when a president of a country has to fly over to another country to nicely ask them to stop producing counterfeit goods ... only to have that country turn their nose at the idea ... there's a problem.

    side note: everyone hates the US but everyone wants Nike's
    skattabrain, Jan 27, 2006 IP
  9. flOid

    flOid Active Member

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    The comparison of general governmental critical websites in china to neo-Nazi sites is more than questionable IMO. Fascism is not an opnion it's a crime, and should be treated as such. Although its questionable wether the government is the right instance to fight fascism. But that's another point.

    The problem here, as has been pointed out before, that MSN, Yahoo and others never denied their immoral "we are just here to make money, the rest we don't care" stance, while Google always branded itself as a "good company" with certain moral standards, kind of like a company for the people. That they are obeying now to the Chinsese government with hypocritical reasonings, instead of addmiting that for them it's all about money as well, is plain disgusting, and must be critisized.

    BTW, once again: China is NOT a communist country.
    flOid, Jan 27, 2006 IP
  10. skattabrain

    skattabrain Peon

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    skattabrain, Jan 27, 2006 IP
  11. flOid

    flOid Active Member

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    Sorry, but I don't think the CIA is an authority at all what can be considere a communist state. I posted this in another thread:

    flOid, Jan 27, 2006 IP
  12. Crusader

    Crusader Peon

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    I don't see the problem with Google abiding by the Chinese goverments requirements of filtering out certain keywords. The Chinese goverment does that in any case, and if Google doesn't do it themselves, people in China would just not be allowed to use any of Google's services.

    This has to be seen from the viewpoint of the citizens in China. They don't have the same rights as people in the US and to them it's quite ordinary that their internet access to certain website is restricted. Is this Google's problem? No, the problem lies with the Chinese goverment.
    Crusader, Jan 27, 2006 IP
  13. Blitz

    Blitz Well-Known Member

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    flOid, China is run by a Communist Government - but that's not the issue in this thread.

    but nowadays there isn't much which even remotely reminds me of socialist or even communist structures.


    The point I made previously I think needs to be answered. Google are filtering homosexual websites to comply. It doesn't matter if Google themselves believe this is right or not, the fact is that they're doing it. Google are enforcing the restriction on homosexual websites, despite Googles claims to support Equal Opportunities charities and such.
    Blitz, Jan 27, 2006 IP
  14. flOid

    flOid Active Member

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    sorry about going offtopic here, But I need to clarify this.

    No, China is run by a government which calls themself communist.

    Communism is NOT (listen carefully, Americans): Dicatorship, repression, no freedom
    Communism IS: an euqal, classless, and stateless society, total freedom

    See en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Communism

    therefore a true communist system never has existed in history.

    True, but I was referring to the situation in China.
    flOid, Jan 27, 2006 IP
  15. Sharpseo

    Sharpseo Peon

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    Having "don't be evil" as their motto just begs people to call them evil. I think Google is about as non-evil as big corporations come.

    I just wrote a piece about how Google's Motto Invites Criticism and how popular it is to point out that Google Really Is Evil!
    Sharpseo, Jan 27, 2006 IP
  16. Blitz

    Blitz Well-Known Member

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    Bah, make another thread and we'll discuss it there? :)

    A country doesn't need to be 100% Communist to be a Communist Country.

    Is the UK a Capitalist country? We have a free health service which everyone pays towards = Communist type system.

    Is the US a Capitalist country? They have state housing benefits, and unemployment benefits too = Communist type system.

    Stalins Russia allowed free trade between some sections of society. Some workers were also paid more than others = Capitalist type system.

    The point is, you'll never really get 100% Capitalist or 100% Communist, there nearly always needs to be a balance for things to run smoothly. China has a Communist Government and therefore is classified as a Communist country.
    Blitz, Jan 27, 2006 IP
  17. flOid

    flOid Active Member

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    Blitz, let's dig this, I don't want to abuse this thread for an endless offtopic discussion.

    Let's end this and assert that we agree to disagree...

    Just one final note: As you may know, and that's simpliest Marxism now, the best indicator is who own the means of production. Neither in the US, nor in the UK, and less and less in China the means of production are owned by the state and therefore by the people, but by a tiny minority. The capitalist welfare state has very little to do with socialism or communism, it's just a tool by the ruling class to please the people, especially in times of the cold war this has been pretty effective. Now where there is no competing counterpart anymore, "the beast can be revealed". Which will be IMO opnion a terrible mistake from the view of western governments, and will lead more and more to social unrest, see recently France for example.

    damn, my final note was longer than wanted it to be, but anyway, either let's start a new thread (topic split, mods?), or end this debate.
    flOid, Jan 27, 2006 IP
  18. Blitz

    Blitz Well-Known Member

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    Ok, I purposely didn't read the middle bulk of the text because I knew I would need a long reply to counter it :) ignorance is bliss...

    So yeah, agree to disagree.
    Blitz, Jan 27, 2006 IP
  19. flOid

    flOid Active Member

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    You should have read it, you cald have learned a lot from my evil commie agitation...:D
    flOid, Jan 27, 2006 IP
  20. anthonycea

    anthonycea Banned

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    Shawn is right on and is exactly correct.

    You can't run a bar without a liquor license, Google has to comply with local laws to run a business in those nations!

    Each nation has different laws, Google has not sold out, they need to compete in the fastest growing economy the world has ever seen!

    China is a Superpower and Google wants to do business in China, Google is a business!

    If China told McDonald's that they have to serve cooked cat to operate in China, there would bet that a lot of cats on the grill in China :eek:

    Google is in the right in standing up to the Bush administration for sure!

    Maybe next Bush will want to find out that I watch Led Zeppelin videos so they can figure out who did a lot of LSD in the 70's, hated Nixon and protested the Vietnam war and were anti-government rebels with the rest of the Beatles and rock fans I grew up with.....

    Where does this bullshit stop :confused:

    Why should Google give Bush anything, what has he done for us :confused:
    anthonycea, Jan 27, 2006 IP