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get data and all related ids

Discussion in 'Databases' started by vlasta, Oct 29, 2009.

  1. #1
    Hi all,

    I am redesigning my database and I seem to run into a problem.

    There are 2 tables:
    Table ITEM - information about individual items
    Table SET - items can be grouped into sets; each set has additional properties like name, description, stamp, etc.

    (In the past, I had a field in the SET table, where I listed ids of the individual items as a comma-separated string.)

    Now, I have a field in the ITEM table that holds the id of the SET the item belongs to.

    In my queries, I often need to get properties of a SET and ids of the ITEMs belonging to a set.

    I know I can retrieve the set properties in one query and then get the items belonging to a set in another query, but it gets complicated when I need information about more than one set. The number of queries grows too fast.

    My question: Can I somehow retrieve SET properties + IDs of ITEMs in a single query, preferably obtain the ids in a single field "ID1,ID2,ID3..."

    Thanks in advance
    vlasta, Oct 29, 2009 IP
  2. mastermunj

    mastermunj Well-Known Member

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    it would be better to understand the problem if you can post table structure and at least 4 - 5 entries in both tables.

    it will help us test out queries as well :)

    by the way, is it mysql or other database?
    mastermunj, Oct 31, 2009 IP
  3. mwasif

    mwasif Active Member

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    Yes, you can do that in a single query (if you are using MySQL, i don't know about other DBs).

    INNER JOIN `ITEM` ON `ITEM`.set_id = `SET`.id
    WHERE `SET`.id = 1
    GROUP BY `SET`.id
    Code (markup):
    I recommend you not to use table name SET, because it is a reserve word in mysql. Change this to something else to avoid confusion otherwise you have always to use backticks (`) around the table name as I used above.
    mwasif, Nov 1, 2009 IP