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    y u no do it?

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Selling Germany laptop affiliate blog for sale

Discussion in 'Sites' started by kamal_ds, Nov 12, 2024.

  1. #1
    Why are you selling this site?
    Moving away from blogging business. I've many more tech related sites for sale.

    How is it monetized?
    Amazon affiliate, adsense

    Does this site come with any social media accounts?
    Yes, facebook and twitter accounts.

    How much time does this site take to run?
    few hours a month

    I was once getting a good EUR 200-300 per month. Now, I no longer have time to update the blog.
    kamal_ds, Nov 12, 2024 IP
  2. Anterr

    Anterr Well-Known Member

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    Can you send any proof of traffic and previous earnings?
    Anterr, Dec 4, 2024 IP