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Selling Fully Outsourced Google Plus One Reseller Business Site-With Revenue- HOT NICHE

Discussion in 'Sites' started by kirch, May 6, 2012.

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  1. #1
    This auction is for onlyplusones.com.Very LOW Reserve !
    Fully Outsourced Google Plus One Reseller Business .

    • Auction w/ Low Reserve
    • Integrated Live Chat w/ full admin backend
    • Profitable business with minimal effort
    • You decide your profit!
    • Premium and Catchy Domain
    • Includes Free Unlimited Hosting for 2 months

    This a one of a kind online business, with huge profits with minimal effort. This business can easily make you $500+ per week with very little work. This business is a unique niche with little to no competitors. You can easily maintain this site from the comfort of your home

    Own your own online business with onlyplusones.com and have 100% of profits! This This is a fully functional business.

    This is a Google Plus One Business. It sells whats knows as “Google Plus Ones” in packages to a customer. After the customer orders, the only process you are responsible for is providing the site to your supplier and they will take if from there, you reaping the rewards. Very easy to maintain and you keep 100%

    This Google Plus One Business is the easiest and most profitable business you will ever encounter!

    Since this business is FULLY OUTSOURCED, making money with it is extremely easy! The only time you’ll need to spend on the operation of this business is driving traffic to it and processing your costumer’s orders.
    If you have a paypal account and can forward emails, you can make money today!


    The Site offers four different Packages. Pricing / profitability for the site’s current packages are as follows.

    Of course you are free to change the package sizes as well as the prices you charge, should you wish to do so.

    50 Plus One for $25 (supplier charges $1 -Yes ,$1 !!) = $24 profit per package sold!

    100 Plus One for $45 (supplier charges $$2) = $43 profit per package sold!

    250 Plus One for $115 (supplier charges $5) = $110 profit per package sold!

    Just ONE Basic order per day: 30 x $24 = $720 profit per month !

    If you sell One 250 Plus Ones package a day:30x$90=3300 profit per month.

    This site is set up and ready to take orders. It’s already been submitted to Google. I Make no mistake about it – by utilizing the marketing techniques that are provided in the Traffic & SEO Info. package that I provide, this site will be on the way to making plenty of money in no time.
    The Winning Bidder Will Receive:

    • Suppliers info with whole sale pricing- you can set your own pricing structure, if so desired - Set your Profits
    • Fully integrated PayPal order buttons
    • 3 Months of FREE hosting.
    • 30 Days of Support
    • The domain is registered with godaddy.com.Free push to the buyers account.
    • I will help the buyer to transfer the website ,if the buyer chooses to host the site elsewhere

    The site has already made few sales with just signature links in forum.Assume that there is No traffic or revenue for bidding.Similar Brand new sites are sold on flippa for more than $300 !!
    kirch, May 6, 2012 IP
  2. [NMC] BigBoy

    [NMC] BigBoy Well-Known Member

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    site information please?
    [NMC] BigBoy, May 6, 2012 IP
  3. ryan_uk

    ryan_uk Illustrious Member

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    ryan_uk, May 6, 2012 IP
  4. [NMC] BigBoy

    [NMC] BigBoy Well-Known Member

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    hummmmmmmmmm. says sold on top of the auction.
    [NMC] BigBoy, May 6, 2012 IP
  5. stan255

    stan255 Peon

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    can you pm me your supplier?
    stan255, May 6, 2012 IP
  6. kirch

    kirch Well-Known Member

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    The suppliers info will be revealed to the winner of the auction
    kirch, May 7, 2012 IP
  7. kirch

    kirch Well-Known Member

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    kirch, May 7, 2012 IP
  8. triphp123

    triphp123 Well-Known Member

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    He has, and payment made.

    That was the promise yet over 2 weeks later I still dont have it! Despite repeated requests.

    No issues with me , I paid, you have not delivered anything except excuses.

    I still dont have this. I have requested refund, not got.
    Its now a Payapl Claim in progress.
    Meanwhile you cannot sell this!
    triphp123, May 7, 2012 IP
  9. kirch

    kirch Well-Known Member

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    The buyer has made payment and requested me to transfer the site to his host.Even though I said I will 'help' and took full responsibility to complete the transfer
    He sent me the hosting info and said he will be going on vacation and will be back after 2 weeks
    I told him that I will do the transfer the site when he comes back from vacation.
    But ,when I tried to transfer the site,I was unable to log in to his host as my IP was blocked.I have sent a mail to the buyer informing the same .
    The buyer unblocked the access/IP it after he came back from his vacation (after 14 days).With in 24 hrs ,I was able to transfer the site and asked teh buyer to check everything is OK and confirm me,so that I can transfer the domain and send the suppliers info
    But the buyer said he was not interested and has asked for refund because of the delay(which of course was not because of me)
    I accepted and said I will refund as soon as I transfer the files back to my host.(Meanwhile the buyer has taken down the hosting)
    After this he again restored his hosting and allowed me to transfer the files.It was night for me and buyer was in day time.
    When I woke up today I saw paypal dispute .I informed the buyer just a hour back that he will get refund once I complete the transfer

    BTW the site is still hosted on buyer's host/server

    Now the buyer can decide who is at fault.I have sold a similar site few weeks back and the buyer has left positive feedback/itrader

    (I have all the PMs from buyer to back up my story)

    kirch, May 7, 2012 IP
  10. triphp123

    triphp123 Well-Known Member

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    Whilst you still have my money and my goods you cannot leaglly sell this, its not yours to sell.
    So either refund my money or supply fully my purchase.
    triphp123, May 8, 2012 IP
    ryan_uk likes this.
  11. kirch

    kirch Well-Known Member

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    You refused to take delivery of the site and asked for refund.Before I refunded you ,you have disputed the transaction with paypal.I told you that I am ready to refund you (BTW the refund is in process)
    Now you come on to the thread and claim that you want the site or refund
    You have no right on the site cos the money is with paypal as you wanted a refund.Pls call paypal and ask for refund.
    Recently,I have sold three sites here.None of them had any problem, pre-sale or post sale !
    kirch, May 8, 2012 IP
  12. triphp123

    triphp123 Well-Known Member

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    I have repeatedly asked for either the order completed or a refund. You have refused both. You refused to complete order unless i removed dispute first and post in this thread that i would do that! The dispute is there because i dont trust you any more, like I am gonna lift it withouth you completing the order!!! I dont think so.
    You last comment was to wait for paypal dispute to finish, in other words you want to take your chance that paypal will find in your favour so yo can run with my money and product!You have not processed refund so why lie about that? Quote from Paypal Resolution page ...."The seller has been asked to respond by 17 May 2012. As soon as we hear from the seller, or if 17 May 2012 passes with no response from the seller, we'll review this case and email you with an update." so clearly you have no intention of returning funds.
    You refused to push domain or provide suppliers as promised, and I have proof of numerous requests.
    Your wrong so just grow up and resolve this now please.
    triphp123, May 8, 2012 IP
  13. kirch

    kirch Well-Known Member

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    Are you fool or what ??
    You have filed dispute with paypal and I replied to the dispute.Paypal will issue the refund
    You filed a dispute with paypal and still insisting (or rather begging me) to transfer the site !
    When I said I will do that ,if you atleast close the dispute or post here on the thread about the same.But you were not willing to do it
    Please do not waste my time.
    kirch, May 9, 2012 IP
  14. triphp123

    triphp123 Well-Known Member

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    Seems some crossed wires have occured, mostly errors my end.
    The situation is resolved now, and trade taken place. Payment sent , files received domain transfer in progress.
    triphp123, May 12, 2012 IP
  15. ryan_uk

    ryan_uk Illustrious Member

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    Reputation Management in action. Glad you guys were able to sort it out. :)
    ryan_uk, May 12, 2012 IP
  16. kirch

    kirch Well-Known Member

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    I have transferred the domain and site
    kirch, May 12, 2012 IP
  17. triphp123

    triphp123 Well-Known Member

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    Transfers now complete.

    triphp123, May 12, 2012 IP
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