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Buying Flash Designer needed

Discussion in 'Design' started by tschrock, Mar 17, 2010.

  1. #1

    Schrock Innovations is looking for a flash designer who can create the following component for us. We have trade references to offer from programmers and graphic designers to help show that we are reliable and pay promptly for work delivered to spec and on schedule. If we like your work, we will send future flash work to you as well.


    Image size: Schrock needs an image that is 500 x 246 px that will rotate through different images like a slide show (see the center frame of http://kibz.com/ for a functional example of what we are looking for). If possible, size of flash animation should be dictated by the size of the images being pulled in as slides.

    Slide Show Navigation: This flash component must have a navigation system that allows the viewer to pause the slide show, go back a slide, or go forward a slide. An auto resume after 20ish seconds of non-activity is preferred.

    The component must pull its "slides" from a folder named "rotator-images" located on the root of the domain ftp. Each image that is displayed in the slide-show will link to a different page on the Schrock Innovations website. The rotator will link each image to http://<domain name>/<image name without extension>

    When we place the images in the folders, we will name them appropriately to correspond to the page they are supposed to link to.

    Each image should 'dissolve' into the next image in the slide show.

    The rotator will pull its functionality instructions from a .txt file located in the rotator-images folder. This text file will contain settings that allow the person editing the file to:
    • Adjust the length of time in seconds each slide is displayed in the rotation
    • Whether or not clicks on slides pop a new window (0=no 1=yes)
    Additional Functionality: If possible, we would like the rotator to pull a random image (or a default image) from the images folder if the page is accessed from a non-flash enabled device like an i-Phone. The idea is to show something rather than a question mark if possible.

    This component should be developed so it can be used in multiple environments (don't hard-code the base URL, etc...)

    ~Valid PayPal account, in the name of the designer ~ NO EXCEPTIONS. Proof of this is required.
    ~I.M. setup, (M.S.N preferred)
    ~Must be perfectly fluent in English, no auto-translators are allowed.
    ~Must adhere to schedule deadline once set. Monetary percentage penalties will be inflicted for each day over.
    ~As we are a very reputable company that always pays for work done, transmission of the component and/or file first is implied in the description, so that it can be tested.

    ~We do understand that some designers/coder require that they are paid first. In this instance a working demonstration of the component/file(s) must be displayed prior to transmission of payment. Once the work is deemed acceptable, and payment is made and received by the designer/coder, immediate transmission of the component/file(s) is expected. Failure to transmit within 2 hours will constitute corrective actions being taken.

    All interested parties should pm with details, bids, and any portfolio references.
    As stated, if we are impressed with your pricing, work, punctuality, etc. it is extremely likely we will send future work your way.
    tschrock, Mar 17, 2010 IP
  2. tschrock

    tschrock Peon

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    This job has been filled. Thank you all for your interest and inquiries.
    tschrock, Mar 24, 2010 IP