Find all the users that have a keyword from the users somebody is following

Discussion in 'Twitter' started by gmh2000, Nov 28, 2015.

  1. #1
    I have unsuccesfully trying to find something that accomplish the following:

    I'm interested in the people that a person is following. I could check every person of that list manually, but it is a huge list. I'd like to filter the people of that list according to a criteria like some words of their descriptions.

    Example: John is following 1000 persons. I want to filter the persons who have Spain in their profile description. Or I want to filter the persons who have written United States in some tweet.

    How to do it with Twitter? Is it possible? Is it possible with a 3rd application?
    gmh2000, Nov 28, 2015 IP
  2. gmh2000

    gmh2000 Peon

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    I have answer my own question here:
    gmh2000, Dec 8, 2015 IP