Finally! Yahoo SM Allows You to Block Search Partners

Discussion in 'Yahoo Search Marketing' started by frankMeyer, Jan 20, 2010.

  1. #1
    So I just got an email from Yahoo SM saying they have implemented better targeting settings which will allow you from distributing your ads to the 1000's of partner search sites. You can also adjust your bid for these sites.

    If you have used Yahoo SM in the past you probably noticed you received some paid clicks from how can I say it, very shady domains.

    I'll be testing out this new feature and NOT allowing Search Partners to see if I can increase ROI AND if they are true to their claim that my ads will only appear on Yahoo Search.

    Everyone share their thoughts whether you think this will improve performance, stay the same or decrease performance.
    frankMeyer, Jan 20, 2010 IP
  2. Khan12

    Khan12 Peon

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    I did'nt find this new setting. Where is it?
    Khan12, Jan 23, 2010 IP