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Few Questions For HTML5 Enthusiasts

Discussion in 'HTML & Website Design' started by sami1255, Sep 16, 2010.

  1. #1
    Hi guys, this is a question for HTML5, CSS3 and new web technology enthusiasts.

    1. Will HTML5 replace dynamic web programing languages, i-e PHP, ASP ?
    2. At this point of time, is it possible to create simple CMS or blog entirely made in HTML5?
    3. HTML5, CSS3 aren't standardized up til now. Do we have enough markup/standardization available for HTML5 that would enable us to develop a website purely in HTML5, CSS3, which is cross browser compatible?

    Thank you for the replies
    sami1255, Sep 16, 2010 IP
  2. drhowarddrfine

    drhowarddrfine Peon

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    1) No. HTML is not a programming language.
    2) Yes.
    3) They still aren't finalized and won't be for many years. As my answer in 2) says, you can use them now but, whenever anyone talks about "cross browser compatibility" they almost always mean "does it work in IE?". The answer to that question is always no. However, there are javascript libraries around that will help IE attempt to perform like the other far more modern browsers.
    drhowarddrfine, Sep 16, 2010 IP
    JJulian likes this.
  3. zuchrivious

    zuchrivious Active Member

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    1. no, not now :)
    2. there are actually some good example available now, but don't expect too much
    3. they're progressing under development but gradually implemented in major browsers, the 'final' installment will arrive someday, but probably not in the near future, some clash between standards still gives pain in the ass, but some hacks will always help
    zuchrivious, Sep 17, 2010 IP
  4. sami1255

    sami1255 Well-Known Member

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    Thanks for the replies.

    1) Can somebody post good examples of html5 CMS ?
    2) How about html5 databases?
    sami1255, Sep 19, 2010 IP