Feature suggestion: AI contextual website manifest JSON for advanced AI SEO

Discussion in 'Search Engine Optimization' started by SNTJJ, Nov 4, 2023.

  1. #1

    I hereby would like to share an idea for advanced SEO for AI: contextual website description JSON.

    After having seen Google Bard fail to describe websites and to help potential visitors with finding information on a website, it occurred to me that SEO is likely to remain important in a future with AI search, perhaps even more so when contextual SEO becomes more complex and advanced for improved serving of search queries.

    What is AI contextual website manifest?

    A JSON file that website owners add to their website to describe the diverse content to be found, how to handle queries, describe personage/character, describe scenarios for relevance, and enable FAQ functionality by AI.

    How would it work?

    The possibilities of JSON are pretty great (it is even possible to link multiple JSON files together using internal links) and an AI can understand it all through JSON schemas: https://json-schema.org/

    Why would it be useful?

    It would enable AI to automatically respond correctly for searches and questions related to the website or its content, to serve AI users and potential visitors of the website in the best way. It could even enable personalized AI responses for website related queries.

    An AI manifest JSON could enable independent AI services to achieve in-depth insights into the content and nature of a website instantly without advanced content processing.


    A website that sells shoes could use AI contextual website description JSON to describe the different types of shoes that they sell, the materials that they are made from, the features that they have, and the styles that they are available in. They could also use it to describe the different ways that their shoes can be used, such as for running, walking, or playing sports.

    When a user asks AI a question about the website, such as "What type of shoes do you recommend for running?", AI could be programmed to consult the AI contextual website description JSON file and provide the user with an informed and relevant answer.

    An example is Website Manifest: https://web.dev/articles/add-manifest

    /ai.json (AI Manifest)

    • Improved SEO for websites that use AI
    • More accurate and informative answers to questions about websites
    • A valuable resource for both website owners and AI developers
    • Personalized AI responses for website related queries
    Call to action:

    What are your thoughts on this idea? Do you have any suggestions for how it could be improved? I'm interested in hearing from you!


    p.s. in writing this post I was assisted by Google Bard: https://bard.google.com/chat
    SNTJJ, Nov 4, 2023 IP
  2. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    That was obvious. I'm not sure where the AI comes in. Doesn't structured data already do all that?
    sarahk, Nov 4, 2023 IP
  3. SNTJJ

    SNTJJ Active Member

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    Hi! Good to see you again ;)

    Structured meta data is handy for a complex search engine such as Google or Bing but doesn't work for 'in-the-moment' AI queries for billions of websites, especially considering the changing nature of websites. An AI simply hasn't the time or capacity to instantly scan millions of pages on a website to understand what is to be found where, and what deeper purposes and solutions the content of a website might provide in diverse more complex query scenarios.

    A centralized JSON manifest system that an AI can access and parse instantly would enable an AI to instantly respond with deep knowledge and logic to website related questions and search queries.

    Contextual AI SEO might be something that can enhance the search experience of the internet while in the same time unlocking the potential to create significant greater commercial and marketing value for businesses, by reaching potential customers and by representing the company and its products in an optimized manner within any AI.

    When it concerns AI search, there is still the human that puts in the questions, and the human that will market services and products to those people. An optimized AI search experience may require a level of per-website based personalization that can only be provided by more advanced SEO.
    SNTJJ, Nov 5, 2023 IP