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    y u no do it?

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    Advertise virtually anything here, with CPM banner ads, CPM email ads and CPC contextual links. You can target relevant areas of the site and show ads based on geographical location of the user if you wish.

    Starts at just $1 per CPM or $0.10 per CPC.

Facebook sale conversion rate

Discussion in 'Pay Per Click Advertising' started by CerIs, Apr 2, 2017.

  1. #1
    I have a digital product im thinking about creating and selling via Facebook. I noticed a lot of Facebook PPC revolves around getting peoples email and creating a list - but I want to sell directly first (and collect email too of course) - is there a reason not to do this?

    My main question is around conversation rates (I know there are a lot of variables), I read on an affiliate blog that because Facebook surfers are not in "buying mode" so conversions rates are low. So for a 100 clicks on your ad you could be lucky to get 1 sale and 0.5 would be average?

    My product is around $30 - $40 - online course. I think 2% conversion would see me in profit - which wouldn't be crazy/unheard of?

    Any input appreciated.
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2017
    CerIs, Apr 2, 2017 IP
  2. zibolin

    zibolin Greenhorn

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    If you start a group - targeting your product - the conversion rate would be much higher.
    zibolin, Apr 2, 2017 IP
  3. Zoti Media Group

    Zoti Media Group Notable Member

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    Do not burn your money on facebook ads. Better buy here some ads as on facebook.
    All clickfarm. Read some reviews first.
    Zoti Media Group, Apr 2, 2017 IP