Facebook Etiquette

Discussion in 'Facebook' started by Jez, May 7, 2012.

  1. #1
    What is the etiquette on posting in a group on FB? I want to let the group know of my fan page but I don't want to be seen as a spammer. Also, I don't want to upset people. I sell personalised memorials for pets and want to post in a pet group about what I sell but am aware that some people might not want to think about their pet dying. Any advice please?
    Jez, May 7, 2012 IP
  2. MrSS

    MrSS Peon

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    First, use a decent profile picture. As I can see, your avatar used here in Digitalpoints gives me a negative impression about your personality. Sorry, I must admit.
    Second, about posting etiquette in Facebook group. Why now create a fanpage for your product? It's a better idea, then huddle a group in that fanpage to collect your active subscribers. You don't have to jump in every group you saw to post your product, if you do, your really indeed like a spammer.

    Think of it, in internet marketing, SEO, the word "organic" is so important. What I'm trying to say it let people aware of you organically not because you post somewhere else that is really out of your business context.
    MrSS, May 10, 2012 IP
  3. animebuzz.tv

    animebuzz.tv Peon

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    there's a lot of spammers in every group nowadays because of buy and sell, and advertising of their products.
    animebuzz.tv, May 10, 2012 IP