eXtrigo - Goal Setting and Productivity Network

Discussion in 'Websites' started by Roman13, Jun 12, 2016.

  1. #1
    URL: eXtrigo.com

    In general, the application is a productivity application but it’s not only going to make you remember to do your stuff or to be better organized like many other apps already do very well. We focus on finding the best way to accomplish the goal by encouraging the users to stop and think of particular items that they need to process before starting, during their learning process and right after it. We also aggregate this knowledge in order to provide guidance for the next users who are going to pursue a similar goal, we like to call it crowd wisdom.

    I need your opinion about the service, don't hesitate to be harsh :) Honesty is important!
    Roman13, Jun 12, 2016 IP
  2. robinbd4u

    robinbd4u Active Member

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    Good site you have created.

    Until now peoples have lots of problem or obstacle. Like some problems about social adjustment, love, friendship, behavior, culture, mental feelings etc. Huge amount of people suffering from these kind of problem. So If they share their problem at your site and other share idea to solve problem then I think social will go ahead with good knowledge.
    robinbd4u, Jun 12, 2016 IP
  3. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    It looks interesting, I've created an account and one goal but I haven't looked into the social side of things. Site appears to be well thought out. It would be good to have an alternative to the video tutorials, I don't even go there.
    sarahk, Jun 12, 2016 IP
  4. Roman13

    Roman13 Greenhorn

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    thanks i appreciate your comments.

    You can easily browse the social side of the site through the following link:


    You will get a list of journals and knowledge items.

    You can pick anyone of them follow the creator, comment and share.

    clicking on the “Community” tab will show you the recent activity in the site.
    Roman13, Jun 13, 2016 IP