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Evidencing the Benefits of Social Media

Discussion in 'Social Networks' started by sb-sm-me, Oct 18, 2019.

  1. #1
    I have an issue I have been trying to solve, any suggestions are welcome.
    My company doesn't wholly believe in the power of social media in revenue generation. I need to evidence the benefits but am struggling to show the correct conversions. Here is the current set up:

    • We have a Wordpress website which has Ninja web forms on each footer which are handled by Pardot
    • We have a tracking code set up on Google Analytics that supposedly tracks social media conversions
    • However, this conversion is tracking people who come from social media and land on a web form
    • It does NOT track whether they completed the form or not
    • We need to know how many web form completions occurred with social media as the source
    • We use Salesforce as our CRM and we have campaigns set up that tag the form as Web regardless of where it has come from
    • In order to track social conversions, we have set up automation rules and tracked custom redirects but they haven't made a difference

    Basically, the end game is to show that social media leads exist and can turn into SQLs. I am literally ready to rip my hair out wracking my brains for weeks and researching how to make this happen.

    Does anyone know the answer? If not, could you please tell me how you track your social media to show web form completion conversions? Can't wait to hear your suggestions!
    sb-sm-me, Oct 18, 2019 IP
  2. perfectpoint

    perfectpoint Well-Known Member

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    So there are two different approaches that you could take for this:

    The first one would be to customize your site so that a flag is set in the background if the user originates from social media. That flag could then be used and passed on during the form submission to identify the original source of the traffic. That is one way, but will take some custom coding to make it happen. I am not sure how far your resources go for this.

    The second option is a little simpler. Create a copy of your current lead page and form to do A / B testing. The B page will be your social media only conversion page and you start directing your marketing urls (for social media campaigns) to the sub domain.
    perfectpoint, Oct 20, 2019 IP
    sarahk likes this.
  3. ellastien

    ellastien Banned

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    Thanks for sharing such kind of informative post.
    ellastien, Oct 21, 2019 IP
  4. sb-sm-me

    sb-sm-me Peon

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    Thank you for your response Perfectpoint. We are in the process of creating a new web site and have thought that perhaps the best solution would be to have mirror landing pages for social which are hidden and can only be accessed when a link is shared there. We were just looking for a quick fix that I don't think exists!
    sb-sm-me, Oct 22, 2019 IP
  5. Sam Sabir

    Sam Sabir Greenhorn

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    Social Media Marketing is applicable everywhere and for any online presence. It can allow you to reach your targeted audiences in a better, faster manner. It can help you maximize your visibility and brand presence through effective approaches and campaigns. If you need to observe and display the results effectively, use a tool like SEMrush to keep track of everything.
    Sam Sabir, Apr 24, 2020 IP
  6. JEET

    JEET Notable Member

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    I don't know if this still helps you or not, its been over 6 months, but easiest way is to have a hidden field in the form, which has refferal URL or domain.
    When the form is submitted, the field can be logged to a database or to a text file, counting number of leads from social media.

    Second option is also good, as @perfectpoint suggested,
    create a separate landing page for social media, share only this new landing page link on social media.
    A completely different form can be made for this page.

    By the way, this system is inbuilt in the "PowerPress" CMS, an alternative of wordpress.
    I am one of the developers of that CMS system.
    JEET, Apr 25, 2020 IP