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Buying domain development services

Discussion in 'Design' started by lucky6man, Sep 21, 2010.

  1. #1
    i am looking for someone who can handle a range of domain development skills. I would like a person who can design an appealing site have relevant content written as well as incorporate onsite seo. i would prefer they use html/css for the site design. if this sounds like you please contact me. a portfolio is greatly appreciated. we can discuss details further if your sound like a fit for the job. I plan to use the services on a ongoing bases so please live in the US as it makes communication and understanding easier.
    lucky6man, Sep 21, 2010 IP
  2. lucky6man

    lucky6man Peon

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    just to clear some things up. the sites will be made to monetize with adsence and are mostly information sites with ads. i may also need some product sites made offering an amazon affiliate with google adds as well.
    lucky6man, Sep 28, 2010 IP