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Does the entire world really run on money?

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by mukesh4bs, Jul 27, 2013.

  1. #1
    So far, in my life, I've learnt that everything in the world pretty much reduces to a simple economic equation. Money plays a bigger part in our relationships that we think, it sometimes is the driving force behind them.

    I have seen families sustaining themselves because of money, and breaking apart for the same reason. 'Love', as we know it, also happens for money. Marriages have also been reduced to business deals. Right from the relationship between a husband and wife to a country funding terrorism, it happens for some or the other economic reason.

    So I want to know what you all think - Does the entire world really spin on money?
    mukesh4bs, Jul 27, 2013 IP
  2. qwikad.com

    qwikad.com Illustrious Member Affiliate Manager

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    I'd like to think that there's more to this life than just making money. I don't think my relationship with my wife is going to change whether we have a lot or very little. It is heartbreaking to hear the stories of families totally falling apart after winning a lottery jackpot.

    But as far as the governments, sure it's all about accumulating wealth. A wealthy country is a strong country and vice versa.
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2013
    qwikad.com, Jul 27, 2013 IP
  3. fare

    fare Well-Known Member

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    Money has always been revolving around the world. However, we should be controlling money and not allow money to control us. While money may be as important as it sounds (everybody knows), there are many things that can't be bought with money when not spent correctly. These includes: health, friends, happiness etc.

    Just treat money as an incentive and not let it affect our lives negatively.
    fare, Jul 27, 2013 IP
  4. mukesh4bs

    mukesh4bs Active Member

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    Do you think now money is a game of share markets, forex etc that is control by big corporate, politicians and underworlds?

    People are attracts these kinds quick rich schemes and lost their hard earned money. Now people are compelled to run for money due to their luxurious life that is also a big fact in our daily life.

    But it is also true without money we can't imagine. Today we all are running for money nothing else. We forget or limited our moral duties for country, society even family members.

    Your thoughts??
    mukesh4bs, Jul 27, 2013 IP
  5. bdcobbs

    bdcobbs Greenhorn

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    I look at it this way, straight out of the womb we have no clue what money is and all that matters is having someone show you love and compassion starting life. As we get older depending on our wants and needs moneys' true value is established individually and solely dependent upon those two factors. As we get towards those twilight years of life I believe it comes full circle all, that matters is having someone show you love and compassion as we exit life.
    bdcobbs, Jul 27, 2013 IP
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  6. SliceOfLife

    SliceOfLife Well-Known Member

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    And this is because most of the people are, simply put, stupid and uneducated to understand these schemes and why they won't work. Ever. No matter how desperate you might be for something (namely money here) you should not lose your rational thinking.

    And yes, money makes the world go round, but luckily there are still some safe havens where we can escape to and live without worries and stress on quite a little money :)
    SliceOfLife, Jul 27, 2013 IP
  7. s.molinari

    s.molinari Member

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    The problem is, people give money much more importance than it should ever have. Money is a tool and a means to achieve and acquire things and nothing more. It is a means to pay for products or services and it only gives value to concrete "things" in life. If you can see money as just a tool for valuation of products and services (including labor), then you can be more objective about it. If you use money any other way, like as a way to oppress another human being, like, "dear, I earn the money, so you should stay bare foot and pregnant", then it becomes much more important and even negative.

    Usually too, money isn't the problem, but the lack of it is.

    s.molinari, Jul 27, 2013 IP
  8. Spoiltdiva

    Spoiltdiva Acclaimed Member

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    All money represents is the absence of fear. With money you gain security, respect and a sense of well being. Without it one is filled with fear. Even basic things like shelter and not having enough to eat, are then issues if you lack enough money.
    It's all about tending to a survival need, very basic stuff if you think about it.
    Spoiltdiva, Jul 28, 2013 IP
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  9. pbc561

    pbc561 Greenhorn

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    The lack of money is the root of all evil. - Mark Twain
    pbc561, Jul 28, 2013 IP
  10. RyleyD

    RyleyD Greenhorn

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    In my mind it is not necessarily money that runs the world but more so greed. Money is one of the forms of greed. Humans are creatures that want more and more. We are possessive beings. I guess you could also say wealth runs the world.
    RyleyD, Jul 30, 2013 IP
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  11. qwikad.com

    qwikad.com Illustrious Member Affiliate Manager

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    You said it way better than I ever would. When I started making more and gained a healthy self-respect because of that, everything else changed in my life. My friends changed. My stress level changed. My perspective for my future changed. When you lack money, you make ALL your decisions based on that fear... and that's a horrible place to be in.
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2013
    qwikad.com, Jul 31, 2013 IP
  12. moocifer

    moocifer Member

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    Yes i think money does play a BIG role in our lives weather we like it or not,personally within my circle of friends it can create problems when you have so many different levels of salarys. It is pathetic really BUT it happens, greed,envy i see it all the time
    moocifer, Aug 1, 2013 IP
  13. Spoiltdiva

    Spoiltdiva Acclaimed Member

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    Have you ever witnessed family members fighting over a will? Seeing this is when you truly understand the depths of human greed and avarice.
    Spoiltdiva, Aug 1, 2013 IP
  14. Money-Maker

    Money-Maker Member

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    I think this is a topic that can run and run. Whether we like it or not money plays a big part in our lives and being "rich" in the monetary terms can mean different things for different people. Someone that earns a 6 figure sum per year would probably class themselves as "rich" however if you asked someone born into a multi millions lifestyle to suddenly start from scratch and "survive" on a higher then average wage they would proobably class themselves as poor.
    Money-Maker, Aug 1, 2013 IP
  15. matt_62

    matt_62 Prominent Member

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    the world pretty much does revolve around money, but you still see in some communities that love for others is still key.... What makes me depressed is when acts of kindness become so rare that they become front page news.

    Think of the world this way, Money is our only right to have food, have clothes, have somewhere to live, have access to education, transport, health services - in other words, our right to survive, and our families right to survive is completely reliant on having money.
    matt_62, Aug 1, 2013 IP
  16. ThePiixelMonster

    ThePiixelMonster Greenhorn

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    Sadly I think that this world does currently (but hasn't always) revolved around money... However you try to sugar coat it, if you have no money you will be treated differently by 'most' (but not all) people and you will be unable to have the simple comforts in life to simply 'exist' however you can abuse this system in ways but it would require money to do so. Not to mention, not being able to contribute to your given field of expertise in some cases.

    Based on what you have said, I can tell you first hand that money effects relationships but I know there are some lucky people out there who will be unaffected by this, but I went from having a great job and a great deal of money to having not much money at all to my name and all of my so called 'friends' just disappeared and After a few months I managed to get hired again, all of a sudden I started getting more phone calls from my mates and people I hadn't talked to since losing my job with a great income. I had money saved but I didn't have that fat payment coming in monthly so I was ok and able to get by but just seeing how everyone around you acts in situations like that truly opens your eyes.

    I agree with most of what Matt has just said, if you have no money, you cannot eat... Where I live you cannot simply go and hunt if you cannot afford to buy meat or bread at the shop either and you would have to rely on certain charity from people and such in those situations however there isn't much of an alternative offered to an economy based system and as we have been brought up to get a mindless job as a zombie to 'exist' some of use either accept this and do so or try to further our education and get into debt, and those who have not had the privilege to get the right grades early on in life for whatever reason (however smart they may be) don't stand as much of a chance getting into the right education, I guess I am going off on a rant right about now, but I believe that everything should be done for the better of our country or humanity even as a whole, we should not charge such a high rate for people with a brain and passion to learn and we would realize a great improvement even further than we see today in science and technology and everyone would progress as a whole but of course this leaves holes as well and there isn't any simple way to type my responses up and such, nor would anyone likely read the whole thing but a 'resource' based economy could work I suppose and everyone would benefit.... but that is a whole other discussion.

    In short I truly believe that money fuels the world but not every individual. Some of us just have to live with it and get by...

    Hopefully I don't sound too insane here!
    ThePiixelMonster, Aug 1, 2013 IP
  17. SpinBlade

    SpinBlade Greenhorn

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    I wouldn't say the world revolves around money; more that it's inveigled itself into numerous aspects of our lives where it doesn't belong. It's taken on a life of its own and has become separated from what it was in the beginning, which was merely a symbol of the value applied to work or goods when you didn't have something of like value to barter for that work or goods. Now the money's taken on its own value apart from what it represents, which is why someone can rob someone of their money and use that money with impunity without themselves providing something of value to the community.
    SpinBlade, Aug 6, 2013 IP
  18. makeit easy

    makeit easy Active Member

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    Storing is the problem. Most animals don't store and live simple. Humans were living like other animals when they were hunting deer and collecting fruit to live. Complex problems have started with farming. They have started to produce their own food and then humans needed to store food since most foods were not available in winters. They learned the advantage of storing food. Then they started to store gold, money and everything. It could be still okay if humans were storing the resources at a reasonable level like for the needs in the next few months or years. Your complex problems start when you have something that's enough for your next few hundreds or thousands of years.
    makeit easy, Aug 9, 2013 IP
  19. Kerosene

    Kerosene Alpha & Omega™ Staff

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    Dollars (etc) can be taken away or devalued *in an instant*.
    Money is worthless.
    The world runs on the ILLUSION of money.
    Kerosene, Aug 25, 2013 IP
  20. scurvy

    scurvy Well-Known Member

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    Best things in life are free.
    scurvy, Aug 26, 2013 IP