Does Blogging pays the bills?

Discussion in 'Blogging' started by Suraj_AM, Dec 12, 2013.

  1. #1
    In times where blogs like or sourcePEP/80-20-blog who are basically content curators and not content creators are exceedingly getting popular- is it worth writing blogs of our own? Can Blogging be a sustainable source of income?
    Suraj_AM, Dec 12, 2013 IP
  2. YJunK

    YJunK Active Member

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    I have a friend who essentially blogs for a living, so yes, it is possible. However it requires having a very niche audience and spending a lot of time to make your blog appealing and good. It will take a lot of effort establishing a reputation for good content and good writing.
    So basically, it is possible, but it takes a LOT of work.
    YJunK, Dec 12, 2013 IP
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  3. anzilone

    anzilone Prominent Member

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    I'm doing Blogging for living. Blogging is the only source of income for me. Now i can earn a decent amount of money with my blog. You should do a lot of effort to become success on Blogging..................

    Yes its possible - Blogging be a sustainable source of income
    anzilone, Dec 29, 2013 IP
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  4. Webcenter

    Webcenter Well-Known Member

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    Blogging, the real blogger business takes time and some spedings for a domain and hosting, some cool theme too but is optional. In case you're looking for quick money, sorry to disappoint you but blogging takes time, a lot if you do it wrong way, in fact you could earn almost nothing if you don't have a great guide or in case you are smart enough to learn from the best bloggers by simply reading them.
    Webcenter, Dec 29, 2013 IP
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  5. Victoria Stone

    Victoria Stone Greenhorn

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    In short, yep.

    I used to blog, but now I lack the time. The key is to find a good niche and write what most appeals to the target audience; a good niche being one where your readers are willing to part with money - people wanting to make money, people wanting to quit smoking, and so forth - and one not too saturated to make barriers to entry insurmountable. You then have to work at it and play the waiting game. It takes a while to get the money ball rolling, but when you do, the profits are relatively stable and long-lasting, even when you take a blogging vacation.

    Trouble is, while I enjoy writing, the money-potential of blogging is just not enough for me; not when I consider the time and effort involved. There are better ways to earn.
    Victoria Stone, Dec 29, 2013 IP
  6. sirjorgeofculver

    sirjorgeofculver Well-Known Member

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    No. Not blogging alone. Monetization of structure is where the money is. I make more money from people asking me to write for them, than I do on my own 11+ blogs.
    sirjorgeofculver, Dec 29, 2013 IP
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  7. Snoopy240

    Snoopy240 Well-Known Member

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    Yes, you can definitely earn a substantial income from a Blog.

    But there are a lot key factors to becoming a successful blogger.

    Learn how to solve people's problem with your content.

    Be yourself when explaining things through your words.

    Learn how to monetize your entire Blog Site.

    Learn how to Capture Leads and grow a Subscribers Base (blogs readers)

    Learn how to build relationships with your Email list and always offer more value than affiliate products.

    Let people ask you to buy from you instead of bombarding them with offers.

    Become a good example to others in your niche and never be afraid of sharing every single success you get online.

    These are some of the most important things to consider when building a successful, money making blog online.

    It is all about how much value you give out and how many people SEE that value. Focus on the Value and the Marketing/Promotion of that Value and the money will come naturally.

    Hope this helps! :cool:

    Wish you the best success in your journey online!
    Snoopy240, Jan 4, 2014 IP
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  8. WebDeveloperSahil

    WebDeveloperSahil Active Member

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    Freelancing + Blogging = Yes
    If you have really huge audience at your blog then ofcourse. Man basically public make you king. If you public like you, you got public on your blog/website then you are rich. That's how it works
    WebDeveloperSahil, Jan 4, 2014 IP
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