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Digital marketing or regular marketing masters degree?

Discussion in 'General Marketing' started by Ajlaras, Jan 15, 2018.

  1. #1
    Hi there, I´m new on here and a bit unsure weather this is the best place to post this, but I need some advice.

    I recently graduated with a bachelor in economics and administration with a major in marketing, but am having a hard time finding a job. Which is why I am now looking into masters degrees to further increase my knowledge and to hopefully get a job eventually within the field.

    I am mostly looking into universities and colleges in Great Britain, Ireland and Germany, but I am not sure which type of marketing would give me the best advantage in finding a job. I am stuck between a regual masters degree in marketing (but afraid that might be too non-specific), International marketing, digital marketing and management and marketing. Are there anyone on here with these degrees that could possibly give me some tips? Any feedback is greatly appreciated!
    Ajlaras, Jan 15, 2018 IP
  2. jean007

    jean007 Active Member

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    I give you only one advice and hope you will get reward soon.
    I am Working of SEO(Search Engine Optimization) and this work is related to online marketing . You can earn lot of money from this advertising marketing daily without waste time. If you interested in this work than u can contact me without tention.
    jean007, Jan 16, 2018 IP
  3. OnlineWorkIdeas_com

    OnlineWorkIdeas_com Member

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    Check which jobs with these degrees get paid more, what is the market demand and if you will really like that type of job. If you will like it, then you will do it well and the future will be bright.
    Also, even you get the degree you wish, wouldn't your potential future employer expect that you have work experience?
    Find someone successful in marketing in a big company and make a direct question by email on what you ask here.
    I think that the future of business is through websites which need promotion and marketing actions like PPC campaigns (Google AdWords), Social Media ads etc.
    OnlineWorkIdeas_com, Jan 17, 2018 IP
    sarahk likes this.
  4. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    Well, if you go with the classic definition of "Marketing" it would include all types of marketing, including Digital Marketing, which would be a subset of all of the types of Marketing you can do. For example, Public Relations, print advertising, TV/radio advertising, and many other methods would not fall under Digital Marketing, but would under Marketing. In my day job, I am a VP of Marketing for a medium sized company me and my team are responsible for all marketing, including digital marketing. Were i VP of Digital Marketing, I would report to the VP of Marketing.
    jrbiz, Jan 17, 2018 IP
  5. Ajlaras

    Ajlaras Peon

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    Thank you for the response. So what you are saying is you would recommend "marketing" over "digital marketing"? Would me doing "digital marketing" close me off of other work options in the future you think? I figured with digital marketing, I´d learn more about the technological aspect of marketing, with understanding coding, using social media, building webpages and so on, which it seems lots of businesses want today when they put out adds for marketing jobs.
    Again, thank you for responding
    Ajlaras, Jan 17, 2018 IP
  6. Pamela Turns

    Pamela Turns Active Member

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    Well, I would recommend both. Obviously, digital marketing nowadays is a trend, because we know that it works and delivers results. But whether we like it or not, we do use the traditional marketing too. We can't easily erase that fact.
    Pamela Turns, Jan 17, 2018 IP
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  7. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    If this was the medical industry, the question is whether you would want to be a general practitioner (Marketing) or a specialist (Digital Marketing.) There are many more general practitioner positions to get that first job and it does not preclude you from becoming a specialist, anyway. But, the Digital Marketing option might pay a bit more to start because it is a hot and growing area. But you will have more difficulty switching careers (e.g., I would not consider hiring a digital marketer to lead my PR campaigns) and there will be fewer actual job openings for the specialty position.

    So, I guess that if you feel that you will enjoy being a digital marketer and would not want to get into other areas of marketing in the future, you should go for that. On the other hand, if you would like to keep your options open as much as possible, then the general Marketing option might be best. Note that nothing would prevent you from choosing one of the two options now and then taking more courses in the other discipline in the future.
    jrbiz, Jan 18, 2018 IP
  8. Skarfaze

    Skarfaze Well-Known Member

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    It all depends on what kind of work you are trying to do the rest of your life. It has to be something you enjoy and you're happy to do on a daily basis.
    In your shoes, I would go with digital marketing but that's because I enjoy it.

    So ask yourself which one of those you are more interested in and read more about the job responsibilities. Then maybe get an internship in the one you choose to see if you enjoy it.
    Like this guy here: https://www.nohatdigital.com/blog/ken-success-story/ Took an internship and one thing led to another.

    You seem like you're more inclined to go do digital marketing. Don't get a degree to get a job because you will end up being miserable. So if you like digital marketing go for it, there's plenty of jobs out there in this field.
    Skarfaze, Jan 18, 2018 IP
    jrbiz likes this.
  9. wisdomtool

    wisdomtool Moderator Staff

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    I would feel going on for masters would have a great opportunity costs of gaining experiences. Best to work and get a part time masters at least, rather than full time on masters.

    wisdomtool, Jan 18, 2018 IP
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  10. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    Yes, I may not have stressed that enough. This quote is quite pertinent: do what you enjoy and you will never work a day in your life. :)

    I am on an advisory board for a major university's MBA program in Boston and they generally will not take an applicant who just earned a Bachelor's degree. They strongly prefer that the candidate have solid work experience before going for the MBA, full time or part time.
    jrbiz, Jan 19, 2018 IP
  11. Omnidigit

    Omnidigit Member

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    First of all, congrats on your degree completion.
    I do not think that you should be having issues finding a job with your degree. I'd rather focus on the resume first and see if you are applying for the right jobs.
    I'd suggest you go to a reputed college that offers International Marketing. You can always get a certification in digital marketing later. But earning a degree in Marketing from a renowned institution would give you a significant advantage in terms of job application.
    However, this applies only if you are interested in that subject. You should study something you like doing.
    Hope that helps.
    Omnidigit, Feb 15, 2018 IP
  12. Junaid Khan

    Junaid Khan Peon

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    I am also working on digital marketing. I am looking for a top MBA. I am planning to join UWS MBA in UAE. Would it be value for my designation? Please suggest to me. I have joined here and currently studying in UAE campus.
    Junaid Khan, Apr 7, 2019 IP
  13. lightningmat

    lightningmat Greenhorn

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    I would suggest going for a digital marketing as we can see the tendency that a lot of things happens online.
    lightningmat, May 2, 2019 IP
  14. Johnson Rivers

    Johnson Rivers Greenhorn

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    It is really good for me because i need to many time.
    Johnson Rivers, May 2, 2019 IP
  15. Amber Leavey

    Amber Leavey Peon

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    I wound suggest Digital Marketing. Not only that there are many opportunities for Digital Marketers out there you can work at home too. All you need is an internet connection and a laptop or PC.
    Amber Leavey, May 29, 2019 IP
  16. dm.dotzo.net

    dm.dotzo.net Greenhorn

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    Digital marketing is the best wherein you get to know more about marketing strategy. Digital marketing is highly recommended by many companies.
    dm.dotzo.net, Sep 20, 2019 IP
  17. jaguar34

    jaguar34 Notable Member

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    The question is? That will you find a job after this kind of degree? Did people in India had jobs after B.Tech degree? This is like giving struggles to your legs going to college after school the teachers wasted our life there.
    jaguar34, Jan 1, 2020 IP