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Did the covid-19 already come to an end in December 2020?

Discussion in 'Politics & Religion' started by fencerstars, Nov 19, 2020.

  1. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    My point is that because we locked down properly we don't have this problem.
    The US never limited travel to "essential"
    The US never put quarantines on all international air travellers
    The US never put quarantines on all land travellers

    NZ hotels are full because we use them either for quarantine or for domestic travellers.
    sarahk, Jan 19, 2021 IP
    malky66 likes this.
  2. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    That's nice. A small island, in the middle of nowhere, with a GDP in which 2 of the 3 top contributors are Agriculture and Fishing and a population comparable in size to the rural state of Alabama, has been able to pull off a "successful" lockdown. Of course, this has zero relevance to any industrialized, large nation and any of its efforts to lockdown. That said, I assume that since you folks are so smart and superior to the rest of the world, you have figured out a way to research, test, and manufacture your own vaccines during your glorious lockdown? I mean, you wouldn't be so low as to take advantage of other countries with inferior lockdowns who allowed their citizens to risk life and limb by going in to research the vaccines, manufacture, and distribute them?

    I will repeat that I cannot believe that this thread has devolved into a discussion of returning to lockdowns that have failed consistently around the world, as millions and millions of highly effective vaccines are being distributed.
    jrbiz, Jan 20, 2021 IP
  3. qwikad.com

    qwikad.com Illustrious Member Affiliate Manager

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    Hey, stop slamming the nation that gave us Russell Crowe
    qwikad.com, Jan 20, 2021 IP
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  4. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    America is too big to lockdown responsibly?
    If that's a valid argument then I'm glad I'm not there.

    We're continuing to trade internationally and the vaccine will be part of that. We're contributing to research and we're supporting our neighbouring countries who don't have the resources we have.
    sarahk, Jan 20, 2021 IP
  5. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    The logistics are mind-boggling in a country like the U.S. when you are thinking of a serious lockdown. We have cities, like NYC, with a higher population than NZ and in a fraction of the footprint. High density populations. Most of these major cities produce nothing to keep people alive, though they may have their own electric or gas utility plants. Food, medicine, medical supplies, etc., have to be transported in (truck, rail, ship, plane, etc.) continuously for the most part. Major city hospitals do not have crazy-sized warehouses to store weeks or months worth of medicine, food, disposables, and all other supplies. Hospitals take such inventory deliveries seven days per week with some of it being nearly JIT. So, all of the pharma companies, medical equipment companies, medical supply companies, food suppliers, distributors, laundries, etc., etc. have to stay in business to support them. Truckers, railroads, planes all have to be carrying cargo everywhere. Police, fire and EMS also need to be on the road. That means there needs to be gas stations stocked and ready everywhere and it also means that the towing companies and auto repair folks need to be in business and that means that the auto parts and supplies manufacturers need to be in working. Remember, our foods, medicines -- everything -- are trucked or put on rail for hundreds and even thousands of miles to get to a significant portion of their customers. And the problems are not just with the big cities, most people do not live in communities that would be self-sufficient in a lockdown. This is by no means a complete or exhaustive list, but it's an attempt to give a flavor of why any lockdown here involves millions and millions of people going into and out of the lockdown daily, thereby greatly limiting its effectiveness. BTW, I do not believe that this is unique to the U.S. A lot of industrialized, large population nations have the same issues, I suspect.
    jrbiz, Jan 20, 2021 IP
  6. deathshadow

    deathshadow Acclaimed Member

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    No clue what the blazes that means... it's cute though. Care to explain the etymology; is it a regionalism like FPF inside the 128 belt of Boston, or is it something meaningless you pulled out your backside?

    Why is it the people screaming about fake news basically parrot the unfounded illogical rhetoric of Fox / Infowars / 4chan, live in information echo chambers like Parler, and get on their knees to suck off the first demagogue to come along with a good bullshit story? Is this another aspect of confirmation bias and cognitive dissonance?

    Distributed slowly, sabotaged by anti-vax morons (see the "oops we unplugged the fridge" or "Oh I left it on the counter" dirtbags), actively fought against by even more anti-vax morons, and the large number of people who just can't afford it. Though at least it seems some of our poorest are getting it free, it's still a huge problem.

    Much less the logistics of getting it distributed. Funny how you think that can magically happen, but think the logistics of a lockdown is too "big" a problem for 'Murica. (more on that for the "moran" later... I say, I say... that's a joke son. I keep a pitchin' 'um and you keep a missin' 'um!)

    Again business !=== death, it's about an EFFECTIVE program, and to say it's ineffective is thoroughly and utterly ignorant of the world picture.

    A world picture where the US has twice the cases of INDIA!!! INDIA!!! No offense to India by much of their population lives in a far poorer state than America's poorest. Overcrowding is a way of life. Traffic laws, what's that? Corruption that makes 1970's and '80's Boston look legit. The city, not the band.

    And of course, it worked fine in China because they already know how to stop shit like this LONG before there's a vaccine. It's almost as if Covid-19 is just a variation of the SARS virus that they've already dealt with. Oh wait... IT IS!

    Big cities with ridiculously high population density? Check. Massive rural areas? Check!

    So why isn't China in the top twenty for cases overall? Oh, they are actually willing to deal with it. You talk in a later post about how the population density of NY is why it's "impossible" or "unmanageable"... then why did Chongqing and Beijing have so little issues with it?


    98 million cases worldwide. The US accounts for a quarter of them. 2.1 million dead worldwide, the US accounts for a quarter of them. By population, by comparable demographic (entirety of Europe) the US is still two to three times worse off than the next worse. per capita, per land mass, etc, etc. Gee I wonder what they're doing right that the US can't seem to get a handle on.

    It's almost like we're riddled with people saying all the precautions to slow it is "too hard" or ignorant bullshit about 'Muh rites", or even bigger bullshit like "Jesus will save me".

    Heh, good attempt at a burn, too bad you're too dumb to understand or remember what they teach in school. That or you went to one of those schools where Thanksgiving really happened and the Civil War was about "states rights".

    NOT impenetrable, and if you knew the first damned thing about it you'd know that. Just like with how oxygen levels have to be just right to maintain combustion. Hence why in an enclosed space with a fire the fire will die out long before all the oxygen is consumed, and you're more likely to die if inside same chamber of Carbon Dioxide displacement or Carbon Monoxide poisoning before the oxygen presence is expended.

    And there it is, the scare-word used by conservative dirtbags who don't even know what socialism is, much less how they benefit from it.

    The National Highway System is socialst. Fire and Police departments are socialist. Getting the roads plowed by the town/state is socialist. As Truman said:

    Hence why when people like you talk about how "evil" socialism is, and how it "cannot work anywhere" you're basically putting your ignorance, paranoia, and gullibility on full display. Socialism in America is what built the middle class, and conservatives have through tax cuts to the rich and gutting of social programs have spent the past 40 years dismantling it with their voodoo economics!

    Yes, it does, but it's about limiting the spread below viability as that's still a fraction the population as a whole. It's about limiting the

    It's not a magic overnight "spread is stopped dead" it's about slowing it below viability; a concept that used to be taught in grade school and you should have failed high school if you dont' understand it. But when the population at large in 'Murica still believes in the halfwit bullshit story that is "creationism" we can't expect them to grasp or retain the most basic of scientific concepts. Again, see the fools who think the gasses coming out the back of a balloon is what pushes it forward.

    No, it just puts your ignorance of the concepts of "flattening the curve". Concepts that HAVE worked everyplace that's been WILLING to do it and do it right.

    REALLY? And what source do you have for this? JH, Mayo, WHO, Fauci, epidemiologists worldwide are WHY we've been told to take all these precautions. The only people saying other wise being ... well, Faux News, Infowars, Q-Anon, and other conservative echo-chambers. Aka the news source for people who want to be told what they want to hear and scream "fake news" at anything that disagrees with their preconceived notions.

    Honestly, I oft wish the rhetoric you're parroting were true; but that's not how facts work. That's not how ANY of this works.

    Actually, you're gutting your own argument with that...

    1) If you isolate by country there are different rules and different pool sizes.

    2) If you go by world you gloss over specifics.

    So if anyone has sloppy thinking, it's you... either that or you are intentionally cherry picking to card stack. Card stacking being the ultimate technique to lie to yourself and others by using facts out of context.

    Which is why it's interesting you then go on to discount places other than the US in the same and later posts. Again you're card stacking -- picking only facts that support your point and omitting the ones that gut it. In doing so you've also pulled the traditional dumbass conservative wet dream known as "moving the goalpost".

    And if we expand that with facts like you tried to do with US city population density in terms of the "possibility" of lockdown, you'll notice that the US is 2.6% of that fatality figure, but has 17% of the cars in the world with the most drivers of any country!. With 17% of all cars in the world, with a population that travels by car on average more miles than anyone in the world.

    Again, the lie of "share" in action. A statistic that can be twisted by omission. But yeah, I'm the sloppy thinker; of course.

    The United states now sees around 30% more dead PER DAY than the entire world does for auto fatalities.

    What it means is you're too ignorant or illiterate to recognize propaganda, card stacking, and lie by omission; OR you are intentionally doing so because it supports your supposition thanks to said omissions.


    Break it down by country. Where's the US on that list? It's almost like the US has traffic laws. Unlike most of Africa.

    But apparently speed limits, traffic laws, and law enforcement are moral and just, but how dare people be asked to wear a mask, wash their hands, don't touch your face, and stay the F*** at home.

    Because worldwide deaths per day lines up so closely with US deaths all by their lonesome.

    It is a good SET of statistics to look at, but using just the global numbers is bullshit. Makes one wonder why you're so set on bullshitting yourself, much less others.

    Again, says the clown using "lies by omission" as "facts".

    I've been using that term for years; I see you latched onto it as something you thought you could attack back with because you don't even understand the clinical definition of either term. Be interested to know which thread you think that is, as I suspect it's one where someone was throwing it back in my face for my having used it prior. But then I've read enough college level psych texts I could probably teach the bloody course. Do you know the difference between a sociopath and a psychopath? Do you know the clinical definitions and characteristics of the narcissist? Here's a tip, you're showing far more of them than I am here.

    But again, nothing I wouldn't expect from a sociopath / outright psychopath! Devoid of empathy, care, or conscience. Willing to do anything that f***'s over other people so long as it benefits you. The attitude that defines you FAR more than myself given the endless stream of lame excuses and bullshit you've spewed post after post on these forums... and I'm not even talking political discussions on that. Just as every one of your posts is contrarian without trying to help; at least I try to help people with zero expectation of return. You know who doesn't do that? Sociopaths. MAYBE a "stealth narcissist" would, but I certainly don't fit that definition since I don't spend 99% of my time posting all over the web "look at how I helped this person" the way some people document their "generousness" on instagram.

    The difference between "Doing what's right because it's right and that's the only reason you need" (batman) and "I did it because it makes me look good to the public" (President Lex Luthor).

    Though I think you're falling for the "flaw of averages" and other such manipulation; mostly because it can be used to say what you want to hear.

    Basically the same nonsense as using the "average income" as an indicator, in igorance of the "1*8+2+9 fallacy".

    1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 9 == 20

    Average is 2, but 80% of the people have half that. Just as the medium income in the US is 31k, but 70% the population is below that average, 50% the working population is at HALF that average or less... and 20% are below the poverty level.

    You're using the same flawed lack of information to either delude yourself, or to lie to others.

    It's almost like 1% is hoarding 90% of the money because they don't pay taxes. Seriosuly, if the right is going to drag us back to the worst of 1950's social mores in the form of racism and sexism, they could at least give the left a reach-around by reinstating the 95% top marginal and 70% capital gains. But no, our "mitten-wearing friendly granduncle" suggests 47% -- a two thirds what it was when Reagan left office -- and everyone runs arounds creaming "communism" and "teh socialism"... because when I think the pinnacle of communism in America, I think the Eisenhower adminsitration. NOT!

    Like all the other conservatives out there screaming "fake news" you've got some serious Dunning-Kruger caused by obvious echo chamber, and vulnerability to the 7 core propaganda techniques. Likely from previous conditioning such as that caused by religion and/or class isolation. Mate this to your dismissive attitude toward the well being of others and projection of view, you again double down on the sociopath classification, likely leading to the need for a brain scan to see if you've got under-function or damage to the pre-frontal cortex. (the opposite of my problem)

    Mutation lowers effaciacy and it can be expected to happen just like EVERY OTHER BLASTED DISEASE OF THE PAST. See why a cold vaccine is near useless as it's too widespread and rapidly changing. Precautions to lower the spread lowers the rate of mutation. That's not psuedo-science, that's science.

    Psuedo-science is bullshit like "God did it", shoving jade eggs up steamed clams, chiropracy, reiki, essential oils, meditation, exploding vagoo scented candles, organic foods, anti-vaxx rhetoric, home-birthing, flat-earth, etc, etc, etc.

    As the edit histories are entirely visible to everyone (Last I knew, I seem to be able to view those of others), I wonder just what the blazes you're even on about. Particularly when my edits were mostly for typos and clarity.

    No clue what you're even on about; again edit histories are present.

    It's not just against Christians. It's against ALL faiths. Made up idiotic fairy tales only morons and fools could possibly believe. Religions might use the words "love, tolerance, and enlightenment" but they are nothing more than the marketing blurb. A bullshit story to get buns in seats and coins in coffers, whilst peddling nothing more than hatred, bigotry, and ignorance.

    And if being against people spewing bald faced lies and ignorance, manipulating the masses into hatred, bigotry, and intolerance means I can be defined as a "Bigot"? Then I'll wear that badge with pride.

    Yes, I'm bigoted against religion; all of them! Why? Because it makes ACTUAL bigots in the form of racism, sexism, and hatred of those of other faiths.

    Jesus loves me this I know, group psychosis tells me so.

    Because the difference between the KKk, Westboro Baptist, Proud Boys, and so forth and Islamic extremism amounts to but two things; and Jack left town.

    Religion is hate. Religion is bigotry. Religion is racism. Religion is sexism. Religion is mass manipulation. Religion is EVIL.

    Truth and love are about the only things religion ISN'T.

    And if saying that makes me a "bigot" in your eyes, I'm just fine and dandy with that.

    If by a vile and disgusting belief, you mean that I think racism, sexism, and the hatred spewed from every pulpit masked in soothing-syrup words and laden with propaganda techniques is an evil that should be fought at the intellectual level.

    Too bad most people of faith are incapable of being intellectual on the subject.

    No, I just wish they'd shut the F*** up about it, but actually defend their right to believe whatever the hell they want. From the Abrahamic genocidal whackjob in the sky, to the flying spaghetti monster. I just don't believe they have the right to force their beliefs on others or use it for actions that harm others.

    You can be against something, call people out for being dirtbags, or stupid, or ignorant... and NOT immediately want to kill every last one of them. No, that's the type of projection one can expect from conservatives, where EVERY action they accuse others of is exactly what they themselves would do given the same power, position, or circumstance. This too was a honeypot and your response is typical of those who have either become conditioned to true sociopathy, or have the brain damage that causes pyschopathy.

    See, I know what these words mean and the differences... so where you get that I'm using them because I saw someone else do so from, other than projection of your own use of words that you don't understand. Again, projection and transfer; the marks of the sociopath. Goes well with your glittering generalities... you really need to polish up your "plain folks" though just as I need to refine my "name calling". (Because as much name calling as I do, it's too brash and obvious to be classified as the propaganda technique.)

    And whilst yes, Karma's a bitch for those deep south preachers dying from the virus after their weekly superspreader events, I do think there needs to be legal ramifications for those who have actively fought against pandemic response. One's faith does not give you the right to murder, and that's what a great many preachers across America who've gone about holding in person sermons should be charged with. Attempted murder, or outright murder if any parishoners got it at church.

    Yes, MURDER, because at that point it's premeditated.

    But I'm not singling out religion for that. The same should be done with anti-maskers, party-holders, and all the others who have treated our society over the past year as one giant "Action Park". Though honestly that describes what the sociopathic nutjobs who hijacked libertarians seem to think America should be.

    Semi-unrelated side note: The documentary "Class Action Park"? Highly recommend! I went there twice in the '80's, and it's spot on. Best line describing the theme park? "A cross between Ayn Rand and Lord of the Flies". And yes, the iodine spray they used for "slide rash" could bring a grown man to tears. I wasn't dumb enough to go in the grave pool.

    Yes, humanism and agnosticism are such ugly and disgusting beliefs.

    That said beliefs terrify you so says way more about you than it does me. Would be consistent with all the other fairy tales you've said in this thread in terms of sheer lack of reality and willingness to yum up any lie you want to be true, twisting facts or card stacking facts to support a preconceived notion.

    Wizards first rule (Terry Goodkind): People are dumb. They will believe a lie because they want it to be true, or are afraid it might be true.

    Which is why we have people who BELIEVE there's a magical man in the sky. Just like how they believe all sorts of other BALD FACED LIES like a DC pizza parlor being a secret child trafficking ring whilst the orange half-tweet gutted the FBI departments responsible for investigating it and the DOJ prosecuting it whilst palling around with Epstein -- all because el-douche SAID he was "fighting against it". Or how there was so much "election interference" by the Dems and how they "really won" when the President's lawyers were unable to provide any evidence in court; much less what evidence exists of interference pointsthe finger at Republicans and foreign interests who've already been caught manipulating groups like the proud boys, NRA, and so forth.

    Or even how "if the poor is the poor it must be their fault" because of course society provides everyone the same opportunities -- NOT! It's almost like the idea that "You can do everything right and still lose" (ST:TNG) is too hard for those of privilege to accept.

    Much less any of the other chazerei conservative schmendricks, schmucks, and putz "believe". If you can't say anything nice, say it in Yiddish.

    Oh and folks, sorry if I've been a bit quiet for about a week. Been sick, multiple hospital visits, bedridden. Slipping on the ice square on my back didn't help. Torn serratus posterior inferior. (Muscle, mid-lower back) Burns like fire if I try to twist at the torso. Got lucky though, no concussion.
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2021
    deathshadow, Jan 22, 2021 IP
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  7. deathshadow

    deathshadow Acclaimed Member

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    oops, my bad, 1*8+3+9... duh. Same "flaw of averages" either way -- how to use statistical facts to support bald faced lies.
    deathshadow, Jan 23, 2021 IP
  8. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    LOL, you are making my point. The Left/Swamp/FakeNews has a strategic goal to keep its sheeple ignorant and ill-informed. It is not surprising, therefore, that a pajama boy would not recognize a term that has been in the political vernacular for over a decade.

    We have reached a familiar point in these exchanges. Your ranting, illogical posts get longer and longer and reach the point of incomprehensibility so that one's eyes glaze over mid-passage. Almost impossible slog through the read. So, let's try another approach: since your "plan" is so brilliant and scientifically sound, let's see if any serious public health professionals or medical experts begin clamoring for a similar approach here in the U.S. Should not take long for top thinkers to come up with this foolproof solution, right?

    In the meantime, here is my prediction: now that the political value of the virus is greatly diminished here in the U.S., the panic porn will quickly be pushed to the back pages and the Left/Swamp/FakeNews will begin pushing other "crises" to keep the sheeple in fear.

    Time will tell and we should re-visit this thread in a month or two to see how things have gone.

    That said, there is still yet another important take-away from this latest post:

    Let that statement sink in. This pathetic individual is proud to proclaim his pure hatred and bigotry towards anyone with any religious beliefs. And, all bigots attempt to rationalize and "make noble" their evil thoughts by disparaging the objects of their hatred and bigotry.

    We recently celebrated the birthday of a man of strong faith and conviction who did not shut up, despite bigots telling him repeatedly to do so. The Reverend Martin Luther King quoted scripture and spoke eloquently from his deep faith, that you so despise, to push for an end to all hatred and bigotry, including the poisonous gibberish emanating from your twisted mind over the years.
    jrbiz, Jan 25, 2021 IP
  9. malky66

    malky66 Acclaimed Member

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    Only if you're an uneducated narcissist who thinks he knows everything but actually knows fuck all, the political know it all who has already been proven wrong.
    There you go repeating the same old pathetic insults over and over again, absolutely hilarious.
    Yeah what's wrong with it? religion is the root of all evil, a fantasy story that has resulted in the deaths of millions of innocent people.
    You should probably stop predicting things as we all know your predictions don't tend to come true do they?
    malky66, Jan 25, 2021 IP
    sarahk likes this.
  10. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    Ah yes, the "nonpolitical" poster, whose "lightbulb" moments are proudly proclaimed, only to be quickly disregarded, rings in with more nonsense... :rolleyes:
    jrbiz, Jan 25, 2021 IP
  11. malky66

    malky66 Acclaimed Member

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    I was ill, my wife was ill..you know with Covid (Yes it really exists) and didn't really have the energy or inclination to respond to your complete and utter drivel, I have to say though watching you squirm your way through this thread was a happy distraction..:)

    In the meantime here's a prediction from me:
    You'll call everyone that disagrees with you:
    1. sheeple
    2. pajama boys
    ..and everything you disagree with is fake news
    Please try and come up with something new I'm starting to get a bit bored.
    malky66, Jan 26, 2021 IP
  12. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    Yet, in your boredom, you continue to engage. :rolleyes:

    It is amusing to name-call the very people who entirely rely on vitriol, invective, and name-calling to make their "points' as it clearly bothers them enough to keep bringing up older threads that no one cares about any more. Lately, they have also been seeking some sort of perverted sympathy by oversharing their personal issues. Won't work. :rolleyes:
    jrbiz, Jan 26, 2021 IP
  13. deathshadow

    deathshadow Acclaimed Member

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    You did a better job of making my point; that you're just pulling things out of your arse.

    I had to Google it, and apparently "pajama boy" is based on a ACA related article that had a guy sitting there in really comfy looking plad from 2013.

    1) Nice to know that 2013 was "over a decade" ago. Thanks for that. I was unaware.

    2) Shows what utter dirtbags the political right are. They're unable to argue legitimate arguments, or post any meaningful coutnerpoints or make logical refutations, so they attack a guy for what he's wearing.

    Just because someone's not wearing a five thousand dollar bespoke suit doesn't invalidate their thoughts on a topic... and yet here we are with people who think exactly that way.

    What amazingly insightful and intelligent people y'all are. It's like you idolize the villians from every bad '80's teen movie; the schoolyard bully mentality.

    Kick here, shove there, humiliation for months over the stupidest of things like fashion, and then when the tortured finally fights back, the antogonist yells and screams about how they're the actual victim.

    Take a knee -- "The bastard! String him up!", Peaceful marches -- "violent thugs", Soccer moms get shot in the face -- "They should have stayed in the kitchen", FINALLY says screw it and really fights back -- "see, we were right, they were violent thugs all along".

    Conservative douchebaggery 101. Just like conservative "respect"


    It's like you just read Vickers... Applesauce b****!

    Yes we have, you go total TLDR nose-breather screaming "aaah, wall of text" over anything that refutes your points. It's called literacy, you should try it, it's nice!

    Hardly a wonder everything you say is based on incomplete information. If you can't even handle a lousy couple hundred words of text, it's a miracle you understand anything at all. Explains why almost everything you say sounds like it's based on sensationalist headlines and out of context sound-bytes. It's almost as if any information that can't be stuffed into two sentences is too difficult for you to comprehend.

    Which explains the delusionally insane things you say and the whackjob conspiracy theories you hold up as truths.
    deathshadow, Jan 27, 2021 IP
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  14. malky66

    malky66 Acclaimed Member

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    That just about sums him up, lies and falsehoods, he has a remarkable ability of mistaking bullshit for the actual truth.
    malky66, Jan 28, 2021 IP
  15. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    LOL, so it is big news that you were only ignorant of a political term for 8 years, instead of 10. :rolleyes:

    So, as expected, the hate-filled, religious bigot gets even more unhinged and further exposes more of his deep, dark hatred beyond just those with religious beliefs. Must be lonely sitting in your cave hating millions and millions of folks. Pathetic, actually.
    jrbiz, Jan 28, 2021 IP
  16. malky66

    malky66 Acclaimed Member

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    The only thing he's exposed is your ignorance of the truth.
    malky66, Jan 28, 2021 IP
    sarahk likes this.
  17. Gomeza

    Gomeza Well-Known Member

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    Most of this thread took place when I had Covid-19 and as usual, those who have never had any experience with it have the most to say. I contracted the virus on my 66th birthday and being in a high risk group it was not a pleasant experience. I avoided ICU but just barely.
    The local health authorities called me twice a day to check on me until I felt better and was finally discharged from their care in mid December. Nearly two months later I am still plagued by "Covid brain" and chronic fatigue. I had planned to work until I am 70 but that will not likely happen. I cannot drive because I continually forget what I am doing. My daily routine consists of a series of naps and guided walks (so that I find my way home).
    My point is spare me arguments about an irrational fear of low mortality. Dying from Covid is just a portion of the story of how it negatively affects society. My Covid story HERE
    Gomeza, Feb 4, 2021 IP
    malky66, deathshadow and sarahk like this.
  18. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    I'm so sorry that you went through that and hope you get some semblance of normal back again soon.

    Astounded that you were expected to wait 5 days for a test! I had my second test at a drive-thru when I was really ill with a chest infection, asked to rate it 1-10, told the nurse that I'd had pneumonia and it was a 7 and that was enough to qualify. The longest part was the 10-minute drive to get there.
    sarahk, Feb 4, 2021 IP
  19. Karolwf

    Karolwf Active Member

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    Yes, yes and yes !!!!
    Karolwf, Feb 8, 2021 IP
    sarahk likes this.
  20. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    I suspect it was more a way of explaining the world and creating community rules but it went a bit far.
    sarahk, Feb 8, 2021 IP