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Dedicated website for main product, or showcase all products?

Discussion in 'HTML & Website Design' started by Windhoek, Aug 24, 2016.

  1. #1

    I run a small IT solutions company that has developed "Solution A" and I am trying to scale up its sales to more customers. Along the way, I have also developed another solution ("Solution B") and I also provide custom development services. Solution A brings in about 80% of my revenue, while Solution B makes up the rest. I haven't taken on any other custom development services, although I am open to it if an opportunity comes along.

    I'm now revamping my company website and am at a decision point: Do I create a website dedicated to marketing my main product, or a website that also showcases my secondary product and services? The purpose of my website is mainly to funnel visitors to contact me for a demo.

    From a UX and lead conversion point-of-view, what is the best marketing practice for my situation?

    I know for most tech startups, their company name = their website URL = their sole product. But I'm midway between a consulting firm and a startup (although I would like to eventually be a startup that sells a scaleable and repeatable product).

    Thanks for the advice.
    Windhoek, Aug 24, 2016 IP
  2. PoPSiCLe

    PoPSiCLe Illustrious Member

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    Perhaps you should consider creating a separate website, or a subdomain, for your core products? And keep your company site for exactly that, your company? If you create a separate page for the product(s), you'll also have the opportunity to boost both company and product pages, create backlinks between them, and even perhaps generate more dynamic leads from Google (directly for product).

    Since I don't know anything about either your company or products, it's hard to give good advice. If you want to have everything on the same domain, I would suggest creating a intro-page for your company, with a "and we've made THIS:" (something of the kind) with links to proper descriptions of both / all products.

    That is a fairly common way to do things - most companies create more than one product, and it's quite normal, when going to their main site, to see a little about the company itself, with links and subpages and such for each product.

    As long as the site is well-coded, behaves properly and follows coding standards, getting rewards for either approach should be quite easy, if the products are good.
    PoPSiCLe, Aug 25, 2016 IP
  3. Windhoek

    Windhoek Peon

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    Thanks PoPSiCLe. Appreciate your advice.
    Windhoek, Aug 25, 2016 IP
  4. Emma Clark

    Emma Clark Greenhorn

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    If there are two solutions you are talking about Solution A and Solution B, and wants to do the marketing. Just don't go or make another website, add another to the primary one because people had already build their trust on the primary one and it ll be as for them as well as for you to gain their confidence. And it ll saving both your time as well as your cost, just go for up-dation process.
    Emma Clark, Aug 30, 2016 IP
  5. deathshadow

    deathshadow Acclaimed Member

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    Offering two solutions instead of just one would feel more professional to me. Any client who doesn't know any better wouldn't care, but any experienced client likes to have choices front and center. I'd give both equal billing on the advertising side if for no other reason than to grow the smaller one -- just don't sacrifice the larger one in the process.

    Options are always a good thing. The notion of "one size fits all" is a fallacy that any experienced businessman would recognize immediately... the joke about "one size fits all" is that in truth, they fit nobody. The USAF learned that lesson the hard way with the flaw of averages. -- hence why shoe-horning certain off the shelf systems (like turdpress) into doing things they were never designed for is most always little more than an epic failure.

    Choices! Yes, they're that important! Also why I'm generally not a fan of "off the rack" solutions to problems, there's a difference between getting the job done, and getting the job done "right". There's a reason "it get's the job done" is on the list of lame excuses I'm always linking to.
    deathshadow, Aug 31, 2016 IP
  6. David Dayao

    David Dayao Peon

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    You've answered your question with this "heir company name = their website URL = their sole product"
    David Dayao, Sep 7, 2016 IP