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Css3 what is it

Discussion in 'CSS' started by prithwirajsaha83, May 10, 2010.

  1. #1
    CSS3 offers a huge variety of new ways to create an impact with your designs, with quite a few important changes. This first tutorial will give you a very basic introduction to the new possibilities created by the standard.

    The development of CSS3 is going to be split up into ‘modules’. The old specification was simply too large and complex to be updated as one, so it has been broken down into smaller pieces – with new ones also added. Some of these modules include:

    * The Box Model
    * Lists Module
    * Hyperlink Presentation
    * Speech Module
    * Backgrounds and Borders
    * Text Effects
    * Multi-Column Layout


    Several of the modules have now been completed, including SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics), Media Queries and Namespaces. The others are still being worked upon.

    It is incredibly difficult to give a projected date when web browsers will adopt the new features of CSS3 – some new builds of Safari have already started to.

    New features will be implemented gradually in different browsers, and it could still be a year or two before every module is widely adopted.
    How will CSS3 affect me?

    Hopefully, in a mainly positive way. CSS3 will obviously be completely backwards compatible, so it won’t be necessary to change existing designs to ensure they work – web browsers will always continue to support CSS2.

    The main impact will be the ability to use new selectors and properties which are available. These will allow you to both achieve new design features (animation or gradients for instance), and achieve current design features in a much easier way (e.g. using columns).

    find about css3 borders here

    prithwirajsaha83, May 10, 2010 IP
  2. drhowarddrfine

    drhowarddrfine Peon

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    SVG is not a CSS3 module and, in fact, existed as its own spec long before CSS3 was started on.
    As have Firefox, Opera and Chrome.
    Longer than that.
    No kidding.
    drhowarddrfine, May 10, 2010 IP
    extremephp likes this.
  3. extremephp

    extremephp Peon

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    Cool.. i just loved your posted for some reason :) That was Cool..!


    Thanks for thew new info. CSS is simply An easy stuff to handle. Dont know how about CSS3 and what changes they have in its coding :)
    Thanks :)
    extremephp, May 10, 2010 IP
  4. AtSeaDesign

    AtSeaDesign Active Member

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    wouldn't it have been easier and faster to post a link to the page you got this content from?
    AtSeaDesign, May 10, 2010 IP