CSC Here - Hello DP!

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by classic_style_cookies, Jan 21, 2024.

  1. #1
    Hello everyone,

    CSC Here and happy to have discovered the forums.

    I have some history online that I want to extend potentially with the forums apart of building cool things and most of all networking with you!

    My experience is very much focused on front end development, advertising, and general workflow development.

    I'm interested in adding value to partnerships by putting in the work with our future projects, and always give my 2c to benefit you when I can.

    Thanks for reading!
    - CSC
    classic_style_cookies, Jan 21, 2024 IP
    MargoFarrel likes this.
  2. ms2134

    ms2134 Well-Known Member

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    Hello CSC,

    Welcome to the forums! It's great to have you join us. Your background in front-end development, advertising, and workflow development sounds like a fantastic addition to our community. We're always excited to see new members eager to contribute and collaborate on projects.

    Your willingness to share your insights and expertise is much appreciated. Looking forward to seeing your contributions and learning from your experiences.

    Feel free to jump into discussions or start new ones. Let's build something amazing together!
    ms2134, Jan 31, 2024 IP
  3. itsallaboutseotraffic

    itsallaboutseotraffic Member

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    Keep going, do your research and you will find a niche that will generate a weekly income.

    itsallaboutseotraffic, May 10, 2024 IP