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Crazy stuff

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by qwikad.com, Nov 14, 2021.

  1. #1
    New research suggests that many American children can’t identify where their lunch comes from. Around 40% of the children interviewed for the study thought hot dogs and bacon came from plants. Perhaps even more bizarrely, 46% believed french fries were a type of animal.


    Source: https://twitter.com/RT_com/status/1459873751848284162
    qwikad.com, Nov 14, 2021 IP
    jrbiz and sarahk like this.
  2. mmerlinn

    mmerlinn Prominent Member

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    That is what you get when the schools (and parents) don't do their jobs. Many kids now do not even know how to determine whether they are getting the correct change in a monetary transaction. Likewise, take away calculators and they cannot even do simple math. Communication skills are kaput. They can't read street signs. And so on.
    mmerlinn, Nov 14, 2021 IP
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  3. JoeSpirit

    JoeSpirit Well-Known Member

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    Sign of the times? There's an app for that...
    JoeSpirit, Nov 17, 2021 IP
    sarahk likes this.
  4. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    That twitter link is gone and I could only find 2 other sites talking about the study and both lacked credibility.

    However, I suspect there's an element of truth in the statement. So many mealtimes are dominated by screens, parents abdicate parenting to babysitting via screens.

    My city is on something like day 100 of lockdown but how many people will have used that time to better themselves? or their kids? We consume huge quantities of "entertainment" and even knowledge-based stuff like Simon Whistler's youtube channel are entertainment.

    We're facing a future where (despite unprecedented access to training, information, and opportunity) millions of people will be left behind because they lacked the motivation to extend themselves. Many are hampered by lack of resources - hard to do online training when living in a tent city - but far more are hampered by their lack of imagination.

    How can we expect people to think "anything is possible" if, as children, they're not taught to question the world around them? Why is the sky blue, where does my food come from?

    NZ schools are pretty relaxed about taking kids out of school during term time for "exceptional" trips - not necessarily international, but usually. They understand that kids learn by experiences. You can teach a 9-year-old about another country but they'll understand it better if they hang out with their local cousins. My kids had never seen a slum before, "why don't they move?" and you have a whole socio-political conversation happening that could never happen in the classroom. It might be unpleasant seeing wet markets but it brings you face to face with where food comes from, why other societies do things differently, and why our more sanitised animal husbandry practices are the way they are.

    I'd love to know the conclusions the study came to, and how to turn things around.
    sarahk, Nov 17, 2021 IP
    JoeSpirit and mmerlinn like this.
  5. Smyrl

    Smyrl Tomato Republic Staff

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    I am from America and I think our school system is ever so bad. If I had a child in grade 1-12 I would be home schooling. The kids in my family were out of school from Easter of 2020 through Fall on 2021 so they missed more than a year of in class instruction. They had three hours of instruction over Zoom in the mornings, and a couple of hours in the afternoon. The afternoon hours were time fillers with music, art etc. Not solid subjects. The teachers had never been trained to teach online so I feel sorry for both them and their students.

    I just called the youngest child in my family who is attending public school and is in the fourth grade. I asked her several questions regarding our food supply. I asked her if I wanted bacon and could not go to the store where could I get it. She said a pig. If I wanted steak, where might I get it and she said a cow. If I wanted green beans where might I get those and she said a farm or garden. Now her family subscribes to a service where they go to a farm once a week and pick up produce. Her public school has a garden. Each spring, the elementary school kids plant seeds in paper cups and water them until time to put them in the school garden.

    The school busses run here way to early in my estimation. They get kids to school by seven AM (where the needy kids are provided free breakfast). Children are considered tardy if they are not in the classroom at seven thirty. I realize they are trying to help out working mothers but it just seems like child cruelty to me to start school that early.

    I trapped a opossum last night and joked that if I could not get a turkey for Thanksgiving, I guess I would have an possum.
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2021
    Smyrl, Nov 17, 2021 IP
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  6. qwikad.com

    qwikad.com Illustrious Member Affiliate Manager

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    It could become a reality. The supply chain is getting weaker by the minute.
    qwikad.com, Nov 18, 2021 IP
  7. JoeSpirit

    JoeSpirit Well-Known Member

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    Maybe the preppers have an inside edge.
    JoeSpirit, Nov 18, 2021 IP
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  8. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    I have also been dismayed by the lack of education being provided by "educators" who seem more interested in promoting bad government policies, fake science, and weirdness, in general. (Did you hear about the college professor who recently claimed that pedophiles should be a protected class and are just misunderstood?) My kids went to private schools out of necessity: our local public schools did not pass academic muster (based on sinking rankings, dropping college admission rates, etc.) and were also a bit unsafe due to a small but intimidating portion of the school population, despite my living in a relatively affluent suburb in New England.

    But, I am also starting to think that losing some of the classical "Three R's" of education may just be a form of evolution spurred by technological innovation. I am older than dirt and actually had some training on slide rules before calculators became accessible to the average consumer. I recall math teachers indicating that it would be end of the world if we all became dependent on calculators and not being able to do square root in long form on paper or work out an equation with a slide rule. Calculators were banned from most math classes, in fact. Anyone still using slide rules or suffering from using calculators these days? The same dire predictions were offered when television became ubiquitous in households: it was going to be the end of civilization as we knew it with everyone hypnotized and distracted by the "boob tube." We are still here and the television is mostly viewed now as a quaint device by my kids who never watch it.
    jrbiz, Nov 27, 2021 IP
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  9. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    It's counter-intuitive, but our second largest client (consumer electronics manufacturer) is having trouble sourcing enough silicon chips to support the sales volumes of its devices. So, they are hedging their bets and asking my company to double our software development staff working on their projects so that we can port their software to multiple "insurance" computer chips that may or may not ever be used. So, we will be doubling our business with this client in 2022 due to the supply chain problems. :)
    jrbiz, Nov 27, 2021 IP
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  10. JoeSpirit

    JoeSpirit Well-Known Member

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    It's good to hear a positive slant to the chip shortage for once.
    JoeSpirit, Nov 27, 2021 IP
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  11. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    Yeah, it is a bit unusual and we are, in fact, being hurt with another client who is a government prime contractor and cannot get a prototype of the device completed due to parts shortages so we are on hold with them. Fortunately, the other client is more than making up for this loss. :)
    jrbiz, Nov 27, 2021 IP
  12. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    That's what is stopping car manufacturers from making more cars... of all the things needed to build them, it's the silicon chips that are the bottleneck.
    sarahk, Nov 28, 2021 IP
  13. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    Though the supply chain problems are affecting much more than just silicon chips here in the U.S. Just read an article this morning about retail supplies and Victoria's Secret said that they would not be able to make lingerie deliveries for Christmas as they won't be arriving until some time in January. :)
    jrbiz, Nov 28, 2021 IP
  14. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    I thought Victoria's Secret folded?!
    sarahk, Nov 28, 2021 IP
  15. Agent000

    Agent000 Prominent Member

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    Checking out the study, it says they were 4 to 7 yr olds ..... so its not that bad.
    Agent000, Nov 28, 2021 IP
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  16. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    No, they are still around. They just split with Bath & Body Works this summer to go fully independent. Doing $5B+ in revenues, it looks like.
    jrbiz, Nov 28, 2021 IP
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  17. JoeSpirit

    JoeSpirit Well-Known Member

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    There go your "Keep Cool" tinfoil hat sales.
    JoeSpirit, Dec 1, 2021 IP
  18. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    It's been a blessing that those sales have dipped. Our factories have been tied up 24/7 making the highly specialized, "Super Longshoreman & Supply Ship Optimizer" tinfoil hats. Due to some intricacies in how we have to handle the invisible cosmic mind control waves that are trashing supply chains worldwide, building the hats is labor-intensive, almost more art than science. But the good news is that we are able to provide a 7-year financing program to make the added cost more attractive. We do have a waiting list for the hats right now, so only cargo ship captains and port longshoremen are eligible to get the early production runs.

    And, remember, all of our tinfoil hats are dual purpose: they make great baked potatoes, too!
    jrbiz, Dec 1, 2021 IP
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  19. Spoiltdiva

    Spoiltdiva Acclaimed Member

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    Jesus H. Christ! You guys have so many lines of tinfoil hats that I had to build a wrap around closet with 12 shelves just to house the damn things! It cost me a fortune to have it made, and now you're coming out with more! I wish that I had never put one on my head in the first place!!!!!!!:mad:
    Spoiltdiva, Dec 1, 2021 IP
    JoeSpirit and jrbiz like this.
  20. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    You are a "victim" of your superior taste and wisdom. Revel in your vision and your leading edge style and panache! You know your neighbors are all jealous when the local magazines do a 4-color spread on your custom collection. And, at no additional charge, you have lived completely free from government cosmic mind control waves since you bought your first hat.
    jrbiz, Dec 1, 2021 IP
    JoeSpirit and Spoiltdiva like this.