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Copy selection to a new image ?

Discussion in 'Photoshop' started by Audun Nilsen, Mar 13, 2024.

  1. #1
    Like the title says..

    Is it even possible to copy a selection to another image/canvas?

    I copied it by right-clicking and it created a "channel", whatever that is.. Only in the same image, though.

    Do I have to work in the same window, so to speak, and can I have two canvases in the same window ?
    Audun Nilsen, Mar 13, 2024 IP
  2. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    You would normally copy the content into a new layer - Edit | Paste as New Layer.
    sarahk, Mar 17, 2024 IP
    Sumit_Singh likes this.
  3. Sumit_Singh

    Sumit_Singh Well-Known Member

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    Yes, it is possible in Photoshop. Follow the below steps:
    • Make a selection
    • Copy the selection by pressing Ctrl+C or Command+C
    • Open the another image and just paste your selection by pressing Ctrl+V or Command+V
    Channels are best option to edit complex images as these are used to store image and selection information. For this, just right click and create a new channel and essentially the selection is saved as alpha channel. You can load that selection any time with in the same document.

    Of course, you can. Photoshop allows you to work with multiple canvases in a single window and multiple windows for single canvas either.
    Multiple Canvases in one window
    • Click on the Window option in the menu bar
    • Click on Arrange
    • Select option that you like, Tile Vertically or Tile Horizontally.

    Multiple Windows for One Canvas
    • Again go to Windows
    • Click on Arrange
    • New window for (whatever the name of your document).
    Sumit_Singh, Mar 18, 2024 IP
  4. bijutoha

    bijutoha Well-Known Member

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    how to copy the selection to a new image in Photoshop
    bijutoha, Mar 19, 2024 IP
  5. Glan Mitchenson

    Glan Mitchenson Greenhorn

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    i wasn't able to do it
    Glan Mitchenson, Sep 17, 2024 IP
  6. Ayesha Najam

    Ayesha Najam Peon

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    To copy your selection to another image:

    1. Select the field with the selection tool.

    2. Press Ctrl + C (or Cmd + C on a Mac) to copy.

    3. Go to File > New to create a new image.

    4. Press Ctrl + V (or Cmd + V) to select the selection.

    5. Save File > Save To save the new image.
    Ayesha Najam, Sep 18, 2024 IP
  7. Hostragons

    Hostragons Active Member

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    Yes, it's definitely possible to copy a selection to another image or canvas. When you copy something and it creates a "channel," that just means it's stored in a temporary layer or selection. You should be able to paste it

    You don't necessarily have to work in the same window. If your software supports it, you can have multiple canvases open at once and copy/paste between them. Just make sure both images are open, and after copying, switch to the other image and paste it there. If you're not seeing the paste option, double-check that you're copying from the correct layer.
    Hostragons, Sep 18, 2024 IP