Common Adsense Myths

Discussion in 'AdSense' started by adsenseplr, Aug 20, 2013.

  1. #1
    Over the past few weeks I've seen many people new to adsense asking for advice on DP and getting bad advice, and people quoting things that you won't find anywhere in the TOS or website quality guidelines as they don't exist, I call these adsense myths. So to put a few of them straight. Typically these myths are put out by people who got banned for something due to the fact they tried to cheat the system or couldn't be bothered to read the TOS and the adsense website quality guidelines.

    "Google bans you when you get near to the payment threshold" - No they don't, it's a myth created by people who got banned for something else.

    "Google bans you if you earn too much from adsense" - No they don't and it makes my blood boil every time some idiot says that. Google relies on a large chunk of its advertising revenue from clicks on adsense ads. The more clicks on adsense ads Google gets the more profit it makes. I know of two people who earn £1,000+ a day. They've done that for over 2 years - Earn too much too fast and they might look at your site and clicks in detail and ban you for something else, but It's a myth they ban you solely for earning too much.

    "Google needs you to have 20+ pages of content" - Where in the TOS does it state this? Sure you need a reasonable amount of content and it should be unique (As they are red hot on turning down new applications for lack of original content - even one page of copied content can see you turned down), but there is no minimum stated, it's another myth.

    "Your site must be six months old" - Partial myth and more misleading as a result, this is because the six month rule applies ONLY to some countries such as India (High level of adsense fraud - sorry to all the hard working honest Indians out there, of which I know there are many) but by no means to all. You need to check on the adsense website to see if they require your website to have been active in your country for six months or not. This rule doesn't apply to most countries, but it's essential that you check. I don't want anyone thinking they have to wait six months if they live in a country that rule doesn't apply to. Likewise I don't want people who it does apply to applying too soon or they'll get rejected. Partial Myth

    "Your site must have 1,000 visitors a day etc" – Adsense Myth! There is no minimum traffic requirement, indeed I applied the day I finished building my first ever site. You will find no traffic requirement stated in the TOS. It's a myth perpetrated by people who got turned down for something else.

    "You must have SEO on your site!" - This is a new adsense Myth and probably the biggest I've heard and the most laughable. Do you really think Google checks out what the site owners done in terms of SEO? I've not laughed as hard in years as when I first saw this. If anyone has received an email turning them down stating "SEO" as a rejection, then print out the email and send it to me, as I'll eat it!

    "You can't apply with a new site" - Total rubbish, and yet another adsense Myth dispelled. As long as your site complies with adsense TOS and the website quality guidelines then you can apply whenever you want to, I've had numerous people apply the day they built their site and get approved. Another Myth dispelled.

    I hope this post goes a long way to helping people new to adsense out, and stop others from posting totally unfounded Myths about adsense. Basically if it's not in the TOS or website quality guidelines it's an "Adsense Myth" – The golden rule is stick to the TOS and website quality guidelines and you will get approved, and you won’t get banned (Even if you’re earning £1,000+ a day). Read them, they wrote them for a reason.
    I hope you found this article helpful.
    Now I've got all that off my chest where did I put that beer?
    adsenseplr, Aug 20, 2013 IP
  2. mukesh4bs

    mukesh4bs Active Member

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    Might be it is not true but most of publishers experience for banning from adsense says similar things on Internet as you said above 'Myths'.

    How we evaluate?
    mukesh4bs, Aug 20, 2013 IP
  3. adsenseplr

    adsenseplr Active Member

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    You missed all of my points (unbelievable) - Go ahead keep believing these "publishers" you mention, keep believing the myths. OR go and read the TOS and the website quality guidelines - then SHOW ME where it says your site must have a set level of traffic, SEO, 20+ posts etc. Show me where it says that in the TOS and/or the quality guidelines. You will find it doesn't! But hell go ahead and keep believing the myths of these so called publishers, but by your own admission they've all been banned - So go ahead and trust the advice of them, they must know what they're doing right - oh! but you said they were banned didn't you........ I wrote this stuff to help you! and Jesus wept mate you need it!!!!
    adsenseplr, Aug 20, 2013 IP
  4. mukesh4bs

    mukesh4bs Active Member

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    Don't take it personally man!!

    I just want to know more. Yes it is true there is no such 'rubbish' on Adsense TOS. Keep your research go on...
    mukesh4bs, Aug 20, 2013 IP
  5. rajamanickam.a

    rajamanickam.a Well-Known Member

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    Very nice collection. But we need to think about why lot of publishers telling these things. I think there should be something in it. We can not completely reject them by simply saying as Myths.
    I am not sure whether Google always behaves according to its TOS. I am not saying that it will violate its own TOS. But It may have some internal rules which are not specified in TOS.
    rajamanickam.a, Aug 21, 2013 IP
  6. halftime07

    halftime07 Peon

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    Nice Post - I agree with them all.

    Although, I do think that North American publishers have an easier time and less problems with adsense them many international publishers
    halftime07, Aug 21, 2013 IP
  7. JyeP

    JyeP Active Member

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    We can.
    People will make up any excuses to try and make it seem like Google's fault and not their own. Simply put, they make a spammy site and try to get it approved and then come crying on forums when they don't get accepted and make up ridiculous reasons/excuses to convince themselves that their site is perfect for Adsense.

    Just to further add to some of the original points:

    Point 1: People make this excuses because they get banned prior to meeting the thresh hold because of invalid clicks or suspicious activity. So they come crying to forums claiming Google hates them and that they purposely ban people before the thresh hold so that they don't have too pay up.

    Point 2: As above, people say this purely because they got banned when they earned a large sum of revenue. What they don't mention is the fact that they were actually banned for invalid clicks/activity that got them such a high revenue.

    Point 3: People try to get approved on Adsense with a spammy/copied 3 page sites, so they begin creating the myth saying that you need at least 20 pages because they are too lazy to create something of value.
    JyeP, Aug 21, 2013 IP
  8. Lasse Nielsen

    Lasse Nielsen Greenhorn

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    Great post. here are also some common Adsense myths every blogger must know.

    • Adsense can make you rich quick
    • Putting more ads the more you earn money
    • Placement of Google Adsense doesn't matter
    • More traffic means higher earnings
    • Google Adsense is the best way to make money

    Have a charming day !!! :)
    Lasse Nielsen, Aug 21, 2013 IP
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  9. adsenseplr

    adsenseplr Active Member

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    Okay as I said go and find the bits in the TOS where it states you need 'SEO' (cue laughter!), minimum number of posts etc, find these 'Facts (Of fiction : -)' in the TOS and post them here. Also do you really, really think google bans people for earning too much? As if so they won't be in business very long will they? Every penny an adsense publishers earns means more profit for Google as well, so can anyone tell me why google would therefore ban anyone, and reduce their own profits unless they had good reason to ban someone? Can you REALLY imagine their CEO standing up at the shareholders annual meeting and saying "We've a great new business idea, we'll ban anyone who earns too much on adsense, so we can put a massive dent in our profits".
    If you want to believe the myths then that's fine. Go ahead keep believing the myths...but before you do, go through the TOS and find the clauses I asked you to where it says you need 'SEO', a set level of traffic (Number of visitors?), and 20+ posts to get approved and then post them here - I think I'll be waiting a long time for you to post them.
    As for hidden internal rules - Are you actually trying to create a NEW myth???? What next Elvis is in charge of the adsense department? (After all he no longer works in Macy's)
    adsenseplr, Aug 22, 2013 IP
  10. SERPpoint

    SERPpoint Active Member

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    All these rules can be bypassed if you use Adsense host sites, blogger, youtube etc.
    SERPpoint, Aug 25, 2013 IP
  11. matt_62

    matt_62 Prominent Member

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    let me start by saying great thread.

    Still, I have seen many many rubbish sites blindly throwing up adsense without second thoughts, and I think this is part why people recommend having *some* original content before putting on ads.
    You are 100% correct, there is nothing in the TOS about "20page" or "20posts" but a site would need *some* original content before being considered to be acceptable.
    again, adsenseplr, you are 100% correct about the SEO side of things, in fact, from the message above, it makes it clear that your adsense can be penalised FOR DOING SEO.
    If you read the above quote you will see something repeated several times:
    1.* Avoid "doorway" pages created just for search engines, or other "cookie cutter" approaches such as affiliate programmes with little or no original content.
    (makes the comment that we need pages that have some original content)
    2." make sure that your site adds value" (again, comes down to having original content, doesnt say how many pages but still....)
    3. "Provide unique and relevant content that gives users a reason to visit your site first." (again, indicates needing original content. I wouldnt want to visit a site with only 1 page. Even 5 pages is pushing it... but a site with 5-20 pages with some good articles....

    I know that you are 100% right that there is nothing in the TOS demanding a set number of pages, but from this message from google, it makes it clear that the site really should have some quality original content before you place adsense on the site.

    You know more about adsense then I do, however, I will still advise people not to put adsense on their site until they have some quality original and unique content. People seem to think that adsense is a right, and its not. Its a privilege, and you get 1 chance in your lifetime to have an adsense account and people dont realise that if they fuck that up, that its gone for good, so I really see no harm in advising people caution.
    (on a slightly different note, I am telling people in real life not to share their youtube vids with their family and friends if they have adsense. why? because its always someone wanting to click on their ads to help them out that gets them in trouble. )

    Besides, lets face it, a new person with a brand new site with no visitors, losses NOTHING by being patient and not putting on adsense. And if that person then takes their role as a google publisher seriously, and is extremely cautious in regards to all the sites they put their code on, learns the TOS by heart, then it works out very well for google, publishers and advertisers alike.

    Adsenseplr, can you write up a thread of the top 20 mistakes that newcommers make. Perhaps, call it "top 20 ways to have your adsense banned"
    matt_62, Sep 17, 2013 IP
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  12. Agent000

    Agent000 Prominent Member

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    another myth!
    Agent000, Sep 18, 2013 IP
  13. Agent000

    Agent000 Prominent Member

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    thats simply because in certain parts of the globe produce most of the crap sites and try and get away with fraud.
    Agent000, Sep 18, 2013 IP
  14. xXxpert

    xXxpert Well-Known Member

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    Good points, 100% agreed!!
    Its just like the student who fails due to his own faults and always blames the teacher that he did not teach him well, while all other position holders are in same class :)
    xXxpert, Sep 18, 2013 IP
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  15. adsenseplr

    adsenseplr Active Member

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    This thread was started to highlight common adsense myths - not for you to create more. It's not a list of rules, but adsense myths.
    adsenseplr, Sep 18, 2013 IP
  16. indyonline

    indyonline Prominent Member

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    One more myth you forgot.... That buying Adsense accounts will work (per your sig)
    If anybody buys one, their an idiot...
    indyonline, Oct 31, 2013 IP
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  17. Abiolas Gabriel

    Abiolas Gabriel Member

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    Have been using adsense 3 years,they never banned,though they warned me.
    Abiolas Gabriel, Oct 31, 2013 IP
  18. myrikimaru

    myrikimaru Active Member

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    Another common myth: Targeting high paying keywords

    I’m sure you’ve heard about how easy making money with AdSense as long as you are targeting high paying keywords, but is that really the case?

    For sure there are keywords which pay quite well but the reality is you’re not the only one who knows about them. Have you ever try to built a website that contain a keyword like mesothelioma or structured settlement? :) These webiste will have to compete against a lot of other webmasters for traffic. And since these keywords are quite specific, its very specific to be honest.. there are not that many searches for them and, as such, traffic will be an issue which will prove to be quite problematic. Making money by targeting high paying keywords is not impossible, but never make the mistake of thinking that it will that easy.
    myrikimaru, Oct 31, 2013 IP
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  19. matt_62

    matt_62 Prominent Member

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    @myrik, i think this is a little off the beaten path for adsense myths, in that every quality site has the potiential to earn from adsense.... but I believe that you are right in what you are saying, for how most people approach this issue in order to get a quick buck.

    This particular belief seems to be pushed (or sold) by writers, that want to convince people to hire them to write these articles. I too had some twit spamming me offering he could make "mesothelioma" articles etc, and trying to convince me that it was a good idea to hire him to create $1000 worth of content for this niche (over a period of weeks), but what I found odd was seeing as all he needed as a domain name to get started, he refused to do all this for himself... (kinda like he knows full well your not really gonna earn).

    For most people, the money is to be made in writing "mesothelioma" articles, rather then running the site.
    matt_62, Oct 31, 2013 IP
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  20. Seogoogle1

    Seogoogle1 Active Member

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    I think Dear you are right saying But When We see Google Rules then we are worry how we Working with Adsense..
    Seogoogle1, Oct 31, 2013 IP
    heartnet02 likes this.