1. Advertising
    y u no do it?

    Advertising (learn more)

    Advertise virtually anything here, with CPM banner ads, CPM email ads and CPC contextual links. You can target relevant areas of the site and show ads based on geographical location of the user if you wish.

    Starts at just $1 per CPM or $0.10 per CPC.

CJ is finished. There's no money here.

Discussion in 'Commission Junction' started by DinoJRG, Mar 11, 2015.

  1. markowe

    markowe Well-Known Member

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    I've gotta say that CJ has never performed great for me either, which makes no sense, it's just products, like any other network. Except that eBay and Amazon I think convert just way way better than random advertiser X (OK, there are some big names in there too, but not for the kind of stuff I want to promote).

    I have another big gripe with CJ - their Product API STINKS!! I really want to use it to try to do some interesting product comparison stuff, have been trying on and off for years, and it is just useless. The keyword search is dumber than dumb, you constantly have to tinker with the keywords to get meaningful results, and a range of other problems. eBay's and Amazon's APIs are light-years ahead of CJ's - I don't know how they expect us to list their products if there is no decent web service...
    markowe, May 5, 2015 IP
  2. steveb

    steveb Well-Known Member

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    Many complain that CJ doesn't work for them. But for many publishers, they have figured out how to make it work. I was in the same boat when I first started. It's hard to get a sale, but once you figure out how to drive targeted traffic and work that sales funnel, then you start seeing the commissions.

    I agree with you on their technology side. I liked their older interface better.
    steveb, May 5, 2015 IP
  3. markowe

    markowe Well-Known Member

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    Yeah, I know what you are saying, people expect CJ to perform similarly to Amazon or eBay in that there is this big trusted name that people will always buy from if you send them there. CJ itself obviously is meaningless and transparent to the buyer (except for those pig-ugly zxyfghw.com redirect links), and does not have many single, large names, you have to pick out single products to promote in a targeted way, and most affiliate marketers just want to "spray and pray" with their promotion. However, when I set up a comparison listing for specific products, some electronics item, say, with CJ vendors, eBay and Amazon - the CJ vendors NEVER have the lowest price, so it's not surprising they don't convert that well...
    markowe, May 6, 2015 IP
  4. DinoJRG

    DinoJRG Member

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    Never heard of Casinos?
    I don't believe they get paid on leads or sales either. I'm fairly convinced that CJ pays out "important" publishers but steals the sales hits for most people.
    It's not a few hundred dollars. It's a few hundred dollars from each of the several thousands of publishers. Then they pay out to the bigboy publishers.
    Frig off with the "you're naive", "You don't know what you are talking about" and the "Don't blame others" horsecrap.
    There's not generalization. I did the test and it's just a scam. Others have did the test too.
    I could throw them 500,000 high quality visitors to the affiliates, wait a year to catch the commission from their cookies, and at the end be sitting at $0 earnings.

    Forget about defending CJ. CJ is a total dud. Obviously there are a few rare people who've pulled in money but the majority says using CJ is just like donating sales to them for nothing.
    DinoJRG, May 6, 2015 IP
  5. onegoodman25

    onegoodman25 Active Member

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    I am an affiliate and been with CJ for over 3 years, i make pretty good income ( have had issue with some affiliate program but not the network ), i would recommend it. I am sorry if you didn't make chance, but maybe the program you promoted wasn't worthy, most of the programs i work with are big names.
    onegoodman25, Feb 9, 2016 IP
  6. alexgreatcpa

    alexgreatcpa Well-Known Member Affiliate Manager

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    CJ is dead and will finished upcoming days. When someone think he is above public he goes in hell before time.
    alexgreatcpa, Aug 27, 2017 IP
  7. ethanlee

    ethanlee Peon

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    I agree with you. CJ has never performed well for me.
    ethanlee, Aug 29, 2017 IP
  8. dcristo

    dcristo Illustrious Member

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    I never had much luck with CJ.
    dcristo, Aug 29, 2017 IP
  9. webprof1990

    webprof1990 Greenhorn

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    i also wish cj worked for me.but it didnt i think it was dowm to there oroduct selection whcih was offered. maybe someone will make a clean affiliate platform that has a good product selection and is kept upto date.
    webprof1990, Jan 15, 2018 IP
  10. markowe

    markowe Well-Known Member

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    I have a small (for now) price comparison site that I monetise with Skimlinks. Here are some recent earnings figures:


    That says it all, I think - look where all the earnings are coming from! (Oh yes, and who says you can't earn from eBay anymore...) And it's been like this ever since I started doing affiliate stuff in 2008. The top 3 are Amazon and eBay - the rest are mostly CJ retailers (Overstock, SecondSpin etc.).

    I think the problem is simply that the market is dominated by Amazon and eBay, and a few other big names (just talking about retail product sales for now). MANY of the retailers on CJ just aren't household names and they don't nearly have the trust among consumers that Amazon does, so you are automatically at a disadvantage promoting them. However you need to pick carefully through the offers and you can find individual things to promote that can earn you money.

    Me, I keep the CJ retailers on my price comparison listings as it means more information for my visitors, and more sales on Amazon and eBay :D
    markowe, Jan 15, 2018 IP