Selling cheap php Programmer wordpress/other:Pay After work to satisfaction or its FREE - 5$ only

Discussion in 'Programming' started by competent123, Feb 28, 2014.



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  1. #1
    I am offering "cheap PHP programming" and "beautiful website design" service

    I also undertake any other type of programming work like wordpress/mysql etc etc

    I am online usually all day long, so i can take up work instantly.

    I won't require money upfront for small projects, pay at completion and to your satisfaction.

    I can do most of the modification/creation work.

    I also do research to make your website unique and help you more money from your website with related promotion based services.

    I also have a team of article writers at my disposal, so if you need forum posting/article writing/yahoo answers posting or similar related service please ping me as well

    Whatever the work, please do ask me first.
    you pay only if you are satisfied otherwise its free.
    and if the work is small enough, i might even do it for free. :)
    It cant' get any cheaper than this.!

    i dont' work on an hourly basis, rather per project basis, so you can control costs.

    Talk to me
    Skype : parvesh2002 | Gtalk : parvesh2002(at) | career placement services
    competent123, Feb 28, 2014 IP
  2. Wen Von

    Wen Von Banned

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    Completed a small project and the issue was fixed fast and with satisfaction. Would recommend this person for your programming needs.
    Wen Von, Mar 3, 2014 IP
    competent123 likes this.