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Changing Domain Name for Better Keyword Ranking??

Discussion in 'Search Engine Optimization' started by pcoptimized, Apr 1, 2011.

  1. #1
    Hello fellow DP'ers.

    I have a site that i've written about 3 articles on and kind of left it alone for a bit. The site is about 2 years old.

    I'm writing a book now that the site relates to.
    Have been doing some keyword research.
    Found a domain that more closely resembles what I'm trying to rank for. But only in one word difference.

    This is a change I'm considering...

    Current Domain: keywordkeywordNOTKEYWORD

    Found Domain: keywordkeywordKEYWORD

    On the Current domain I'm number 14 in searches (page 2).

    The new keyword I'm aiming to rank higher for has about 450 searches per day. The domain is available.

    Should I purchase the new domain and move all content from current to new? What damage would there be?

    Should I purchase new domain and copy all content to that one, leaving both domains in tact until new one gets ranked?

    Should I forget about new domain name and optimize current domain with new keywords?
    pcoptimized, Apr 1, 2011 IP
  2. webcosmo

    webcosmo Notable Member

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    i would go for the new domain.

    make sure to do a 301 redirect from your old site to the new one.
    webcosmo, Apr 1, 2011 IP
  3. huiz41

    huiz41 Active Member

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    yup go for the new domain name here
    huiz41, Apr 1, 2011 IP
  4. whoisjohngalt

    whoisjohngalt Peon

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    No. Absolutely not. In the best of worlds your domain name should match your site title should match your site description should match your main keyword, should be in your opening sentence. However, that domain thing is overplayed. You catch the main breeze from what's inside the site...not the domain name. Believe it or not.

    But that's not really the point. When you get a new domain, you start at exactly 0. Whatever respect your old domain has gathered in two years is gone when you trade up to a new domain. Besides that, if your SEO is not right in the old domain, it still won't be right in the new one.

    The thing to do is to work on the innards of the website you already own. Forget about the domain name and concentrate on the rest of what I mentioned. Add good SEO to what you already have and you'll be ahead of the game.

    Then, if you want to get that new domain, then by all means do it. Rewrite your original articles and put them on there. Make a new effort. But you'd be making a mistake by ditching the first site.

    All this assumes that you are serious about getting that site found.

    whoisjohngalt, Apr 1, 2011 IP
  5. youssefedwardsaber

    youssefedwardsaber Active Member

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    when changing domain, you must consider that google may give more importance to old domains than newer ones. you can make 301 redirect.
    youssefedwardsaber, Apr 1, 2011 IP
  6. pcoptimized

    pcoptimized Peon

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    Thank you for your insights all.

    The new domain is actually same as title of site same as first sentence, etc.
    I would actually look at dropping the old site.
    But maybe I can rewrite the articles and have both going and do the redirect until the old expires.

    I should probably avoid dup content by re writing.
    pcoptimized, Apr 1, 2011 IP
  7. Kiranraj

    Kiranraj Well-Known Member

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    Yes, Go with the new domain that consist keywords in it helps in getting keyword ranking on the search engines
    Kiranraj, Apr 7, 2011 IP
  8. Pansingh

    Pansingh Peon

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    Domain name can help but don't forget that you must have quality content as well. Domain name can help you in staying on top for some time but if you want to remain top permanently then work on the content which can engage the visitors for long time.
    Pansingh, Jun 28, 2012 IP
  9. seotrafficsearch

    seotrafficsearch Peon

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    I would suggest that you go with the new domain and start off with new set of keywords and new ways of optimization. BUT, you should keep in mind that keywords in domain name are not of great importance. Its the content and other optimization techniques which matter the most. It's just that you'll have an edge over the others if you have keyword rich domain.
    seotrafficsearch, Jun 29, 2012 IP