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Challenging list building question

Discussion in 'General Marketing' started by flyingSquirrel, Jul 12, 2015.

  1. #1
    Edit: I apologize for the wall of text below. I realize now, a few hours later, that in typing this out, I got closer to the answers I need. I did some further research and realized I just need to do a bunch of paid ads and also be super social and try to point people toward the opt-in form. There may be other solutions that I am not aware of, and I am sure a lot of members have some fantastic input and tips, but I don't expect people to read the wall of text (now that I look at it again). :D

    Here's where I'm at right now:
    • I am a nature photographer (amateur on the side of my full time regular job)
    • I do not have a blog (please see reasons why, later in this post)
    • The only content that I post or share is: My photographs across a number of photography social media platforms (Flickr, 500px, etc), and I just started Facebook, Twitter, (zero followers on those two). Along with those photos I sometimes post short photography tips, what I did to get the shot, quotes, etc. And something in the past I used to do, but don't have time anymore, is to post a lot of replies and help on photography forums to assist others that had questions or wanted to improve in the areas I have knowledge in.
    • The only audience I have currently are perhaps 300 people that "follow" me on the photography sharing sites like Flickr and 500px
    • I do not have an email list yet (but recently signed up for aweber because Pat Flynn uses it and he's awesome IMO)

    Here's what my goal is:
    • I want to create an email list and grow it as large as possible, with quality, relevant subscribers that are interested in my photography, and that would potentially purchase training products from me
    • But I want to grow the email list without starting any kind of blog or channel that would require me to send out free content on a regular basis.

    Reasons why I don't have a blog and do not want to start one:
    • I don't have enough time to blog in addition to everything else I am doing
    • I want to focus all of my time and energy on creating the best paid products that I possibly can. I want them to be professional and knock the socks off of my future customers. I want to over-deliver in that area.
    • I am just keeping it real here. I really have no desire to publish a bunch of free content publicly, which millions of other people are doing anyway in the arena of photography blogging. It doesn't get me fired up. What gets me fired up is making amazing paid products that use my full potential, creativity, and knowledge, to get real results (massively improved photography) for any customers that are the right fit for what I am offering (I have a description of the target audience).

    All of that said, I am willing (and understand it is necessary) to create valuable opt-in content, helpful resources, free info, cheat sheets, etc as a "trade" for a potential subscriber's email address. I was thinking I would also send out surveys about what challenges they may be facing in their photography. And maybe do quick 'field reports' of trips I go on, what I learned, and so forth

    The main goal of all of this is to build a list of potential customers that I can then do a premium product launch for (I have a launch plan outline from some experts in that area)

    I am going to design and put up a personal website for my photography and "brand." On there I can put a landing page where I can send people to sign up for the newsletter.

    What are the best methods that I could use to build an email list of relevant subscribers, but without the blogging / youtube / etc, technique? One that comes to mind is paid ads. That's all I can think of. Would appreciate your expert advice and ideas for this challenging question.
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2015
    flyingSquirrel, Jul 12, 2015 IP
  2. ldrummond

    ldrummond Greenhorn

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    ldrummond, May 21, 2016 IP
  3. ldrummond

    ldrummond Greenhorn

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    Have you tried to run a contest or giveaway? This method will build your list quickly, and it won't break the bank.
    All you have to do is set up a giveaway, maybe on social media, by offering some kind of prize that people can go into a draw to win, maybe some type of photography software or equipment.
    Hope this helps.
    ldrummond, May 21, 2016 IP
  4. JoyOptimize

    JoyOptimize Greenhorn

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    I understand not wanting to create large amounts of free content, I feel the same way. I have a few ideas you can take what you like and leave the rest.

    My suggestion would be to register your business as a domain, even without a site as such.
    Use this as a main opt in page.
    Build your social media followers and use the giveaway mentioned above.

    The problem I see is that if you have them on emailing list you are going to need to be contacting them regularly, so that they remember you.

    My solution for you would be to send relevant posts from other websites if you agree with the advice. Add a short paragraph of your own thoughts and that would fulfill your requirement of not taking too much time.

    As for not releasing tons of free content, I would still recommend when you can find the time writing some posts for large photography websites to direct their traffic to your social media profiles.

    Hope this helps, Joy
    JoyOptimize, May 21, 2016 IP
  5. Mybulen

    Mybulen Active Member

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    Why not start a wordpress woocommerce site. Costs nothing and maybe 5 hours depending on your content.

    then promote it and advertise. boom 5 hours online store. that will generate sales far more than emails.
    Mybulen, May 21, 2016 IP