Case study - How to rank a new EMD domain No1 in one month

Discussion in 'Search Engine Optimization' started by faceblogger, Nov 24, 2011.

  1. #1
    This is a sample case study on how I ranked an Exact Match Domain #1 in Google in one month using simple and less expensive SEO steps.

    Here, I am showing only one example site and If you have 30 sites like this you can simply make a $150/day income easily!

    The process follows...

    Did key word research & bought a new Exact Match .org domain [.com and .net was already taken]
    The niche was medium competitive (or less medium competitive since it's not an affiliate key word). Not tough as "Auto insurance quotes" and not easy as "internet explorer ipad"

    Global Monthly searches (Exact Match) - 40,500 (It means daily 1350 users are searching using this exact keyword - This number is not accurate, but closer to the number as the google keyword tool values are not that accurate). The average CPC of the niche is pretty less (lesser than $1)

    1. I set up wordpress and posted 5x500 unique good quality articles relevant to the. Installed the basic plugins and added the about page & contact page

    2. First week I set up 20 web 2.0 properties(all do follow) with 22% unique spun articles (one unique article spun 20 times - I used the free version of spinnerchief). All those made with images because I don't want them to be removed later. This type of links are very powerful in a long run. My VA has done this manually - did not use any tools.

    I used some inter-linking between these properties too - Not like a link wheel. I did some inter layering and got more link juice passed to the Wordpress, Blogger & Weebly pages.

    3. Scheduled all these web 2.0 properties to daily 1000 xrumer blast for related set of keywords (all blogs together - not individually) for continuous 30 days.

    4. Started making 4-5 do follow blog comments daily on high PR pages - My VA. (Page with less than 200 OBL)

    5. After 1-2 weeks (or near by, I don't remember the day exactly) did a direct AMR (Article) blast - only to directories with PR0+ Got around 150 live links.

    At the end of two weeks the rank was #66 on google (I don't care about other search engines)

    6. After two weeks I gave a 1000 direct xrumer blast to the site using a set of non-targeted key words and did the same one week after this too - Just scheduled and it happened automatically.

    The purpose of using this xrumer blast was to diversify the anchor text. I usually use 50% of links with my targeted anchor and the rest with a few other keywords and and also exact url.

    7. Gave a 15000 Links ScrapeBox blast to the web 2.0 properties.

    After 18 days rank was #32

    8. Then I ordered a bulk Social Bookmarking Service (1000+ live links both do follow and nofollow). You can either do it in your own or order a bulk social bookmarking service

    Checked the ranking after 3 weeks (3 days after the completion of social bookmarking) and the site was in #5 (Yes, social bookmarks are very effective currently for short term boosts)

    9. Added some more High PR blog comments (daily 5-10)

    I pinged all Xrumer & Social Bookmarking URLs. Added them to two indexing services. [I used the free version]

    Rank was #1 from the 27th day.

    Average unique daily visitors : 700-800 & Average daily adsense income $10
    But it will come down to $4-$5/day if it fell down to 2nd rank.

    Some of the web 2.0 properties got Page Rank too now (4 got PR2 and 5 got PR1). Because the PR update occurred nearly 20 days after I started blasting them. Also my main site (money site) is PR3

    I continued the xrumer blast to the web 2.0 properties for 30 days.

    My conclusion and opinion.

    My focus was to get diversified links (Contextual web 2.0, Social Bookmarks, Blog comments, Article, Profile, etc). Getting long term powerful links - web 2.0, Not all social bookmarking and Blog comment links are long term but there are good for immediate rank boost. However 50% of them are likely to last for long term.
    Profile & Article backlinks are not powerful as they used to be. They give some rank improvement but not as they used to be.
    Article directories were hunted by google after the panda started. Profile links were hunted even before that. However they work to some extent.
    Some people blast articles with Xrumer/ScrapeBox but I did not use it because blasting web 2.0 gives much better results than blasting articles - Especially after panda!
    You can direct blast the money site with xrumer but limit it to a small number and also make sure you drip feed it.

    SEO techniques changes with time so... test, research and read that will keep you updated always. If you continue the SEO you did 6 months ago you may not be able to rank effectively because google changes fast. Therefore we too should change the techniques!

    I did not use some SEO methods such as Private blog networks (which I use for many of my other websites successfully), etc just because, in this case study I wanted to go through a simple and less expensive process.
    faceblogger, Nov 24, 2011 IP
    NewTier likes this.
  2. AznRico

    AznRico Peon

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    When you blast using xrummer and SB, what anchor links do you use? Do you use regular names or keyword anchors? Also, are your comments generic spam comments, or generic to your niche?
    AznRico, Nov 25, 2011 IP
  3. faceblogger

    faceblogger Guest

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    I used both regular names and keywords related to my niche.
    faceblogger, Nov 25, 2011 IP
  4. phuongtbnguyen

    phuongtbnguyen Member

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    sorry, but I'm newbie here. Could you tell my what is EMD domain?
    phuongtbnguyen, Nov 26, 2011 IP
  5. digitalwebman06

    digitalwebman06 Active Member

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    its very interesting. but i can't afford the Xrumer. have you any other solution.
    digitalwebman06, Nov 27, 2011 IP
  6. AznRico

    AznRico Peon

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    What about when you were writing comments 5x a day to high PR blogs? Still a mix or regular names? I would assume admins don't approve anchor texts so easily.
    AznRico, Nov 29, 2011 IP
  7. NewTier

    NewTier Notable Member

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    But you make $12,000 per month, why not?
    NewTier, Nov 29, 2011 IP
  8. Trioman

    Trioman Active Member

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    Great strategy...I use a similar strategy to rank a exact match domain as well. The main different is I used Fiverr to outsource all the work.
    Trioman, Nov 29, 2011 IP
  9. Sharp.Web

    Sharp.Web Member

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    whats EPMD domain?
    Sharp.Web, Nov 29, 2011 IP
  10. faceblogger

    faceblogger Guest

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    Exact Match Domain

    EMD - Exact Match Domain

    Ha Ha Ha! Good catch!!!!
    faceblogger, Nov 29, 2011 IP
  11. Sharp.Web

    Sharp.Web Member

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    EMD - Exact Match Domain - okay with that in mind how much is enough?
    Sharp.Web, Nov 30, 2011 IP
  12. faceblogger

    faceblogger Guest

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    Sorry, I din't get your question. Could you elaborate it a bit?
    faceblogger, Dec 1, 2011 IP