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Calculating keyword density

Discussion in 'Search Engine Optimization' started by Arthur1, Aug 11, 2011.

  1. #1
    Could I get your advice on the subject of keyword density as I am having a debate about it with a client?

    The client wants a 1,000 word article with 3% keyword density. The keyword has two words in it.

    3% of 1,000 is 30. The client wants the keyword used 30 times. I seem to remember reading that you should divide the numbers of keyword phrases required by the numbers of words in the keyword - 30 divided by 2 = 15. Is that right? Should the two word keyword phrase be used 30 or 15 times?

    I would appreciate your expert thoughts.

    Arthur1, Aug 11, 2011 IP
  2. kevbo22

    kevbo22 Active Member

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    I always shoot for a 5-6% keyword density. I use: www.live-keyword-analysis.com to check that. The percent amount per keyword has always been debated. I have read here on DP that the proper keyword density is 1%, 2%, 3%, 4%, 5%, 6% etc. Everyone will have an opion. I do believe with the new Google Panda update too much keyword density is a bad thing. But if you were to have 1000 words with 3% density, the keyword would be used 30 times. 1000*3%=30 even if your keyword is multiple words.
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2011
    kevbo22, Aug 11, 2011 IP
  3. Dirty Butch

    Dirty Butch Peon

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    Since there are 2 words in the keyword, my opinion is that it should appear 15 times. Imagine if you had a 10 words keyword; it would be ridiculous to reserve 300 words just for density (just an example to illustrate my point :p)
    Dirty Butch, Aug 11, 2011 IP
  4. mmagikman

    mmagikman Peon

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    Two or more keywords is technically a keyphrase btw. I would put the keyphrase in 30 times. 6% isn't gonna hurt.
    mmagikman, Aug 11, 2011 IP