Building up backlinks

Discussion in 'Link Development' started by tonys10, May 17, 2023.

  1. #1
    Looking to build/create new high-quality backlinks in the USA, preferably in Florida.

    I'm wondering if there are any specialists in this field. As far as I know, it doesn't seem to be an officially recognized profession, other than the general term of SEO.
    tonys10, May 17, 2023 IP
  2. seomanualsubmission

    seomanualsubmission Well-Known Member

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    Need to check your niche market, website before comment anything because USA based high quality backlinks are ok .... but specially Florida based a bit tough according to me. Seems like you are looking for Local / Regional SEO Service to promote your business / website in your region. Just PM me or reply here more details to let you know what we can do for you.

    Then what is your profession .... Clear it please.
    seomanualsubmission, May 17, 2023 IP
  3. Artisan

    Artisan Well-Known Member

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    If you will change the words "build/create" to the words "buy/purchase", and the word "wondering" with the following tail to the word "hiring" with the suitable entourage, then you may try to hope, that the suitable people will contact you about this topic.
    Artisan, May 18, 2023 IP
    GreenHost.Cloud and Sumit_Singh like this.
  4. Event King

    Event King Greenhorn

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    Link building is an unregulated service full of charlatans all claiming to be the best, when their own sites can't get 2000 in yearly visitors. Always do the work yourself because if it fails and most WILL, then it's only time you're burning and not money. Problem is obtaining decent links requires sheds loads of cash, unless you own a property of equal standing that can be offered as a link swap deal - unfortunately the big link-swap talkers and advisors don't explain this key point and the wannabee swappers never own these decent websites, so it's all a waste of time, - an 'illusion' that never gets off the ground.
    Event King, Jan 8, 2024 IP
    GreenHost.Cloud likes this.
  5. Flowzai

    Flowzai Greenhorn

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    Any online professional should know about parameters
    Flowzai, Feb 4, 2024 IP
  6. Event King

    Event King Greenhorn

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    If you look at link building closely, most are bloggers, operating low-level sites, very little content eg: 50 pages total content, and to think this will work is just stupid. People want content, they either want:

    1. an entire subject resource
    2. social elevator that promotes them to fame
    3. search/portal

    4. all result in a free link/content boost.

    This just isn't possible anymore as the web has changed, people are clued up, publishers are protective and not afraid to say NO to free link requests. Free links on high traffic sites - forget it.
    Event King, Feb 6, 2024 IP
  7. Agalak

    Agalak Peon

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    I think you shouldn't just look for companies in Florida. Websites like Upwork, Freelancer, and LinkedIn can help you find freelance SEO experts from anywhere who can do link-building work for you.
    Agalak, Feb 7, 2024 IP
  8. Event King

    Event King Greenhorn

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    Waste of time, ineffective due to the amount of low level blog links he'll end up with, plus if the publishers/owners have a Term & Conditions/contract on these blogs, he will just be signed up to tons of 2nd contracts and be chased for paid links by debt agencies and Court action. The whole link building thing is an illusion, filled with hassle and grief. Just stop and think before doing this.

    SEO experts lol, their just form fillers mate. There is no skill whatsoever in using Roboform - no skill, it's just spamming, something many blog/portal site owners hate, so if they don't boot you off their property, they sue for the money instead, making you pay out twice or even 3/4 times, is the likely result. Don't forget some sites ask for £2000 per link/article, the rest will be worthless link placement, lowering your site's perception of worth in a visitors mind, plus any ranking gained will be lost eg: a higher/better site sits on a lesser blog, it just looks weird, desperate and it's just dumb doing that.

    Usual situation is, on not paying the website owner:

    1. Get booted/deleted - you lose your SEO payment and any potential worth from those site/s.
    2. Your link will likely be held by the publisher's Content Management System (CMS), and won't ever display, until the owner checks out their back-end, - they will check if payment has gone through, and if not, either delete or more likely begin invoicing/chasing payment.

    3. SEO expert - they will lose any 'work' they did, (links are held automatically/not displayed) wasted effort and lose a client due to lost links being deleted by the publisher/site, 'holder of the link/s, the advertising site'.

    Pointless exercise and waste of time/money with little to gain. Nobody does link exchanges anymore - anything good is a paid service now. Ok, only the desperate fools do it.
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2024
    Event King, Feb 8, 2024 IP
  9. Agalak

    Agalak Peon

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    Yes, at some point, link-building can be risky because you might end up with bad links or face legal problems with website owners. But not all SEO experts or link-building methods are useless.
    Some good SEO experts know how to get good links without causing problems. If you pick the right freelancers who have done good work before, you can reduce the risks and get good links that actually help your website. I've done it a while ago, and I've seen the result I've expected.
    Agalak, Feb 10, 2024 IP
  10. Event King

    Event King Greenhorn

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    Let me guess, you're talking about 'relationships' between website and agent, and I'm sure a few exist, but these will be charlatans both blog owners and agents. You know, I've been in the publishing game for 19 yrs, operated nearly every site type known to man, gotten over 15M in traffic, appeared in the national media and never, never, ever had a link approach in 18 yrs, and never had or likely to have any SEO firm approach me about 'partnerships' eg:

    SEO spammer:
    High traffic site:
    These SEO fools don't even ask permission, they just spam open forms, and the few that do it professionally, using polite requests, work from such small lists (less than 100), full of low level blogs/sites - why? because that's all they can get!

    No self respecting owner that owns a site of significance would let some 'dumb anyone', (who calls himself an SEO), have link space that worthy/hot - there's no way. Infact any link requests will be ignored and not even read.

    I used to have this stupid debate on other forums and I kept telling people not to do this as it's such a waste of time and one day I decided to prove the point. My search engine had 450k visitors in 2016, I approached, asked for a free link and the guy laughed at me, I then asked MSN how much their link space was in their email service, and it was £1500 for 1 month, so there you go.

    The kind of links you and so many talk about the ease in getting, are actually worthless junk, such links sitting on worthless sites that have so much difficulty in standing out themselves, well, it's laughable how ridiculous these sites and blogs are. If these blogs etc were so great at drawing in traffic, they wouldn't need SEO spammer relationships, or hang about on forums pretending to be SEO God's.

    In other word's 'they don't know squat about promoting their own site, yet claim expertise in getting links' but here's the issue of why it fails - they don't own the 'publishing sites', thus how can they claim expertise in traffic delivery - they just use other's work and take a fee off the back of it. And the real site owner has to investigate what's going on when they suddenly get a spike in advertisers, which turns out the SEO agent's client knows nothing about the invoice they just received, and you see nothing wrong in that.

    It's spam and theft of someone else's link space.
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2024
    Event King, Feb 10, 2024 IP
  11. Agalak

    Agalak Peon

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    I respect your point of view. Indeed, you mentioned some valid points, especially about charlatans out there, but I call them scammers since they take cash and do nothing.
    On the other hand, some companies actually build strategies specifically for your website, and based on my own experience, I can say that it actually works.
    Agalak, Feb 12, 2024 IP
  12. Event King

    Event King Greenhorn

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    And charge hefty fees for actually something you can do yourself with some effort. These 'companies' never have the 'relationships' they speak of, it's all bs, bravado to con new clients, and you try getting traffic stats or results out of them, I'm telling you the publishing sites will not give up that information to these SEO freelancers, thus they won't have it to give you, meaning you have no way of knowing what your being posted on, or it's long-term benefits. Even if you find that legit, reputable, golden freelancer (that isn't doing this from their bedroom), I guarantee you'll end up with untargeted, junk links at a heavy cost, because that's all that's available, and the best, biggest and brightest of sites, portals, guides and blogs won't want a bunch of wannabe blog owners, with their 50 page efforts, clogging up their masterpiece creations - that's why.

    But if you want to be SEO spammed and signed up to many contracts and pay double, sued etc, please be my guest - I have authority over you regarding this.
    Event King, Feb 13, 2024 IP
  13. Agalak

    Agalak Peon

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    I think if everything was as bad as you described, there weren't so many SEO companies out there. Agre, that majority of them are scammers, but they shut in a year or two after opening.
    Still, I'm talking about my friends' cases when a reputable company actually helped them.
    Agalak, Feb 14, 2024 IP
  14. Markarba

    Markarba Peon

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    Required Skills:

    • Extensive experience in white hat link building techniques such as:
      • Guest posting
      • Broken link building
      • Link reclamation
      • ...
    Platforms to Find Specialists:

    • SEO agency directories like Clutch and UpCity
    • Freelance platforms like Upwork and Fiverr
    • Local SEO communities
    Tips for Choosing a Specialist:

    • Focus on the quality of links
    • Ensure transparency and clear communication
    • Set your budget beforehand

    • Use keywords related to white hat link building when searching.
    Additional Note:

    • Be sure to check the reviews of specialists before hiring them.
    Final Note:

    • Link building is an ongoing process that requires patience and perseverance
    Markarba, Feb 15, 2024 IP
  15. Event King

    Event King Greenhorn

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    Sure, a few cases where people got lucky and didn't get sued by the publishing site - but all it takes is 300 links being posted by an SEO, and that could bankrupt the likes of you and others. Reputable? how can any SEO that goes around entering clients into contracts, without checking the publisher's Terms & Conditions, Submit buttons or contractual wording, ever in this world be called trusted lol.

    This is the issue - the world thinks it's entitled to a low-cost or free ride, and when they find out they can't get that, they go nuts, get sued or much worse hehe.

    Actions have consequences, quite severe actually.
    Event King, Feb 16, 2024 IP
  16. Agalak

    Agalak Peon

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    Well, I'm not aware of anyone being sued for that. If you'd share some sources where I can read about some cases, it would be helpful.
    Agalak, Feb 19, 2024 IP
  17. Event King

    Event King Greenhorn

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    You can't just read about Court cases, documents are held by the Courts and those involved, I do have some myself, but they aren't made public. The best I can do is Google images: court judgement letter&tbm=isch&hl=en-GB&sa=X&ved=0CCAQtI8BKAJqFwoTCKDw5Zb5uYQDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAY&biw=1903&bih=953#imgrc=Rw71FKMJbY19nM

    The way it works is the Claimant makes a 'small claim' for money owed by the debtor eg: a claim is made for amounts £300 to £5,000, - it then goes to Court (if the debtor puts in a defence), and a District Judge oversees all cases, whatever business type is involved, checks any evidence for the claim and makes judgement on the facts. The Claimant is awarded a CCJ or Court Order (they are both orders to pay made by the court), and steps taken to recover eg: High Court Enforcement Officers are sent out to take control of goods, but refusal to give up or hide goods is an offense and can mean prison/fine or both.

    If the debtor refuses payment, it goes back to Court for 'oral questioning' and a second chance is afforded, if no payment is made, a case for contempt of court is heard, where it passes to Magistrates Court for prosecution.
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2024
    Event King, Feb 20, 2024 IP
  18. Agalak

    Agalak Peon

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    Well, if those docs are helped by courts and participants of the case, how did you find this one you've shared?
    I'm not accusing you of anything; I'm just curious.
    Agalak, Feb 22, 2024 IP
  19. Event King

    Event King Greenhorn

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    People post court orders onto image sites as a revenge tactic, as the claimants likely didn't get paid, even with an order.
    Event King, Feb 23, 2024 IP
  20. Agalak

    Agalak Peon

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    As far as I know, you can sue the person again for not paying with the court order, and it will turn even into more trouble.
    But posting this stuff as an image? Does it really help?
    Agalak, Feb 24, 2024 IP