Building mobile indoor navigation JS application without relying on GPS or any other kind of sensors

Discussion in 'JavaScript' started by John911119, Jan 19, 2020.

  1. #1
    I would like to build a SIMPLE mobile(Android+IOS) indoor navigation app,which would be used for navigation in complex buildings.The app would not use GPS or rely on any kind of sensors(mobile or external). Every level of the building would be presented with 2D map(bird view). The user would enter his starting location(point A) and the destination(point B). The app would calculate the shortest path from A to B and present it by drawing the line in the 2D map.I would like to use HTML,CSS and JavaScript for building the web app first,later I would convert it into a mobile app.Please answer all questions and label answers with numbers.Any help will be deeply appreciated!

    1)Could anybody PLEASE give me an advice how to build an application like this?For example, programming examples,libraries,technologies,tutorials etc.I have no idea what to use and how to build the app.

    According to my understanding this app would have to use:

    2)2D MAP of each level of the building(bird view). Could anybody recommend the software I could use for building this kind of map? I already have simple(bird view)level plans pics of the building.Do I need to modify pics of the levels in some software in order to make them usable in the application?

    3)Math ALGORITHM for calculating the shortest part from A to B. Could anybody recommend the best math algorithm fro this kind of app?

    4)JavaScript graphics library for drawing the shortest path on a 2D MAP from A to B. Could anybody recommend the best JavaScript library for this kind of app?

    Thanks in advance!John
    John911119, Jan 19, 2020 IP
  2. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    Starting with a website first is a very, very good idea.
    1. You shouldn't need any libraries. This should be able to be done with clean php and javascript
    2. Inkscape and gimp should be all you need for working with the graphics. You will need to modify your graphics. It is highly unlikely that your source will be in the right format, right scale etc.
    3. I'm guessing you'll need to set up a google Streetview style "road" through the building - see if there are any blog posts from Google's engineers about how they do the maths. Each possible route needs to be identified and your calculations need to be fast so you can't calculate every possibility and then find the shortest. You need something smarter than that.
    4. I've got nothing on this, but not my area of interest or expertise
    sarahk, Jan 19, 2020 IP
  3. loki781

    loki781 Greenhorn

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    A path finding library like could be used to find the path. You would need to turn the image into an array of areas you could walk on and areas you couldn't. I'm not sure on that part
    loki781, Apr 12, 2020 IP