Brand new xbox/playstation game Blog

Discussion in 'Websites' started by Charlie Miller, Nov 15, 2018.

  1. #1
    Hi all,

    I've very recently just got back into website building, this is the website i've been working on for the last week or so, there's only 4 or 5 articles on there at the minute but i'd say they're all around 1000 words and relatively keyword dense (around 1.5%), but this is coming from someone with little to no SEO knowledge. I'm slowly writing about an article a day after work but this should increase once i'm done with the 1000+ word articles and move onto say 350 word news sections,

    The blog itself is a informational site centred around Red Dead Redemption 2, a massively successful new game for Xbox and Playstation,


    Arthur Morgan is the main protagonist in the game and tends to note everything he does in a journal, hence the URL,

    Any feedback or criticism would be greatly appriciated as i'm conscious the vast majority of you have vastly more experience than myself,

    Thanks in advance,

    I will reply to all feedback as no one likes a dead thread,

    Last edited: Nov 15, 2018
    Charlie Miller, Nov 15, 2018 IP